Subjective and objective reasoning

So I wanted to post this after reading through success stories and those who doubt their experiences or magick in general as a practice. First id like to say that im not super adept in my skill, my focus wanders constantly, I’m continually working both on daily interactions with spirits as well as creating art, working as a cook, running a small business, having loving and supportive relationships both physical and spiritual. By no means will i say I know everything or ever will, such is being human. The point i’d like to make though is that magick is a subjective form, much like art and not an objective one. Much of it depends on the self, the identity that one creates or destroys in order to be who one truly is. Its not a cookie cutter format, what works for some may not work for others, which is something i believe many new magicians suffer with. You can recieve all the help in the world, but if you dont believe in it, you dont believe in it and it won’t work. Secondly don’t believe your expecations of something, just because you ask doesnt mean you’ll receive. Just because some members myself included have asked for guidance or help and received it doesnt mean it will happen to you or the way that you assumed it will. Spirits (angels, demons, gods, elemental, etc) have no obligation to abide by our structures of want or thought. Also to that same point, we may get what we were seeking, but not in the method that we had originally planned. Ex, I asked for guidance on a sick animal, and protection, the next day i had the clarity to do the thing that I saw as right. Do i think that Azrael and Ariel helped me be more clear headed? YES, I BELIEVE THAT! But again thats because I believe that, and if you don’t thats fine because reality itself is subjective. Your reality is not my reality, your god is not my god, my Lucifer (the thought, feeling, interpretation) is not your Lucifer. To me he’s a teacher like a coyote, his coat is beautiful, his eyes stunning, and his truth profound about ourselves whether we wish to accept it or not. So to wrap this up, since I’m making my smoke break much longer than it need be, as something to people starting out stop being so hard on yourself about whether or not something works and if it doesnt for you that’s fine. Everybody on this earth has their own spiritual beliefs, and for some its none, and thats okay :slight_smile: there is no one solid divine truth or path, its all just what we experience as individuals. Hope all of you have a good day, and for whatever else keep believing in what you find true and resonating in yourself!


Thank you for posting this, it was very much needed and appreciated right now. :bouquet:

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No problemo! I felt it needed to be said :blush: each person is different and unique same as each belief!

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