Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

I am from the land of ice and fire, Iceland, and you?


Ah, a Nordic girl.

The land of fish, chips and queuing, England. :+1:


Depends… I usually try to hear my inner side, kind of inner voice or intuition… and in most cases it turns the right thing. So it’s a mix of both - logic and faith I guess. Once someone told me I have I’m connected with an entity, so perhaps it’s not intuition but this entity gives me idea or thought to act this or that way.

Here’s a secret I discovered: small incremental improvements will be better for you than all or nothing, poverty or millions,. “fat” (your term) or envied… they build up over time, like the slow steady lift of a plane taking off, compared to a rocket ship. And they’re far more attainable!

For general info, try reading this site:

I know when you feel beaten down and like you have nothing, aiming high is incredibly appealing, but the improvements you can have are better than the fantasy awesomeness that keeps eluding you. Later on, things will become easier to change in large ways.

I’m an all or nothing thinker myself (or, used to be, until I realised it was fucking me up) so feel I can relate, if that makes sense? :thinking:

Anyway welcome to the forum! :+1:


Hi, im lupita
I just started learning about this, i have done a freezing spell and it worked.

My goal is to make an ex come beg me lol

And my struggle is… i did an obsession spell and i think I’m the one who became obsessed :joy: so i got rid of it and i feel normal again.

Still want him to come beg, he has always done it before without majic but i think he’s talking to someone else and i him to stop.

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Hello all, call me Science. Why am I called Science? You’ll see in due time. I’m from the western United States. I dont have a path per se but I’m curious to see what this particular group is about. So far I’ve dabbled in Dao but I’m curious about this so let’s see where this takes me.


Please tell us about yourself. This post doesn’t really meet the criteria for a proper introduction.

Where do you hail from?

Do you have any actual experience in magick?

If so, what do you practice?

How’s that?

I too had christianity shoved down my throat for about 17 years and threw it back up with the quickness. I also dont practice any specific path. I enjoy magick as a whole.
Welcome to the forum!
Dark Bessings Be

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Ah. i see you edited it, Thank you, and welcome.


I concur!


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What’s your favourite bubblegum flavour and why?
Which vegetable do you hate the most and again, why?
When it comes to Marx do you prefer Groucho to Karl or not and if so, why not?

It’s stuff like that which we need to know for our own sick reasons. If you want to give us information with which we can blackmail you, don’t hesitate; feel free.

That’s just how it is.



• My name is Rezwana

• I like magic the bends wills, im more of a dark witch
• Sallos came to in my dreams on his own
• i want to reconcile with my twin flame


Thank you for doing an introduction as requested, but you have’t really told us anything about yourself or your experience in magick.

Where do you hail from?

What, exactly, do you practice, and how long have you practiced it?


Ive been practicing for about 7 months now,
I come from the uk,
I have ancestors in black magic from Bangladesh
“Islamic magick usually involves the djinn”
I stay away from that as djinns have tormented me entire life
Im well practiced in candle magick and a bit of hoodoo.
I have envoked lilith/ Lucifer with temporary results.
I aim to find a mentor and that will stay with me as i stay with then :heart:


To please your sick desires my favorite bubblegum flavor is the classic pink bubblegum flavor because I’m a sugar fiend. My most hated vegetable is artichoke because it’s too much work to eat and Harpo is my favorite Marx, he’s a magnificent harpist.


Get hold of Anton LaVey’s classic The Satanic Witch and read between the lines. Develop the look you have.Get a copy of William C. Lammey’s Karmic Tarot. Don’t argue with me, just do it for lots of reasons you don’t know yet. Start overdosing on Damiana, if you can,get elixir drink that, not the fucking tincture (which is piss weak) or if you can’t get either, use tablets. It’s not just to increase sexual desire - trust me.

You let us know.



Thank you for elucidating more, and welcome.

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Thank you! :heart:

Scientific types piss me off. They start out admitting that their five human senses are limited and then base their entire learning on these admittedly limited senses. I bet you’ve already decided we’re a group of self-deluded fucktards just having our collective selves on and telling tall tales in our adopted internet personas as Live Action Role Players!

Yeah, Magick is all shit. That’s why it’s always survived, always had adherents in every generation. Because it’s all shit! That makes sense, doesn’t it? That’s why Magicians spent money and lots of time - just so they can have themselves on using stuff that doesn’t work more than raw probabilities.

Whatever you do, don’t try anything, like the exercises which are posted on these boards. Just be an armchair critic comfortably complacent in your prefab, intellectual easy-chair. And have fun, because if your Magick not’s fun you’re not doing it right! (Took me too fucking long to work that one out.)
