Is time-based magick possible?

pretty much what frater A said is gold. Time based magick is super volitile. If you are down and you feel its worth it remember it comes at a price. Try that Enochian square that is floating around here. They have some good info if you ask the right questions. Be careful, that square is hardcore.


The smart thing to do would be to work with your God-self on this. Multiple people I consider reliable have reported that anytime you have different possibilities for outcomes, all of those possibilities are generated and stored, even though you only experience one. So an adept at soul travel can go back to a certain point, alter key variables and run a simulation on how things would go if certain changes were made. Once you found/configured a location you liked, I would think you could sigilize that point, feed energy into it and shift into it - like a “save point” in a video game. I’m speaking metaphorically.

You are your mind, NOT your body. Having a body on the material plane creates an anchor for your memory that allows you develop and stabilize faster than you could on higher planes. Your mind would not be affected by changes in the material plane, provided you were the one who made the change. Everyone else would remember things differently than you.

And yes, that Enochian table kicks ass. It’s one of those things to file under, “Be careful, BUT be a lot LESS careful than most people would be.”

Both reality and the mind heal quickly - it’s the lower personality, Samsaric consciousness that gets traumatized and has issues when it’s tidy, stable reality gets violated. That’s why you always go through at least a miniature Dark Night of the Soul every time you make a spiritual breakthrough. Because your personality wants to preserve itself and its sense of being in control and breaking its stable reality gets it depressed and rebellious.

The dangers are to the health and sanity of your personality, which can go nuts if you hit it with too much stress at once. To pick up an example above, if you killed your father, you would probably just get the most genetically similar father procurable and incarnate as someone slightly different. Maybe the name everyone calls you will change (it’s not your real name anyway). This could be extremely stressful to the personality - most people don’t deal well with that level of disorientation and isolation. (In fact, I’ll bet a lot of people on this forum whose development is just really starting to pick up are starting to see why so many artists and people who get into magick develop drug habits and other issues. The whip-lash back and forth every day from spiritual reality to the mundane illusion is VERY stressful for the lower personality, but it’s those higher states that really feed us and give our lives meaning and momentum.)

But you would spend months and anticipate and tweak as much as you could in “simulation mode” before you tried switching over and replacing the actual experience. Again, careful, but not TOO careful.

It seems to me that the value of this sort of undertaking is primarily experiential. To actually experience this would drive home the malleability of reality and legitimize ideas of detachment and non-identification instead of just making them conceptual ideals that you pay lip service to but don’t really live by. It’s the power of, “This is real and I can do it and cultural conceptions of concrete reality are bullshit.”

And I say the primary benefit is experiential because our experience IS a simulated rendering of information accessed by intention. In other words, the reality you’re living in now is itself 100% replaceable, and there’s really no such thing as “the past.” But we have a deeply entrenched cultural monolith-idea of “THE PAST” that oppresses and constrains us every day and would be greatly deflated or outright crushed by an experience like this. There are whiffs of immortality in experiences like that… So it’s not NECESSARY to alter the past to get a cool new present, but it is a potentially valuable experience.


Apparently Azazel is good for doing reality writing/time altering magic with. You might want to get him to help you to make sure you don’t fuck stuff up when you do it.

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I really like the “save point” concept. Working on your godself is really the best option to consider. One you get to know your soul better and when your ego come crashing down and reality shatters. The energy from your godself will can provide you with useful tools to cope a little better with your environment. Its like a safety switch for judging perceptions. Like having a better reaction to the “is the real” feeling. Soul travel is a hard concept for me to wrap around. Speaking personally, I have been able to do since I was a little child. Didn’t know I was doing it. Then I forgot how, when I was in middle school, only to never do it until I started messing with magick then my muscle memory allowed my consciousness to reunite with that feeling. Then the rush was found again.

Connecting back to time magick. Well, that is something that is a lot to handle. I have woke up in ritual, writhing on the floor in a puddle of my drool. The snap back to what you were doing is going to fuck you up. You pay a price to train yourself and have your goal exhausted to come back around to you. When it all comes together, you realize what you wanted wasnt that important but you have a better understanding on how things can work.

Its more rewarding when you do it yourself instead of working with an entity. Im going to go out on a limb and say most wont get time magick down but if attempted. Well, most people I have talked to have reported that its a bitter sweet, give and take, process. Due to past experiences I can agree with that outlook at this point in practice. I would talk to an entity to get more info or do some of the work, but do it yourself or else, you could feel like you do when you read other peoples responses on the forum when questions like this are asked.

To clairify, you get a great question that could help you find a solution with a desired outcome. So you ask around to see what works what doesnt or what you are trying to get into, to get what you want. Then someone comes up with a smart ass answer that has worked for them. It great. Now you go to do it only to figure out what works for you. That is the most important thing, YOU. Fuck Azazel and most importantly what people say about him and the cure all entities you hear. However, you wanna find out go ask the source.

You do all of that, you might get what you were after or know how to get it. A lot better that trying to get someone to do it for you. With time magick something may come up where a person doing the work may have to make a descision to a response that comes along the way. If its fucked up, you have no one to blame but yourself. If it works, you now have the outlook to figure out what you can do to have a better experience next experiment.

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hi Bill

I did in fact attempt something similar years ago when working the Golden dawn system.

Not sure from where I received this technique except that its purpose is to completely revert,revamp,remake your mundane self into a magickal neophyte of sorts.

1.) prepare your ritual area as always, in fact prepare it as if you will be performing an evocation(and if you’ve been watching the videos you’d know you can evoke real people,even yourself)

2.) Perform a simple ritual of your own choosing. The LBRP would be nice for this.

3.) Now you will astrally create, or magickally structure, a complete image of yourself as you are now(outside of the circle). Make sure you see with your eyes open all details,everything.

4.) Now you will “command” it to regress back to an earlier time in your childhood. Pick an age from 5 years to 10. Watch your “double” morph into yourself as you were at this age.

5.) next you will astrally “tattoo” a symbol of power on the forehead. For me it was the pentagram but you may choose any symbol you like that represents to you “power” or “magick” or both or whatever.

6.) now bring your earlier self back to your present as you are now. Astrally see this “mark” on its forehead.

7.) State the intention that this mark will have from this moment on. Be very specific.

8.) dismiss as in an evocation

I think I picked this up from an old copy of Fate magazine in the 80’s, not sure. All I know is that it works.


It can be done, but in my experience it wrecks more than it helps.
It causes things to be undone you’d wish you left alone.

<----Living proof.


in chaos magick fotamecus does the same thing

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Perhaps trying to change the past may not be the smartest thing. Rather, why not evoke the future self, one who has mastered things in the realms of a fully realized God… immortality, invincibility, time-space restructuring. Why not just evoke that self, and learn how he did it. Then to hell with the past, you can learn exactly from the self who has already become an absolute beast!


So has anyone experimented since this topic died down?

I have been considering / toying with the idea of time magick as well. Per usual (until I found this place) I had no information on it and figured I would just figure it out alone since books and other people are usually full of crap, but I knew it would be possible the moment it popped into my head.
(Side note: Where have all you wonderful people hiding?)

I think for myself, as well as anyone else considering time magick it is important know one’s true objectives. For example I just want to change what happened between myself and a person I hate. Therefore time magick is completely unnecessary. As a few people stated above, I can just change their memory of the past and of me.
Any advice on that matter? I never use entities, I prefer to do everything alone. However, EA made it sounds so fun to invoke demons so I thought I would call upon my good friend (and frequent harasser) Beelzebub. I feel like he has been begging me for ages to evoke/invoke him. I did a tarot reading and the cards said don’t do it. Sad face…

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Setting aside the physics for a moment… although there are 2 books that I highly recommend for those academics among us that enjoy such (the advanced mathematics can be glossed over without losing the essence of the information, if maths don’t interest you): The Quantum Story (A History in 40 Moments), Jim Baggot, and The Road to Reality (A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe), Roger Penrose… as well as setting aside what we know in theoretical construct, i.e., that past, present and future exist simultaneously… I’m reminded of a reply that I recently made re: Solomonic Seals, and the 2nd Seal of Mercury (which can be used to create conditions that seemingly contradict the ‘Laws of Nature’, using the ‘angels’ or ‘spirits’ Boel, Yibaba, Kau, and necessitating the use of the Judaeo ‘god’ YVHV, and the Psalms, if this doesn’t interfere with your belief system, path, etc.) , the answer to your question would be, ‘Yes, indeed’.

However, you’ve received some astute replies from other forum members which offer, shall we say, advice that is both easier to understand and implement. First, after decades of work, I look for the simplest, most straightforward way to accomplish something. In your case, could you rectify situations by using a non-magickal course of action? (E.g., a simple word, an apology, a ‘stock-taking’ of things that went awry). If not, then there are ever yet elementary magickal methods that you might employ: working with an entity that might change people’s perceptions or help with reconciliations (e.g. Paimon, Astaroth), or with legal issues (Abigor/ Eligor), etc.

In sum, you may find that applying both your own work and some simple, straightforward concentrated ‘magickal’ work to your situation will result in things being quite different. Not necessarily that the ‘past’ hasn’t happened; but rather that, now, today, it’s really no longer of any consequence. To be fair, though, as your wrote: ‘without getting into too much detail…’ – it’s difficult to opine upon your situation.

Go well in your journey, and Be Well!


I’m considering to try this about a thing or two… Indeed, if I remember past events, is because they went in a certain way; some can be changed, but in the future.
Theoretically, however, one could change the past and forget it or having dream memories; another timeline can be created, like in Back to the Future, or even another reality.
If it’s true what a magic author asserted, that 1) magic itself may overcome space, time and logic and 2) spirits have the same possibility towards time and space, a foundation do exists.

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Time is energy in motion

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How certain can you really be about that, I would conjecture, that time is a construct of the sentient mind, and largely immaterial. The only thing that really cares about time is sentient life, who knows, perhaps without us to observe it’s passage, time ceases to flow.

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You know, just because someone may see things from a different angle, and may share that perspective, doesn’t always mean they’re looking for an argument. See, this is why I don’t talk to people. Good luck.


Thank you excuse me but im constantly angry over what happened to me im sorry for my words and how i said it dont be shy introvert life is short talk to people

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Well, the point I was making is that while I’m not a practitioner yet, myself, I DO know visualization is a big part of what one is trying to accomplish, but perhaps you’re visualizing an incompatible scenario. Explore alternate perspectives, and treat this reality as if it’s subjective.


I understand you. Changing the past is one of the things I crave the most in magick. And to the person who said memory can be erased you don’t know how I wish it were true… I had made a topic about it but never got a single solution: Where are memories located Nevertheless I’m not giving up. I want my memory erased and I won’t set for any less.

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Soul hold all mory incplace id you damage a soul you will be erased your memory personality and so forth

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@raziel_harvester I had asked a demon to erase my memory and even though I offered my blood I got zero, and I mean absolutely ZERO result! This made me so mad that I’ve decided to completely stop working with entities…

Also it is only some selective memories / people I want to have erased so I don’t think I’d use the psychic vampire you’re describing.


@Lola & raziel_harvester :
First off, please don’t take this as me being unsympathetic, but fuck that shit, to hell with changing the past, or erasing your memories, the reason why you’re being ignored, is because your desires are coming from a place of weakness. Another way to see both of your current situations, is to say, despite the pain, if you come through this, and survive, you might just gain the power you REALLY seek. Once again, I’m not calling either of you weak, but these desires are born of weakness, and that could well be your problem. As I understand it, magik is all about strength.