It's all starting to seem so fake

You can still believe in god and do Magick , I still do and I still get solutions!


He can call him whatever he wants and its on him if something happens.


OP, 2 questions for you. Are you familiar with the theta-gamma sync and the rapture state?

Also, have you ever seen this thread below…and if so…have you read through every single story in there?


yeah I still believe too but if I’m being honest I broke down crying when I read about Hermaticism. Had an existential crisis…once you truly understand what that book is saying it’s indescribable.

But if I ask God about it no matter how much I do it I won’t get any answers. And our religious peers always say “Don’t think too much about it” But I’ve heard so much about people reaching out to demons for knowledge and that’s what I tried as well

You have read Kybalion I presume?


I would just flag him. We have done everything in our hand to kindly explain to him how it works, out of the kindness of our heart, and he keeps evading and trolling with stuff like his IQ and how he always has done everything.
This is low key trolling.

  1. yeah I have. actually I’m pretty sure it was you who introduced it to me the first time long ago.

  2. I haven’t but I willlook at it.

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I know it’s very hard to hear this now but this low time when you doubt everything is an indication of a change , I spent the whole one year like this before finding my path , no one can explain it to you but when you find it you will know ! Best of luck !


I do appreciate your help. Thank you.

But I made a serious post to have a serious discussion. I explained well enough why i put in my IQ and the troll came from her so I don’t know what to say.
When you called me blind several times I didn’t have my feelings hurt I discussed…I don’t know why you’re salty…

regardless thanks again for your help, I mean it. But by all means flag this and report me :man_shrugging:

You think I was trolling?


I will side step the real vs fake arguement as it is a bit early for me to have a Cartesian debate.

However, as someone who does hear toward my more intellectual side and has wrestled with doubt, here is a tip that has proven useful in the past, especially when I was beginning. Explore the psychological, sociological, and physiological effects of ritual found throughout the world. There are academic books on books on the subject, especially if you look more towards the anthrology angle, and study everything you can on the subject. Understand exactly how ritual affects both individuals and communities on all of those levels. Then, look at yourself, and find the stimuli needed to trigger the same effects. There is a reason why rituals have been around for thousands of years, and not just in the organized way it appears in now. Find the gems of the past and apply it into your own life to see where it takes you. But that is just my two cents


I think the first question isn’t what you believe in spiritually but if you believe in yourself. Black Magic, at it’s core, is a self help movement. Many people don’t believe in their actual existence, but views them as an aspect of self. Others do believe in the full existence. What these two groups have in common is their never ending thirst to ascend and be better.

Every experience you read is deeply personal and will not be the exact same from person to person. Every ritual will produce a unique experience.

Every day we wake up with the goal to be better, stronger, smarter, more experienced. We live to crash through the boundaries that hold us back. For some of us, cough cough me, we have deep rooted issues that hold us back. It doesn’t mean we are not getting anywhere, just that we have extra homework.

This is why it can’t be proved to you. The only thing we have to prove is to ourselves. If this path is truly what you desire find what is blocking you then push forward. If not good luck.

As far as paying people for spells, my only advice is to be careful who you hire. Some casters are legitimate, some are not. Even the legitimate ones may not be able to help with things that are too far out of reach. If you are about that there are tons of topic discussing what is possible and what isn’t. Even that can be subjective.

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@DA_KD comments are going off the railway now… you want to give up because you haven’t seen “proof” and a “lack of results” maybe you’re not yet tuned in to acknowledge synchronicities/messages. Therefore I asked if you do any clearings or blockage releases. Raising your energy/vibration certainly helps and like you said, gave you a clearer head. Other people seeing and physically engaging with spirits doesn’t make their experiences any less real, right? Me,personally would shit in my pants if a spirit would materialize infront of me and I always ask them respectfully not to! Doesn’t mean that spirit isn’t there. (I hate saying demons so I call them spirits) You can offer your best wine or a liter of your own blood but if the intention/sacrifice isnt heartfelt then it doesn’t mean jack. Like someone mentioned, be glad nothing happened yet because spirits can literally fuck you up, like dealing with things about yourself you don’t wanna face… reminds me of when I was working with a certain spirit and they wanted me to heal things with my mother, like why spirit, what does my mom and all that childhood trauma have to do with what I asked for? Salaam to you and your journey


Ok I’m honestly not here to argue…
I mentioned the 138 because I wanted to be clear it’s not some dumb ignorant person who said something without knowing anything. I also mentioned right after that it’s not worth bragging about. Simple point. But you said PS I had 139 when I was kid. Bye. so yeah that sounds odd.

And when I wrote long paragraphs about how my faith in all this is shaken and you fixate on one detail that’s irrelevant it just came off as you trying to argue…

Once again, I appreciate the help and advice, I really do. And I apologize if I was rude

Thank you. This was actually helpful.

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A person cna have a high iq and still be ignorant…

And I wasn’t fixating on something irrelevant, it made no sense to me and I was curious. If it was irrelevant why would you even mention it.


See, this is the articulation I was taking about!:vulcan_salute:t4::alien::ok_hand:t4:


@Verdo has posted the most relevant link on here as far as external “proof” goes, along with @C.Kendall’s first response to you.

Kindly requesting people keep this courteous, even religions acknowledge that someone may have a crisis in which they wonder how much of the subjective stuff they experience is actually real.


Yeah it has. And again thanks for the suggestions.

Yeah I know, like I said I never expected to see any spirits, and I was scared to death what I’d do if they did but I just needed a little bit of anything really…

Salam to you as well

No problem. It will take some work to find them but college libraries are a good place if you have access to one. The library I attended had an entire floor filled with books on the subject (I think around 120,000). I spent more time than I care to admit there

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