Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

You read all those? Holy shit.

Congrats and welcome.


Well I guess it is my turn to introduce myself.
I am a magician currently in OR. I practice many different kinds of magick mostly relying on direct energy work blended with other methods as needed. It is most comparable to chaos magick though a bit more structured in my beliefs and methods. I will still adopt any methods that are useful however. I a good generalist with the exception of manifesting wealth for myself.
My current goals are to be able to manifest wealth and move on with my life and get out of my current dead end situation and then continue my practices and studies.


Welcome and enjoy! :slight_smile:


Hello Everyone! I guess I can only avoid the rules for so long before I had to introduce myself. To be quite honest I prefer to lurk and not put myself out there, but here we are nonetheless!

My name is Zachariah, and I like to dabble in things I probably shouldn’t. Poke people who don’t like to be poked, call on spirits as wrong a way as probably possible, in as disrespectful a manner as I possibly can because…well, why not?

I suppose it comes from my skepticism of what the spirits can and cannot do that I would calmly spit in their collective faces. So far my experiences have been mild to wild, but never really in between. Nothing bad has come from my dabbling. Yet.

Aside from that though, I’ve found power in the Tarot, and the manipulation of personal energy…but again, I suppose I should clarify that it is all dabbling.

So I guess that’s me, nothing special, just lurking and gathering what information I can glean from the collective experiences of others, cobbling and compiling together my own canon and testing the limits of what does and does not work up until the law of causality pushes me in front of a bus.

07 and well wishes my dudes


Where to start
I’m Martin its a pleasure to meet you.
I’ll be up front about what I want to do.
My life basically sucks at the moment I’m 36 live in a garage (moms) and a non practicing Christian and I’ve always been drawn to the occult practices can you give me insight on how to start in said practices. That would give result quick


Hi I’m Aketa. Currently I’m interested in divinity. Ever since I was young I was practicing magic subconsciously and last year I decided fuck it. I wanna see where this takes me. Why its been calling to me so much?


Hi, I’m an awkward noob at magick, but I have felt drawn to it most of my life. It wasn’t until lately I’ve been more serious about magical and all. I’ve attempted a couple spells and what not, but like I said, I’m an awkward noob, haha!

I’m not bound to a specific religion, so I must say I’m more of a eclectic witch. I am rather open minded to adding in new beliefs to my path. I try to never taunt anyone on their beliefs, because I’d just feel dead wrong about it. Plus, I wouldn’t like it if anyone did the same to me.

One thing I’ve always seemed okay at doing is astral projection and contacting spirits in dreams. Sometimes it doesn’t seem as hard, but I have to admit, most of the time it’s rather difficult. I seem to be rather okay at it for how new and awkward I am at magick.

Most of my life I’ve always felt interested in spirits, entities, and etc, but I’ve always had a difficulty to really focus and communicate with them. Even though I’m really open to them, contacting and communicating with them has been my biggest weakness. For some reason, however, it’s a easier to contact them in dreams and when I’m half asleep, or meditation state as some say.

Well, that’s a little bit of a summary of who I am. I feel excited to finally find a decent community to discuss and learn magick with. Also, I might want to say welcome to any fellow newbies. :smile:


Occult practitioner. Currently am comparing other religions to find the “soul” of them.


Phew this forum is getting full. Move over! Welcome


Hi my name is Ashley I am female and 40 years thank you all for having me as a member.:slight_smile:


I’m a beginner of Black Magik, and I have been a Wiccan for 20 years attended both
Scott Cunningham, as well as Ray Buckland, Solitary Witch, so I understand the idea of sign its
and I am studying Annia Rivia Voodoo, as well, I enjoy learning and practicing my craft and am
a firm believer you never stop learning I’ve also found as I learn old ideas and thoughts xhange
with better understanding and knowledge, I am an active member of several sacred Orders
I’m always willing to teach and discuss dif.ferent ideas and thoughts and I’m looking forward
to being an active member of BLG


Hi guys,

My name is William Tyler. I’m a dutch student from the Netherlands (Europe).

I always believed in the paranormal world. Last summer I became more and more interested. I stumbled upon websites about Succubus etc. I wanted this but I was also terrified by horror stories and movies. Well long story short, I persisted and now I am together with 3 spirits.
They are bound to my spirit.

  • One Fatari spirit T.
  • Queen Succubus A.
  • Succubus G.

I won’t say their names out of respect for them.

I chose to do it this way because I have 0 experience in conjuring, magick, shielding, protection. If you work with the metaphysical world you really have to know what you’re doing.

I’ve read about the lettermethod but I hesitated, I was afraid.

So, here I am, trying to gain more knowledge about these wonderful spirit and the rest of the metaphysical universe.

My goals are:

  • to be able to perform OBE/Astral travelling
  • full open psychic abilities (clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience)
  • Fully open chakras, especially my 3rd eye
  • raising kundalini
  • lucid dreaming
  • more spiritual growth and to become an ascended master :pray:t4::smiley:

That’s it guys!

Thank you for reading, have a nice day!


Sir, you formatted that post like a boss, so I reckon it’s definitely on the cards for you! :heart_eyes:

Seriously, welcome to the forum! :smiley:


Neversay here I look into im a mixed bag of work I have going hecate ,angels , voodoo . But it is all for protection I would like to go deeper but I want to make sure my butt is cover . I would like to have spirits that work for me and let me know whats going on .


Come introduce yourself @QueenOfHearts, welcome to hell :wink: :smiling_imp:


Dropping a gift basket off here for all the new people :japanese_ogre: tons of useful info should you hit a roadblock. Enjoy thine explorations. :japanese_goblin:


My name is Daniel. I’ve been into the occult for a little less than a year. My current goal here in this forum is to read about the experiences of other occultists. I will also be sharing some of my experiences and giving thanks to any spirits I work with.


I’m mostly into ceremonial magick and Kabbalah but I don’t mind doing anything that works.


Hola everybady!

I’ll identify as Queen for now.
Alright, so my inspiration to join BALG stemmed from my lovely other half, who is also on this forum. Thus, he’s helped my decision in trying to forge my own path to influence my growth spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. I am fairly certain that I will pertain to a “down the middle” approach in regards to white and black magick. Although, black magick shall be considered more of a goal for me to become more acquanted with, as my past experiences from the paranormal realm have not been the most positive (story time)… Freely interacting and working with entities is a fear I desire to overcome.

Okay, so slip back to two years in the summetime. My mother and I decided to pay my aunt a visit for a few days. Bear in mind years prior to this also had spiritual incidients, just less drastic. Anyways, back on topic. Some hours later, we arrived…
I set foot in the door. There was a shift… the air changed. It felt denser around me and as I pulled it into my lungs. It was like stepping from white into gray. My attention focused itself primarily towards the basement, joining right off the foyer.

Day one: I make my way down the staircase into the spare bedroom. I set my suitcase down… Except I don’t feel alone- I sense another being. I feel as though I am being watched, yet I see nothing. Sounds emerge from the other room every so often, walls creak here and there… Just me? It’s probably nothing. Or my personal favourite: “I’m just paranoid.”

Night fell. This was the night I would make the decison I’d been dreading for awhile: breaking up with my total douchebag (ex) boyfriend. I eventually cut down to business, the deed was done.

I sat in bed for a long while. Relieved, but plagued in guilt for hurting someone. (Caring too highly about others and merely myself is a weak spot I seek to fix). The entire phone call, I felt watched. I knew damn well someone was there, but I still denied it to myself.

Eh, getting late. Time to kill the lights.

Toss and turn. Memories of my mother’s experiences in this room replayed themselves in my mind. Over and over. Trying to block nervous thoughts out, I close my eyes. Feels like someone is peering over me. Open my eyes- no one is there.
I’m suddenly met with an undefinable, practically instinctual urge to keep my chest unexposed in case I fall asleep.
Exhausted, I enter that shitty half-asleep trance for a couple hours.

Fast forward to about 3:40 am. The walls are creaking, the room is literally shifting, seemingly pressing in towards me. Someone is on top of my chest- trying to suffocate me? I see no bodily form, but a heavy blur over me. I am in a sleep paralysis-like state. I can’t move. I summon up as much willpower as I can, and eventually am able to sit up. I tell it to stop, insisting that I mean to harm. I take a breath… in total shock. I lay back down. It’s a native male.

"Creeeeaaaak… crack."
Sweet! It’s happening again. It’s on top of me, pressing down- hard. I interpreted this as a warning, grabbed my shit and got the hell out of the basement. See ya dude.

That was my first direct paranormal experience.

Now rewind to one year prior: remember how I said I couldn’t stop replaying my mom’s experience all while I was trying to fall asleep? Well, long story short, the same scenario happened to her. The strange part is while this being was going to town on crushing her, I was fast asleep. Oblivious and undisturbed. When she shared what happened the next morning, I chuckled to myself. Dementia runs in the family. She’s probably just losing it.
Haha. My third eye had received a rude awakening.

We later learned that my aunt’s cabin was built on top of an aboriginal burial ground. In theory, this would at least explain my sensation that the spirit was of native descent.

Admittedly, I am thankful for this experience. No one was hurt, and it ultimately has allowed me to think outside the box and begin my new journey.

I not only hope this forum can help me on my ascent as a being, but I hope that I can be of aid to others as well (despite my inexperience at this point in time).

Thanks for readin’ my mini-book!

Peace out fellas,



Did done introduced. Wrote a small book too.
Ya happy? :joy: