Is it fundamental to get into a trance?

Is it fundamental to get in a trance? I’m not capable right now.

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I would say that it is. A trance is nothing special, just quiet your mind for a while. If you can’t do that then yeah I think your main focus should be on helping yourself first before anything else like servitor-making.


What does it feel like to be in trance?
Should i not feel my body anymore?
Or just relaxed?

Look it up and do some research, they’re fairly basic.

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Trance is like an altered state of consciousness similar to hypnosis.


Read this

You haven’t said what it’s for. That’s important. Otherwise, it’s the equivalent to saying whether to go left or right, without saying where you are.

Yes and no.It depends what you’re trying to do and what technque you’re using. Some techniques, like using petitions don’t need trance.

The purpose of trance is for you to be able to receive information from the entities or your subconscious using your clairsenses. Otherwise you’re kind of having a one way conversation not sure if the entity can hear you.

If your senses are so open you can get that without trance then no you don’t need trance.

For creating servitors you need to be in a quiet space and able to focus your imagination for a while. This is already a light trance state. You’re in a light trance just watching movies or playing on your phone, so this is not a big deal and mostly anyone can do it.


@Caesar Do you daydream? Because that’s alpha trance. Everyone has been in trance they just don’t call it that. Ever fixated on a point for a few seconds while the mind dumps? Welcome to deeper alpha.

We need a post decoding states of trance to common experiences many people have. Do we have that?

Then I guess one needs to experience hypnosis first for a frame of reference.

@Jaden_Isaac You ever daydreamed and lost sight of the world around you?

I posted something in my rambles. What’s not here is how combinations like the Theta Gamma State work, but it speaks for itself imo.

There’s a point where all the talking means nothing, because this is experiential not theoretical. People just don’t try, or they give up when it’s not an instant gratification thing. I thik this is art of the point of fb and tictok, to attack our consciousness by undermining our ability to just sit quietly without getting a dopamine hit for five minutes so nobody can meditate any more.

The best thing to do for meditation these days, is to switch off social media and detox from being dopamine addicted for a week.

More about how addiction to dopamine is fucking you up… and you can extrapolate for how this causes would be mages to fail because it stops them from being able to handle meditating in any shape or form…

NOT saying that’s what the OPs issue with meditating is, as he didn’t say, but we see it a lot around here, right up there with “nah, I don’t read books”… from newbie mages, despite 99.9 percent of all the really good stuff being in books.

But maybe this will be helpful, as stress plays into it as well. Stress generates more cortisol which you to seek dopamine even more.

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