Open question to all who work with angels

I choose the spirits I work with based on the job I wish to accomplish, which includes angels as well as demons, and other spirits/egregores. The only angel I have felt particularly drawn to in a general sense is Metatron, and that was only after feeling his presence in the DoM opening ritual and becoming fascinated. In general I have felt a stronger draw to certain demons than to certain angels.

They are each unique in their own way and the only commonality in their energy I’ve personally identified is they feel more celestial, and they feel kinda like they have traveled a great distance to be in your presence, whereas demons feel “closer” to the material plane. Again, just my own experience.

They differ on an individual level the same way demons do. Some feel more serious and businesslike (Mahashiah seemed this way to me), some feel stern and proud, some inspire awe, some are gentle and calming.


Yeah this in particular ive noticed… maybe ill just need to hit up Metatron get him to give me the scoop.

I would definitely recommend it. The way I see Metatron is kind of the embodiment of the framework through which raw, infinite source is filtered… having dominion over all possibilities and “timelines”, turning chaotic potential into material reality. Very awe-inspiring.


I’ve been working with angels for quite awhile. Particularly Raziel.


It was an inevitable progression on my end, as opposed to strictly choice. I haven’t work with angels as much as other spirits, but i will when my gut tells me to. As long as the tasks get done, I don’t really care what type of spirit I am working with at the time.


@NeoFightTheNyophite gave your topic a little tidy there, anyone who wants to continue the direction it took please go to Is or was Lilith an Angel or not? :+1:


Don’t some believe we have 2 or more personal/guardian angels. It would seem to me they aren’t too busy to teach like some big named angel. Supposedly, there are nigh infinite angels. Prolly the same for demons or spirits in general.


Past life stuff that got forcibly brought up and then the appearance of Michael to explain it and from there I actually really hated Michael but that’s because the memories brought up pissed me off lol but overtime I got over it and met with angels like Jophiel, Gabriel, Samael (who punched me in projection for coming unannounced) and the angel Sabbath.


I think too much of something is never a good thing. Angels, like demons, can see the bigger picture, so my guess is they looked at your current spiritual progression and determined that you cannot handle too much of their energies. They can be even more intense than demons sometimes.

I work with both angels and demons, mainly because I believe balance is a necessary thing, though I occasionally do intensive work with one or the other depending on my current goals.

I find their energy to be fierce, and fiery, like strong sunlight. I have also met an angel whose power was so overwhelming, I felt like I was going to suffocate (not all angels temper their presence, I found out later, after almost wetting myself in abject terror).

Demons, for me at least, tend to be less overwhelming, and more earthy. I find them to feel more human like, and angels to be more cosmic and almost alien (though they can and do act very human, their energy feels very universal and extradimensional to me).


I couldn’t describe it better.
They make the air more dense and charged, as if a million invisible sparks are surrounding you. But it does not feel heavy, more like you are floating in the density of the air around you.


@DarkestKnight @anon10524665 Thanks both our you for doing this. I couldn’t put it into works. Angels always scared me more the. Demons…But that is usually because when I see them it means I haven’t done something really important. It’s hard to describe something that has been happening since near birth.

I have been scared before because the air and the vibe gets really intense.


Thanks everyone for the very detailed responses. To address a few points in the thread:

I have demons felt like the closest a spirit can get to a human. At least energetically they feel very similar. I think that was my entire impetus to get involved with them.

I absolutely agree with the feeling of the air being more dense or charged when angels are around. I haven’t been able to put words to that sensation before I read that.

Looking at angels and demons I cant help but think of sound frequency. Demons feel like very broad or low frequency beings. On the other hand angels feel much tighter, compact, or higher frequency. After typing this out I realize Im not exactly stating anything new, but it is helping me understand better.

And on the note of angels feeling sacred/celestial… I wonder what the root of that feeling is? What is it about them that gives off this presence? The typical answer would be their relation to God, but thats far too simple of an answer for me.

It brings to me questions of fatalism vs free will. If God had a plan for creation, then it would make sense for angels to have this feeling. A sense of higher authority, higher purpose. On the other hand if God is more of the impetus of creation and less of a ruler of that, and he did not have one grand divine plan, then what causes that feeling of “sacredness”?

Is the cause of it just the result of extreme alienation of our two existences? In other words, is the “sacred” feeling just caused from an extremely unbalanced power dynamic?

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I think the “sacred” feeling is natural to humans when faced with something outside of the ordinary. It is a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves. That’s why we feel it in nature, or while looking at a beautiful sunset. We get hit with the realisation that we too are part of everything around us, not completely separate or cut off like religions that put God “out there” teaches us. It gets us outside of our narrow view of physical life and the universe. I don’t think it has anything to do with an “unbalanced power dynamic,” but more about realising our own sacredness simply by virtue of existing, and I think the presence of an angel can amplify that due to the nature of their energies.


I wasn’t aware that angels energy felt warm and charged + room feeling dense. That’s what my room feels like…I don’t work with angels And don’t want to though.

I figured that was someone I work with +_+. Since their energy always feels warm and the room does feel dense with their energy.

If it is an angel, Ill just ask them to leave.


It’s not limited to angels lol.


Good. I still got issues with them lol. Would be good to know who it is. Since they have been around for like forever. Energies more dense at times though.

I assume it’s someone I work with but the energy has been present longer then I’ve worked with them…

Heck I might just post a pic of my closet/tv area in a scan thread and see if someone can pick up on who it is. They’ve been around for like years and always making noises/movement/etc.

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That’s how they feel to me, generally speaking. Not all of them feel the same though, this was just something they seem to have in common for me.
And demons give me different vibes, depending which one.
But just because your room feels dense too, does not mean that there’s an angel.


I come from heaven I believe, and have always worked RHP, though now I also work LHP, it’s a thing tied to my blood to work with angels I believe, though I don’t work with all of them

I’m not saying I think it’s an angel, I just didn’t know that’s how people describe their energy as feeling. I don’t work with them.

My room doesn’t feel dense all the time but there’s a consistent warm like energy vibe in my room and I get alot of moderare poltergeist like activity too. Mostly hearing noises or rarely knocks on the walls. Like 3 short quick knocks. Kinda like someone knocked on your door, though this is very rare and has only happened like 2 times, the other nosies are more common. Plus seeing movement at corner of eye by the closet area and the rare light stuff.

But at times the room will feel more dense with a stronger warm vibe in it.

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And I’m not saying you said that. :roll_eyes: