Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

thanx for reaching out… if I’m a new person to majik, do I really possess the power/authority to make it work?

I like soul travel and Astral Projection.
My goal is to become a chosen one.
I try to get out of the body.


@anon84896414 is someone that I think should reach out to you, he has also been dedicated to soul travel astral projection subjects.

I tagged him on this post for you.


Thank you so much!!! yes of course i will contact him to help me try this wonderful experience. :heart: :heart:

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Hi :eyes:
I’ve been hanging out here for a while, maybe a few months, who knows… I figured it was the right time to finally create an account since I managed to get some experience after 3 years of experimenting.

I was mainly interested in tarot, probably because I needed something factual at the beginning. As time went by I became interested in different forms of magic, but more generally white magic, runes and scrying.
From the beginning, I had tried to be with various spirits or entities, it was a bit to satisfy my curiosity (and my hormones, not gonna lie). So I practiced for quite some time in a more or less spartan way through time.
However, after 3 years, I didn’t have much, just more questions, doubts, but still no answers or facts or feelings on which I could tell myself that it’s not just me imagining things.
Don’t worry, I’m stubborn.
I’m not gonna stop :ok_hand:

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• Username: meow

• I look like a human.

• I am interested in a lot of Goetic work, specifically I have worked with Dantalion, King Paimon and a couple others. I’m also practice energy work (like healing) and enjoy medication and astral projection. I study a lot of mythos (most especially Norse Celtic and Greek). I definitely also do spellwork and rituals not connected to the Goetia. I have been into magick, witchcraft, since middle school and continue to research, converse, and learn more.

• A current goal of mine is to meditate more often and grow my skills and knowledge on (energy) healing. Another is to better understand and explore divination. There a quite a few other goals I have but they basically boil down to more meditating, reading, and interacting with other like-minded (or at least open-minded) people.

• I’m a student which has its ups and downs. Some of my relationships seem to also be a struggle, as many have been for some time. Figuring out where I feel like I belong or am meant to be. Magick can be a struggle but I usually just try to learn from it and see new opportunities when it becomes a struggle.


Thank you for doing an introduction as requested, and welcome :slight_smile:

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Hi everyone I had already gave a previous introduction but deleted it and decided to try this again My name is Jacob I’m 17 I’m very interested in working with wolfs and I’m a complete beginner and look forward to growing with the help of this forum

Ok great, I know this is kinda off beat, however, can you guide me through a spell or two?


Hello everyone! I’ve been lurking here on and off, but last night I felt that I should finally register and be more active here, so here I am…

My name is Adalbertsen or Addie for short and I’ve been ‘practicing’ magick for about a year now - yet I feel that I just got to the start-line… I consider myself a black witch and my main focus was demonolatry, I’ve had some great experiences with V.K. Jehannum’s rituals and sigils and certain meditations and some really baffling results with spirits.

I’ve been able to sense energy from an early age, but lately it feels like it’s been switching on and off. My greatest struggle of all is seeing through my third eye, perhaps I damaged my chakras in a phase of life where I was going rapidly towards self-destruction, but right now I’m rediscovering all the basics and working on developing my skills.

My goal is right now to initiate through all the planets, the current of Saturn to transform myself to a better version, but these are just my short-term goals. My long-term goals are properly initiating through the Qliphoth, the Tunnels of Set, Da’ath, the Sephiroth, the pathways between each Sephira, both the trans-Qliphotic and trans-Sephirothic veils and the Purgatorium. Until then I have to build discipline and work my ass off! :grin:

Last year a broken version of me was looking here and everywhere for a quick fix, a rite or spell to get back an ex, but really getting to know magick and spirits gave me so much more satisfaction and purpose that I gave up on that goal. I hope others who are just dabbling or looking for a love spell will find their purpose and peace.

Hail Nahema! Hail Ustrina! Hail Chernobog!


Hi,sorry for missing out for a time! Business and stuff and travel! Pfft! We have to work as well. My shit hole country is going into lockdown from tomorrow and therefor my cats are feeling very uneasy. I am worried and feel very insecure as we have rumors of the army going to kill us whites! Do you think my cats are feeling my worry as I have a lot on my plate with closing my business and redirecting 31 staff members who rely on me! Some advice will be welcome😐

I am a boy who recently became a Satanist but has been performing Occult practices for a long time and have been benefiting a lot out of it. I joined this site to help empower my Godly self with more knowledge and wisdom with all kinds of Magic. Mainly, with Black Magic and certain books such as Lesser Key and some other Occult books too from Dr. John Dee, The Arbatel of Magic and other books too, I have also been reading a lot of articles on net from this website recently and other magic websites which are very helpful. This website is actually way helpful in understanding magic better, so I decided to join it. My goals are to connect more with my Godly self through the help of Spirits from Goetia to fulfill my desires and to gain knowledge together with future forecasts from them too. I have found a little struggles connecting with Lilith too, but it seems I am getting a hold of it slowly. Thanks very much for reading my introduction.

Below is a clear photo of mine.


Dear timothy well for any one and you I have new circle that no one uses that is a spirit guide and a summoning circle its red scribe in three places Άρης Άρης Άρης which means mars, mars, mars, then you need a red circle around it but I believe you can use a red triangle around it give it a whirl

Hi there!

I’m Soren, I’m 24.

I’ve learned about magic (hoodoo, Root work, tarot, chaos magic) through the last years. Actively I started to practice with little things, like making a teacher be late for class, dream spells, love oil, or to hurt a boy that offended me. Childish things.

This year I started with major rituals, still I don’t have enough confidence to evoque an entity to help me, I haven’t been successful yet. I’m failing at letting the thing go.

I’d like to learn with the community, I’ve been reading a few posts (a post related to Astaroth brought me here) and this people is extremely well versed in the arts.


Well you can learn about magick but you have to get out of the shower and put some clothes on first I’m just kidding of course you don’t need clothes.

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Hi, I’m Crazy. I am a Baptist. Well, forced to be one anyway. I am in college and I teach, and learn, musics for money. The whole reason I am here right now writing this is because my mother kept telling me stories of why we don’t know any of our relatives from her fathers side apart from him. As it turns out, most of his aunts, uncles, and cousins were… I don’t know what they were, but they used rituals to revive chickens as well as heal broken bones and some other things like that. I don’t even know where to start, literally, so please shoot some resources I might want/need to digest so I can study all this joy and happiness because I have no idea what I’m doing, but I love it.

Hey I’m Jonathon. I’m too new to LHP to know what kind of magick I like. It is my desire to learn how to heal my own body at will as well as others. I also desire to strengthen my relationships with Lucifer, Azazel and Lilith. My goal is to learn all that I can from them and any they choose to instruct me. To master myself and become a King as well as the living God that I am. My struggles are my finances and lack of knowledge and skill. I have weaknesses that I need to obliterate and I don’t know how. I’ve been unsuccessful at every attempt to evoke. However I fully believe I’ve successfully invoked Lucifer, and Azazel. Not 100% sure about Lilith. She’s appeared in some of my dreams. The last one was a bit weird. They were all weird actually. But that was all my fault as I still considered myself Christian at the time and hadn’t yet renounced my faith or connection to Heaven. E.A. Koetting via YouTube has been my main source of reliable information. Thank you both Timothy and E.A. Koetting for your work. Be blessed.

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Sorry, wrong thread lol


how long have you been practicing magick for? :smiley:

It helps us to evaluate this idea if we know something about your background in magick. :+1: