Is magick real or you guys larping?

Ok, since you think people here larping, do you wanna hear a story of epic magick fail?

One night, 2-3 months ago, I was walking home from work. And I had a sudden thought: I don’t need money currently, but what If I experiment and make a money spell? Just for the lolz. If it works great, if it doesn’t oh well.

But who will I call? Suddenly Clauneck came in mind. Not Bune like most people think first about money spells, but Clauneck. I wasn’t even certain at this point if it was his “expertise” or not. Never worked with him either.

While crossing a street, the street light was out. I could see it way before I reach the street, the damn light was more dead than Osiris. While crossing the street I asked: “Will you help me with my money experiment Clauneck?” And guess what, the damn light got on just enough for me to cross the street and then went out again. If that’s not a sign, Idk wth is!

So I went home excited, did my ritual evoking Clauneck and thought “why not go over the top!? Its an experiment after all!” So I asked for 20k euros in X amount of time (ROFLMAO)

It’s been 3 months almost since then. My ritual didn’t worked. You know why? Because I had no ways to get that amount of money and I did nothing to help my chances.

So there you have it. Magick means time and work and not only towards magick it self.


Total new guy here. Magick is real. It’s logical, time honored and currently working for me.

I’m really taking baby steps, but in a few weeks in my sight has improved by leaps and bounds . Can’t wait until next year at this time. I have a few posts by @succupedia to thank and my new friends.


I guess you may have a problem with that but some of the spells I did was ask sitri for an aura or sexiness. If sitri exist then the demon certainly hasn’t given me that.

I asked bune help me get a specific job. So I applied for it and got nothing.

How new are you? Tell me what you did to help me out.

What have you done to gain that? Have you changed for example what you eat? Are you exercising? Are you taking care of yourself to be more attractive? You can’t expect to have low self esteem for example and have an aura of sexiness.

If I was Sitri I wouldn’t deliver either with this mindset. Your problem isn’t the Demon, your problem is that you did nothing towards it.

And what else? Where you eligible for this job? You can’t expect to apply for lets say bank investor with your High School degree. Did you had any chances to start with? Was your CV good enough?


People here have done the aura of sexiness ritual with sitri and got instant results apparently. They did nothing towards it.

The job I applied for can be applied with anyone. I fitted the bill for the job. These spirits are not showing up or are not doing anything to help me.

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If you don’t get results no matter what, I’d check with your mindset first. You can’t get what you don’t believe in.

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I read a few posts on what I was interested in. Well what I did is what I wished to do,in my heart. With love in my heart and an open mind.

My intro will tell you all little of my background. Currently I own zero new books on magick. But am working from memory on opening my astral senses through chakra meditations and a small amount of candle magick.

I built an altar with what just seemed right. Went down to my local gem store loaded up on what felt right in my hand.

I picked a piece of dark amethyst that literally had so much vibration my hands shook for an hour after and I had to ground myself with another stone towards that purpose with added meditation.

I consecrated and made a few simple candles and with love and intention sought out with my GF additional pieces that we gained together having fun all the while.

The energy gained there was perfect.

Also each offering I leave is something with purpose, toward a purpose, and gained through purpose.

For example the vessel that holds my offerings was a marvel vase gained on a chaotic trip around town flying by the seat out pants while adventuring toward …something. we both felt we would be successful in our effort.

We ended up in an antique store and just before I thought to leave empty handed my gaze was pulled to it.

It’s been highly effective in all efforts. Every single piece is added in this way.

Just seems right. (cleansed first)


Because most magic of spells aren’t that great. Real magic is 100% energy work.

If we truly understand how the universal machines worked, we be back at Atlantis level type 2 civilization, living up to thousand years.


Magic begins with an internal shift. If you walk away from ritual without the strong sense that what you called for will manifest, it is doomed to fail. That is why it is important to incorporate things that are meaningful to you into the ritual. Many rituals found in books are templates to be expanded upon by the individual, which is why I encourage experimentation and following gut feelings. Since it seems you are exploring Western Ceremonial Magic, I would recommend studying Hermetics if you have not already. The principles within it is what many forms of Ceremonial Magic are built upon and may be helpful for you.


Have I told you today how awesome you are?


I think I can help you with that.

It is like this for many: you’re raised in a faithful household. When you’re about thirteen years old, as part of the logical rebellion asociated with that period of life, you start to deman answers. Where is the evidence of your god? Because I surely can show you the evidence of how much the Catholic church makes becase we believe (double truth for me, since I’m from a catholic country). Eventually, you accept that there is NO evidence. It’s a scam, sure, fine. And what is true? You can’t find anything even remotly resembling the truth (but you find another 30 scams… every week).

Sooner than later, you meet Sagan, Dawkins and all those dudes who seriously know their stuff and have nothing to win from anyone not believing. And so, the transition begins.

I’ve been an atheist most of my life and since discovering the occult, I’m in an identity crisis (just don’t ask me what I am now, I really don’t have an answer), but eventually you just accept the nothingness as the ultimate fate for everyone. And once you do that, it isn’t that weird. Not that sad. In the end, I was only angry because life is too short, and not that much scared of the nothing after life. If anything, I imagined it not-felt (for lack of a better word/sentence) like when you’re going under the scalpel the anesthetic kicks in. Everything turns to black. No dreams. No awareness. And that’s not all that bad.


My dear…it takes work. Did you approach this wondering if it was all LARP? Are you naturally as pessimistic as you’re making yourself sound here?

Bune, for one, started working in my life when I started just THINKING about her. And ohmergerd let me tell you, if you knew my background, you’d know that having a demon respond in the way Bune did and continues doing blew my damn mind and made me question EVERYTHING I’d ever been taught.

There’s a level of openness that needs to happen before you approach anything involving magick. There’s preparation and study. There is a willingness to open your mind just a bit more, just enough to accept the results and NOT expect the results to fail. It sounds like you’ve walked into this expecting nothing you do to work. You need to work on that first before you try anything else.


Don’t doubt it, for those who choose not to believe in magick will never be able to find it. Have faith in your skill sets


Um…there is a limit to how much of the claims made in magick i buy…Im sure people give off an energetic charge all the time…I have yet to see someone in MMA claim they knocked the other guy out using prana…There are claims u can psyvamp ppl using tendrils…I dont buy that either…I think in both the cases of baneful magick fireballs as u refer them, and psy vamping, its all bs…That just doesn’t do anything but convince u , that u possess power by imagining things…

I’ve experimented with the things u say when i was much much younger…enough to now appreciate that its not so. A love ball is just hilarious…I have an overactive imagination (since childhood, daydreaming to the point where reality slips away)…and all that really does is hinder magick…

Seen more results pretending none of this is real, and that magick is like a religion of charlatans, more than I ever got believing this stuff is real and meditating (which meditation is a collosal waste of time, I know the sucessful guys selling books will disagree…we can agree to disagree. U meditate, I’ll sleep)

The only form of magick that is real is evocation and invocation. Were u using sigil magick where u make ur own sigils, before u charge and construct them, do an evocation, invocation first and do not close the ritual…Everything else, u may as well try to sell me snake oil ( which may be more useful in appeasing certain entities than certain practices) …

Honestly, Im questioning everything now…was more open when i was younger, but suspect many of these metaparadigms are hypersigils fueling someone else’s eggregores or servitors…utilizing the tendencies of others to want to believe things readily…

Evoking daemons work. Asking them to TEACH u HOW to do what u ask of them (like instead of curse this person, teach me to hex them) yeilds techniques that works, although we border on the unbeleivable with how the info is delivered…I really struggle with this…all of it because my inner skeptic calls bs…a decade of paradigm holes and belief in wasting time fuels the skeptic. You can have the energy to shut off streetlights at night and turn them on in day light…No amount of “sending” energy will work using visualization…Im sorry but theres a point where we are in absurd territory, and that is the point where one risks wasting time.

There is something else…and it’s not in the outdated energy paradigm… or the energy paradigm is obsfuscating something that is real and isn’t bs…Intuition as well tells me that the energy sending stuff is a smokescreen for something not shared…and i’d like to find out what it is by reading in between the lines…

For example, grimmiores talk about collecting all types of exotic materials from bones and etc…stuff normal folk have no access to. They will have entities in the same grimmiore that can retrieve any object, but never do they tell u u can get these materia by using this spirit to retrieve that object which seems so rare a normal person wont be able to get it…Implicate knowledge, hidden in between what is explicitly said…so u don’t want to shoot the fireball into a symbol of the target, rather take in a symbol of what u wish to happen to the target while becoming them "mimicking their look manuerisms…etc, the seemingly opposite of what u say " because whats implicit is opposite of what is shared commonly (quite commonly and explicitly) …in other words invert EVERYTHING…

