It's all starting to seem so fake

This is an almost sterile discussion you know, people will only answer you that you don’t make enough effort, that it hasn’t been long enough and that you have to fight again and again. That is the problem of this world, when people come and ask questions that are more complicated than normal, that require real answers that go beyond the order of their beliefs, you will have no answers.
When the only answer you get after months of trying is: “You have to experiment yourself” or “Hey, look, I managed to do this, this, this and that with magic”, I understand you, it’s really frustrating and it makes you want to stop everything.
In any case, I give you all my respect for talking about it and I find it a shame that your post was flagged. This is ridiculous. In the meantime, I wish you success :slight_smile:


That’s true, anyone can be ignorant I’ll give you that.

But it was irrelevant towards the solution, but it was relevant to my story, my background, my beliefs and my ideas. right now, this has nothing to do with the topic too, we’ve gone off topic. I apologize. let’s not argue about this anymore.

Okay, the reason I ask is because you were asking for proof of this stuff working, and the thread I dropped literally has hundreds of some of the best success stories that BALG has to offer…so I suggest reading through them all before coming back to this thread… because frankly, if those don’t convince you that demons have power, then nothing said here will. All of the back and forth here is essentially becoming a waste of time


Libraries in my university had nothing I ordered some books online tho

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Mhm, I tried to help and give you an answer. In my first reply I thought you were doubting that the rituals can work. You denied that. So I was trying to dig deeper, but I guess I shouldn’t have, it leads to nowhere if you just block it. In the end you doubted that I read everything, so I brought ht up my iq too. That’s it.


Yeah I’m not sure why it’s deemed inappropriate but oh well what are you gonna do. + I got enough responses I think…

Thanks for your positive words tho man! appreciate it :heart:

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There you go, there are also online scholarly articles your university may have access to if you ask the librarian. Doctorate dissertations can be a good source as well.

Studying psychology in general may prove useful to you, especially jungian with the archetypes in particular. While I do not believe that spirits are the mental archetypes he and those who align themselves to his thought process may believe, I do think that it is one of the avenues they can approach us with. You can mediate on each one and, at the very least, get to the root of your fears about spirits emerging and deal with it. It can be extremely uncomfortable but it may prove to be the key to your success you are looking for. I have found myself on the brink of giving up in the past and the one lesson I can give anyone finding themselves at that point is that if what works for others does not work for you, find another way,


@DA_KD Agreed, about the pay me thing. But about the sexism and racism, explains very well about it.

I’m a Christian just because the character of Jesus was epicly kewl like holysick. People war with sword and shield yet He war with “love”.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m a depressed guy, and I wish I was never born to begin with.

You’re welcome :ok_hand: You had a lot of answers, because just as when you question the beliefs of a Christian, well, people react instantly, we could almost talk about a chemical reaction, except that on this forum people are mostly convinced, that their ways of thinking and doing is the right one, so when you question their beliefs, there will be an immediate reaction, sometimes sulfurous. I say that because it’s not the first time I’ve seen this kind of reaction to this kind of topic, so it makes me laugh a little.


Off the topic but it may as well be addressed since it has popped up several times in this discussion. Plus it may bring some laughs since things got a little tense.

Me as a child to my family’s pastor: “Why do you charge people to attend church? I thought Jesus did not approve of the exchange of money at a holy place when he chased off the merchants from the temple with a whip?”

Pastor: “That is true but neither Jesus nor Uncle Sam pay the electric bill. I do.”


Okay I’m going to close it for 24 hours, with apologies to people replying but I don’t want things to get over-heated, and this isn’t even the forum’s busiest time of day yet. :scream_cat:

I BESEECH thee go and read The BALG repository of fantastical success stories with Magick in the intervening period then come back to this if needed, I just don’t want things to boil over on here. :+1:

Also, have a try with this method:


This topic was automatically opened after 25 hours.

Hey friend i posted this yesterday, take a read and think about things for yourself, not on the opinions of others.

You have to find what resonates in you :slight_smile:

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We are living a dream within a dream, an illusion within an illusion in this third dimensional plane. You are asking for materialism that does not serve the best of you. Your higherself has a purpose for you. Perhaps the reasons for the absent silence from God is that YOU are problem, YOU are issue that you can not percieve GOD is and has always been inside of you. Be quiet for time, sit still and listen, open up your heart and drop your ego.


I’m going to read along with this and answer it to the best of my ability… I may not be Kendall but I am definitive proof that this shit works…

  1. The research on the rituals and expecting every outcome to be similar to the writings of old dead white men was your first mistake.

  2. Lucifer and Belial, in all honesty probably answered you. They don’t directly manipulate your day to day experienced in the way you would assume. They also don’t do it unless you ask them directly [again in my experience before someone comes complaining.] You are expecting immediate change and noticeable things to occur however the ideal of everyone being in sync is bullshit. Symbolism is something that you learn and accustom yourself to see. It is not something you are just magically gifted over night regardless of what these youtube people wanna tell you…

  3. Cussing and swearing at them will just show your own immaturity and misunderstanding of what these entities are. They are nothing more than associated archetypes of thought waves that can be called upon when needed for clarity. Not for a miracle. No offense with the immaturity comment but as someone who tries not to get angry on a daily now as well as did a recent ritual with Behemoth… I find it to be immature swearing at them.

  4. To believe and to see are 2 different thing. You have to learn to see. Just like you have to learn to speak. Nothing is free.

  5. The intention of calling these entities will not make your life better. It will help you in your understanding of why you feel so little control. If you would like to start at square one… practice meditation. That’s where ALL beginners should go before diving in and asking people they can’t communicate with for answers. No offense again. Your connection to God and being able to see those dreams and interactions is due to your constant need to remind yourself that God exists. While I don’t deny that he exists, I do know how to see when I am being controlled by my own systematic dogma and syntax from my very birth.

