Is or was Lilith an Angel or not?

I think you should know…there is no such thing.

The Zohar is the foundational text of the Kabbalah. It is not a Kabbalah of its own. And no, it does not call Lilith an angel.

I bet you didn’t even know that the myth about Lilith being the first wife of Adam was first mentioned in a satirical stage play, Pseudo-Ben Sira in the 10th century. It is not actually part of her mythology (well, I guess it is now, since so many people repeat it).

You do know that just because someone on YouTube says it is true, doesn’t make it actually true, right? :rofl:


U right, but if you read a lots of comments from different people related to that topic, you learn it’ truth or not. Beside I enjoy working with fallen angels, and succubi. Which some people say are fallen angels themself.

Just because the comment section believes her, that doesn’t make her right either.


Hey, Stan, did you know that the spirits of chihuahuas have wings? Dragon wings.


I got it from Google. Just type “chihuahua dragon wings”.

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You really have no clue, do you? Just because some people believe succubi are “fallen angels,” or Lilith is, or whatnot, doesn’t make it factually true. Humans believe all sorts of ludicrous things with no evidence for them whatsoever.

However, unlike some things people believe, you can actually trace Lilith’s historical footprint, and she has never been an angel no matter what version of the myth you read.


No, the comment section don’t believe her, the people who comment on her videos share their experience with the dark goddess Lilith differently from one another.

Thats actually good advice for everyone. The Principia Discordia demands it from its followers. That rule is that you are forbidden to believe what you read.


If that the case, then you tell me does she really eat unborn babies, like they say she does in her stories of myths, and legends?

I don’t know. I’ve never asked her. Would you even believe me if I told you she does? You really don’t seem to like having your little fantasy bubble about Lilith and succubi popped, and tend to ignore anything that doesn’t fit into your own narrow view.


What do u mean by that?

One I would believe you if you told me, and prove it to me from ur source, and two my reason for believing that Lilith, and the succubus/incubus are fallen angels, is because I have read its somewhere from a source at one time in the past.

And we keep asking for your sources, yet you can’t seem to provide them, whereas we can actually link to a great many sources, both Rabbinical and academic, that trace back Lilith’s origins as a demon.

I like Lilith, and she apparently likes me, but she’s no angel.


Someone mentioned not believing what you read and being a Discordian I had to tell people I was a Discordian.

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I did link a source if read the thread, to ones of my past message, it there.

Yes, except that source is completely inaccurate and doesn’t even seem to understand what the Zohar is, let alone what it actually says about Lilith.


oh really?

Bruh, your link flat out says she was Adam’s first wife (and therefore human) even though you used it to defend your claim that she was a fallen angel.

So yes, really.


80 answers in this thread, 64 of them are about Stan and his confusion with Lilith… We should rename the entire topic to “Is or was Lilith an Angel or not?”


We could also scooch those replies into a separate thread.