Is magick real or you guys larping?

Imagine you are in a bar with a group of mates… a hot headed man runs in the room shouting, "I NEED HELP WITH MY CAR! I have a flat tyre, i dont know how to do it. " Someone near to him offers to help

The man then tells the perso who helped them they’re slow," hurry up!" are so busy and “dont have time for this”. The tyre is fixed the guy drives off, but the person walks back inside rolling their eyes

It happens again, same place, must be something bad on the road bursting tyres… the same man then go in the same pub… asking… demanding…

You and you mates… what do you do? Turn your back.


-Yes, magic is real.

-Yes, plenty of people LARP.

Discerning each from the other in light of both truths then is gonna take you some practice.


I don’t think anyone in their right minds would by pharmaceuticals if they could placebo sugar pills…That actually is an extremely good idea for an enchantment…To be able to create placebo effects one would get from pharmaceuticals or other substances…The idea of not needing to take antidepressants , or anything for sleep, or for allergies, or congestion but a sugar pill…or maybe a piece of bread rolled up into pill shape…Imagine never having to take actual antibiotics…Literally every chaos magickian’s dream…

To say something is just a placebo should NOT be taken as an insult…or as something being looked down upon…We are in a mental universe or simulation it seems.

If you research the topic you’ll find some interesting things, such as placebos work even when the person taking them knows they’re a placebo, the belief of the prescribing doctor affectes the outcome of the medication, and other. :+1:

Lookup “placebo surgery” if you really want your mind blown.


I love this and its solid and good advice!

@Uncle-Al :rofl: I love your posts!

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I honestly never knew that Larping was a word.


You got me thinking, it is because the doctor may be in our minds an avatar for the archetype of the Great Healer? :thinking:

Damn, this is fascinating.


Same thing happened to me Lmaooo, years ago I needed money bad and asked to win the fucking lottery, still waiting on that to work :joy::joy::joy:


Yeah bet Clauneck didn’t saw that coming when he volunteered :joy:


I’m almost inclined to share the same point of view but, indeed, it may create a vicious circle. Perhaps there is BS in what I consider good intent, for example it’s not only about me but also “social projects”: charity and a possible involvement in politics. There are factors to consider: spirits who may not be interested, my actual self image and subconscious motivations…

It’s not a belief my friend. If you think energy is a belief then you won’t be alive. YOU ARE ENERGY!! Also i do tai chi and i feel the energy . It’s natural laws of the universe. atom bomb? nuclear bomb ? isn’t that energy?

You just haven’t actually explored energy field much i assume as you think it’s BS. :man_shrugging:

I do energy cultivation on regular basis so i feel it. It’s alive my friend. It’s not bs in my head. At first i can’t feel it until i keep practicing for months and 4-5 hrs a day for a yr before i can feel it. not everyone is willing to put that kind of practice in . not just for energy but any other subject. magick is the same. U need the patience and time and practice. And of course proper knowledge too.

Have you ever seen anyone get a black belt in one month?


placebo is good if it’s used properly. Like a surgeon who have mental issues and faint during surgery. The other master doctor gave the surgeon a enzyme pill and they surgeon think it’s drugs to prevent fainting. Until the bottle is empty they didn’t know about it. however, the enzyme pill made them realize it’s all in the head due to stress. So the cure of fainting is done. The placebo enzyme pill help bring confidence and release stress without drugs. That’s how you use placebo effect for the better.

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What!? You lied to me Uncle Al? And here I thought we totally were having a moment when you told me to turn to page 394.

Le sigh

Must have been that damn placebo effect again.


I larp around my house and invite my guides and daemons to join in on my main and side quests…so far I find they prefer to just hide my costumes and attire from me…could be the house elves and fae too. Jealous of me not inviting them to play along and all :flushed: of course they may also be insulted by my ridiculous attempts at high magick…i mean I do find the robes so cumbersome that I prefer to go skyclad while i run around my house smudging every corner while speaking in tounges more often than not :sweat_smile:


Well yeah! That’s the best part though!!!

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Bahahaha I live directly across from a Catholic church so sometimes I open the blinds all the way up and throw on devil horns too :rofl:


With this blaring in the background hehehehe! Sounds like a normal day to me!


Curses!! Foiled again!


Honestly? That’s a huge issue in the community, though. SO worried about “placebo”. It’s sad.

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Ikr :neutral_face::neutral_face:

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