Excuse my skepticism but i know at this point the real hard hitting stuff will not be shared on any platform…its to be obscured, and never shared, and possibly protected at all cost???Dunno but TRUST NO ONE…(end paranoid and distrusting rant)

Another critique is the fail attitude…What some of u are saying is BS…I walked into this a skeptic, beleivie it was all bs , and that real magic was stage magic, and this was mumbo jumbo…I expected nothing but a waste of time and got results…which surprised the hell out of me…so attitude has nothing to do with it…technique does


There’s some validity to the energy stuff. Just not direct results. U throw love ball and they suddenly love you. It’s more subtle influence. It’s basically influencing their energy with yours. I do energy work so i know energy exist. People around me feel my energy. Those i massage feel it. I even feel my tai chi teachers’ energy. So energy isn’t BS. U can knock someone out but you have to make contact. It’s not energy ball like in dragon ball anime. There’s science to energy influence. OF course not anyone can do it. It require one to train as a conduit. It require frequent practice too. IF i stop cultivating, my energy gets depleted. IT’s not unlimited. In terms of influencing another to like you .I think it’s more plausible to influence their aura and connect it to you by way of energy link.


Yeah, it’s all bullshit. I’ve devoted most of my life to bullshit that doesn’t work and now I’m trying to suck others into it. That’s how Magick has survived since the dawn of time - suckers who were sucked in and then out of their frustration and anger they sucked other people into Magick just to be shitty and get my own back.

That said, I just love dressing up, waving around my Harry Potter wand and having myself on. It’s pure psychodrama! We are all liars massaging each others egos. I recommend reading a few books on music then trying to play a concerto. If after a few tries you can’t do it just walk away.



Speak for yourself. All my advice is completely unjustified.



Couldn’t this just be because u have an energy paradigm and beleive it so? My paradigm is one of information directing energy, and as such there is very little need to use energy…rather in evocation I am resonnating with the data that corresponds to the entity…I suppose the energy paradigm is bs for me because I don’t follow it consciously…Putting a sigil in an envelope and hiding it from myself is as effective as calling up massive amounts of energy to charge the thing used to be… So maybe its not bs in your hands…In mine its useless, and i guess what i use may be useless to u…

MAybe this is all in our heads…but so is the universe, and all that the physical brain decodes; which is never experienced as is, but in what symbolizes what is after the physical brain reconstructs it…I suppose there is a question then as to who or what is in control? The belief in the thing? One doesn’t seem to have beleive to get results…I entered this because my father challeneged something i said during a commercial for Merlin decades ago…I wanted to prove him wrong…and found out there was more to this (and a very very seductive aspect to all of this) …

So maybe your right…its not bs. Its how your mind decodes reality and it works well for you…My mind operates by a different set of symbols in which objective, and subjective reality are projections of a machine that generates all of us…quite probably abbandoned by the entities we conjure, and that magick is hacking code or the objective reality to transform the subjective (plural) …Yes the non-physical appear, but aren’t what we think…and so magick is inputting information…And so for someone who really has a distaste for spiritualism, or paradigms that involve attraction , thought , and often energy is irritating and wont work for me… For someone else they can get great results and to me that is how they hack the code…

I suppose belief and placebo are not necessarily the same, as beleif follows the structures of the users brain ( or soul in the spiritual paradigms) . There is placebo involved because what methods are employed need to be interpretted through the framework of a meta paradigm…However, if a ritual requires doing x, y,z, someone may call it raising energy, someone else gaining access to code…meh, what does it matter so long as u get results…U could operate outside of a paradigm and still get results…I could call something bs, and it may still work…so I’ll experiment with your energy ball idea…I may reframe it into something else…or keep it as is…because why not…Experimentation is fun!

@grand, please explain with scientific references precisely how the placebo effect works, you’re obviously more scientific than us, thanks. :+1:

Because it seems to this ignorant LARP-ette that naming a literal force of belief and mental power that can reliably compete with and enhance known pharmacological remedies, and even surgical interventions, is proof our minds have powers that are not widely acknowledged.

If that’s the case, just maybe the mainstream doesn’t know about every OTHER things we’re capable of doing with our minds, as well. :thinking:

But maybe you know something about how what someone thinks can create effects with a specific start date and end date (no placebo, no effect), defying the otherwise normal progression of disease/injury, that we’ve all missed out on?

Looking forward to reading that. :+1: