Is EA books for Beginners?

A Field Manual Of Magick For Social Engineering, Mass Mind Control And Personal Seduction To Command Total Compliance From Your Subjects

Should someone who has not unlocked spiritual powers yet nor casted any spell till now, is it beneficial for that person to purchase EA Books?

It depends on the book. E.A. has over a dozen books out now, and some are designed for beginners, a couple are full courses and some assume a background in ceremonial magick. I don’t have this book so I’m not sure what prerequisites it has.

All of them, as most modern grimoires do, assume you have your protections and cleansing techniques understood. Doing magick sort of lights you up on the astral and attracts interest from astral entities. LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE… If your work is positive you have little to worry about.

On this forum we have a few tutorials collected to give you these basics - at the very least, be able to feel the ambience or presences in a room, calm and ground your energy, cleanse and ward your space, and banish.

The top three I always recommend are spiritual hygiene, developing your astral senses and learn how to get rid of impostors and parasites in case you get any. (Most people already have some as a natural consequence of living.)

So his books can vary drastically in level of difficulty, and I can’t say for certain as this book hasn’t come out yet. So far his contributions in the world domination series have been mostly beginner friendly. In the wealth magick spell book his portion doesn’t require astral senses till the last chapter which is about pact making.

Also note that these books have contributions from several authors, so each section can vary. The other authors of this one are Martin McGreggor and Andrieh Vitimus. It seems from the video that McGreggor’s contribution will need some spiritual skills to pull off, but there will be instructions on how to build those skills in the book. Andrieh Vitimus in my experience is usually beginner friendly but Koetting said there would be “full summoning” in that section. Depending on what he means by that it might mean you need astral senses.

Watching the video and reading the table of content my best guess is koetting’s portion will be beginner friendly. It might be best to have some experience will candle magick but that’s something you could do now and be ready by the time the book comes out.

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