  6. Good name drop with Babbage. However Babbage also went insane before he died. Don’t forget…

  7. The Crossroad Blues isn’t about Satan. That is a metaphor for Baron Samedi. Maybe research some Voodoo, it will help with the over-all understanding of mistakes and symbolism.

  8. You are expecting your story to be the same. That is the main issue from what I’m reading so far. Not everyone has the same experience. Not everyone will see the same thing. If you dont believe in demons, just pop a tab of acid, and open a sigil of Asmodeus and let me know how your night goes… Im not condoning drug use, just using that as an example of a mind opening experience.

While you are right that the site does have a lot of bullshit and lies, there are people here who genuinely know what they are talking about and come from a genuine place of wanting to help you. However, you are making mistake number 1 in looking for their story within your story.

  1. I believe I have commented on one of your threads before and I did say that I had seen them previously however you are right in assuming that that is not how it works. Not everyone is going to see. Some may smell, some may hear, some may feel… The issue with connecting to a different platform of thought IE the Gamma, Theta, Delta, Beta and Alpha waves etc… is that it is subjective to your own experiences thus far. You cannot create something that does not exist, nor can you see something you’ve never seen before. It takes practice. The ideal of connecting with them is to make yourself feel more comfortable in your movements and manifested reality. It is not to manipulate the universe in front of you. You can learn to do that over time but as a beginner, you should stick to general meditation and asking questions to basic everyday. The idea of a miracle occurring immediately is as ignorant as thinking you’ll learn guitar over night.

  2. Also, in regards to the I’ve never seen someone say pay to get closer… As a Christian / Catholic / whatever you are in terms of “God” you know that to be a lie from the get go. The church is the biggest “pay me to get closer to god” scam imaginable but again I’m not here to insult someones religious choices as I have began to respect the ones who deserve respect. Not the ones who preach false words. There are people who will ask for money for everything, there are people who will lie just as simply.

The easiest way to learn is to practice.

I have no problem offering guidance and helping you learn things you may want to know but as stated previously none of us are experts, I dont care what anyone says NONE of us will ever truly understand this infinite universe of absolute vs non-absolute possibilities and outcomes.

Watch this from a subjective mind. Take into consideration that he is not just talking about man but the fear that comes from our own free will and assumptions of our realities.

Demons do not have powers over us, nor do angels, nor do gods. We were gifted into life with the option of radical thought and free will. We are not systematically manipulated to ensure the life of this planet will continue. That was our gift.

Proving to you that something is real, is not as simple as showing you an altar. You are too smart for your own good as stated previously, the hardest step in all of this for you… Will be to betray your own mind. [I’m the same]


I am very new and have not seen anything happen thus far for me personally in this realm either.

The reason why I became interested in this area of study is 2 fold, first I have personally had definite experiences in my life that proved to me that there are spirits. I won’t bore you with a long story but I had a period where I had overt supernatural things happening regularly, stuff moving on its own, disappearing items into thin air in my presence, etc. I have no doubt that there are unseen forces. I overcame my terror over these unseen forces coming into my life when I realized that we were ultimately the same stuff, I had always thought of myself as being a slice of god (as we all are), and I realized that as my body is just a place to carry what is my true essence, my energy if you will, and that if an unseen entity can slide something across a table without a corporeal presence, that I likely had the power in my mind/essence to effect reality in many ways I had not tapped. In fact I had experiences I believe were because I made the prerequisite come into my life, or that I had a protective entity.

Reason 2 is that I was in a bad situation, one where the deck was stacked against me and I had no power. If you pay attention, most people who start looking at this path are people who are in a bad situation where they have no power and the deck is stacked against them. It is literally all over the forum. So I am not unique.

This is the conclusion I have come to, and this is not directed at any particular persons. I am a believer that “magic” is possible. I do think some people may have tapped into a way to control and focus that inner divinity, be it through the use of entities or otherwise. I believe that some people just had shitty situations that were bound to get better with time regardless and if it makes them feel good to believe it was something other than their own hard work or the passage of time that’s ok. I believe there are people who are just sad and needy and feel like they can come and brag about what cool sorcerers they are and that gives them a boost and that’s ok. I believe, and this will probably be the most polarizing statement that I make, that there are some people who are just trying to make a buck off of the people who have a shitty situation that they can’t control and are thus vulnerable, and that is not OK.

So to summarize, I think everyone has to walk their own path, I personally think that a healthy dose of skepticism is absolutely warranted in a place like this, and I know that there are going to be people who are full of shit for whatever reason. I also know that despite nothing working out for me so far, that I have been helped by these people, because I know things I didn’t before, and I have some ideas of how I would like to move forward in my search to harness the power I know exists in me.

Wow, I have never sounded so cheesy. Pardon the cheese.

I actually forgot my personal proof. I’ll do the major one. I found this love that I never knew existed or I could feel it is so mind blowing that it came 100% because of magick.

The more selfish minor one is I passed a class I shouldn’t have (I goofed off this college termed) 100% because of magick.

There’s a ton more but I’m a girl and finding my one great love is really the most important thing to me at least right now.

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If you don’t have the patience, maybe this path isn’t for you.

You have to learn how to crawl before you can walk. It’s the same with magick.


You’re looking for an education in magic? Start with basic candle magic. Use some common sense. As with all subjects you must start with basics first, you have never held a candle or ritual who have never practiced or had any magical experiences and you’re expecting to be a millionaire or movie star in less than 24 hours.

Deities will not accede to wealth and fortune or the love of your life with your first castings. Knowledge and divination could be acceded to and take it from there. There are no short cuts in life or magic. You can’t start school with advanced calculus, you have to learn to add and subtract first. The choice is up to you.