Is it possible to take the full power of gods into your spirit

@C.Kendall made a post some time ago where he talks about becoming the spirits. I interpret that as taking their full power into him.

I would like to know if it’s possible to put the full power of the gods inside your chakras.


Personally I doubt it, maybe possible for that Deity to give you something to use but I find it unlikely for people to fully merge themselves with a Deity. I tend to slightly doubt a deity would even give a person all its power or merge with someone.


You can become a physical vessel of an entity by years of attunement, but you can never become that deity.

I know this because that is what I have been doing for over a decade.


Phew, thats a complex multi level question :slight_smile:

The first step is believing that you are one, “where the mind goes the energy follows” An ancient does not “Give you power” they wake up what’s already there.

There are so many thoughts that can run through a persons mind in a day to create doubt, fear, anger etc all designed to be experienced as human it’s what keeps you here and vibrating on this plane.

If you can release yourself from the personal level even for a few minutes you experience a whole different you. Kind of like meditation.

The first step for me was thinking global and not local so to speak. How does what I do in a day make a better impact on the planet? Lucifer actually woke me up to this, I have power to effect change and the ability to envision how it’s paid forward.

The whole reason I walk the left hand path is to physically, mentally and spiritually go against everything the right hand path represents and to take back my power which was syphoned off over the years.

I would say to your question, that no one really knows. But if you take into account some of the outrageous claims made by others why not:) If it’s something that you feel strongly about, then dedicate yourself to mastering that, listen to whats inside you and take the advice of others for just that.

I really wish with all my heart that you reach your goals.


Yes, you can do so by taking the entity’s place. There is no merging involved. There will be no conflict or “not allowing” because you become it. I won’t go into detail on how it is done but long story short, you claim your authorship over it.

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Yes you can it’s called a godform assumption, assuming the godform they want give you their power. You must command it, by sheer force of power and will you must TAKE IT & BECOME IT.


Yes. That’s essentially what invocation, channeling or what some call possession is.



Why do this? It seems kinda of lazy to me. Why not just tap into your own power instead? Collect your past lives, heal them and move on?

Maybe I don’t understand because I have never felt the need to do it myself? Learning from a Master/teacher isn’t the same as this as developing your own powers.

I have blended my energies with other beings, but I am not losing myself nor powers.


I agree with purple.

The point of LHP, is self empowerment and self preservation, for lack of a better term. While not everyone is LHP, this is no different than trying to replace workouts with medical stimulants to try to get muscles.


The act of becoming something sounds a lot like trying to be something your not instead of trying to be more of what you are. Why try and replace a Deity or power? You can be your own flavor of it. Look at the many Gods and Goddesses that reign over the same aspect of creation. :man_shrugging: if one needs to take on another beings power to get their will across would that count as the inability to rely on your own power and potential?

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If I take Asbjorn Torvol’s “it’s all in your head” concepts and apply them here, I get a similar result to Kendall and Zyazazu. This is a crude summarization, however these entities are just as much your own psyche as they are themselves. It is therefore your power and your will that merges the specific being or aspect of your own psyche fully with yourself making it your power. So, in a sense, the power was yours all along. You just need to claim it or reject it just as we claim or reject anything else that can harm or help our Ascension.

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It’s not replacing it. It is taking its full power

There’s no difference to what you just tried to say lol. If you have to take the power of something else, all of it then it’s replacing. Becoming it is replacing.

my question is based upon this. Imagine if the full power of all the gods,demons and spirits from thousands of different books and grimoires were inside your etheric body.

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Finally, someone gets it.


Sounds a lot like the typical human seeking so much power and don’t know how to wield their own assuming taking on that much power being possible and not just rejecting the etheric body and the individual who would do such with lack of knowledge on the effect it would have but like again I doubt one could take on that much and that many under the idea that it’ll change them or “power” them up.

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I tend to agree with this somewhat, not in the sense of needing lifetimes but more in the sense a lot of occult people rely too much on other beings power and wonder why their energy bodies look like crap lol taking energy into you is fine but develop yourself first and your own power not stack up like it’s a video game.

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You can’t earn what is already yours

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Uh you can have something and still be crap and not know how to use it? That’s still a form of earning.

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