Is or was Lilith an Angel or not?

Sorry, but, no. Lilith has never traditionally been an angel. Ever. You can romanticise her all you want, but it doesn’t change the historical facts. We can actually trace back to her very first appearance in myth, and not once is she referred to as an angel, fallen or otherwise.


I can believe that, but history can be misleading or wrong. History was made up with people just like us arguing about this stuff.


Im just playing devils advocate, I really have no clue


Nah, thats a little too offtopic

wrong topic/fourm dude this is fourm/topic is a angels

At least I were talking about fallen angels sense this is topic/fourm about angel

It’s not “his thought”, it’s literally something that has been researched and that many people agree upon.

That is not how that story goes. Not in the slightest.

Lilith and Samael conceived MANY children together. Some were lilim, others were demons.

…No, she didn’t spawn “oracles of divinity and prostitution”.

Which Kabbalah text mentions this?

That is not how that happened. Succubi/incubi, angels and demons have been around since long before humanity.

That doesn’t mean they’re wrong about Lilith not ever being an angel.

Neither did many pagan traditions, but of course, no one bothers to mention those.


Um information on all these different entires are written in different books, and online, you just have to take the time to research, and look through them all. As all myth and legends well tell different things about different types of entries. For example in some stories about Lilith say she is a demons, while in other say she is a dark goddess it depend on which story of legend/myth you read about

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Okay, but that’s not what I asked.

I asked where YOU got this information? What Kabbalah texts have you been reading?

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I had my friend weigh in on this. His gnosis is that he is the ruler of the Infernal, he is Satan, though someone else rules while he is here on Earth.

His opinion is that she was never an Angel. He did mention though that the TV show Lucifer made her an Angel.

Oh, I were reading a little of Zoharistic Qabalah text

Which one?

…which doesn’t look anything like what Carey and Gaiman wrote. And they wrote comic books.

Just one about Lilith, and the four angels of scared of prostitution that about it.

@ReyCuervo what you saying make no sense, beside the reason I saying Lilith is a fallen angel, or angel of sacred prostitution is because I’m going by what is were stated in Zoharistic Qabalah

Well, I did read The Sandman and Lucifer, comic books in which the TV show Lucifer is based, and it is NOT a faithful adaptation. So, yes, it does make sense. And I was replying to @NeoFightTheNyophite, not you. Not even talking about Lilith or anything else you have said.

Anyway, I’m two seconds away from saying yes to everything you ask and call it a day.


iirc the Zohar also considers her a demon, not a fallen angel


Well if anything this thread has taught me what angels arent, with Lilith as an example lmao


I remember reading it somewhere online that sated, or claim she were a fallen angel. Anyway another my source is this Youtube person “Last Frontier Medium”( she expain that Lilith were a fallen angel in her Youtube Video

I think this thread is the reason the angels told me not to work with them much :sweat_smile: