Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

My “name” is Carmed. I’m from California. Back in 2009 I had my first experiences. I was able to read people right away in a very descriptive way. I was even feeling people’s pains and told them how to get rid of them. I’ve had OBEs, remote viewed, telepathy and etc. I don’t know what happened if I got scared or what that all that stopped.

So here I am looking for information and hoping that I can be able to do all that.


Hi my name is ChrisCiFuge I am new to the left hand path or Magick in general i have devoted the rest of my life to magic after all my life being raised and taught in the bullshit religion we all know as Christianity I never was comfortable or a believer in any of the bullshit lies i was being taught I was always scared to open a book or watch a video on magic until Christianity failed me so bad for the last time that one day I was drawn to watch a video by yours truly the one and only E.A. Koetting and from that point on I realized his upbringing and life hadn’t been to much different than mine. I am so happy to be a part of the left hand path but I am from Buffalo, NY where there is not to much going on and defiantly not many practicing Magick so I dont know anybody practicing Magick and I defiantly need friends and a Mentor so if anybody is willing to befriend and help me in my Magick journey please do [edit - please PM] thank you and I look forward to my journey on the left hand path.
My goals are to become the best Magician that I can bee and there are no Limits. I like and am interested in all types of magick I am fearless and want to learn all about everything for to me to stop learning is to stop Living. I have had struggles throughout my life now since ive started my Left hand path journey things are getting much better.


Welcome, but you may want to edit your intro and remove your email address and phone number. It is not safe to post such information to a public internet forum that can be viewed by anyone.

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Thank you

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Hey all, I’m Eresol, here to learn. I’m interested in many different forms of magick. My current focus is Egyptian magick.

Thank you very much for your help it is greatly appreciated.


I’d rather not share my real name here, at least not yet, so my name is Astral. I’ve always been interested in the occult, the paranormal, things of that nature, though unlike a lot of the stories I’ve read on here, I didn’t have a religious upbringing and actually know virtually nothing about organized religion, or magick for that matter. My parents consistently told me growing up that religion wasn’t real, god wasn’t real, etc, which is odd because recently they’ve adopted the opposite view.
I’ve always had some sort of abilities ever since childhood but never really knew them to be abilities until a little later in life, but haven’t ever actually practiced magick otherwise. I’ve had a handful of experiences that have led me in this direction but those are stories for another time, as they’re long on their own. I honestly don’t know what I’m doing here yet, but I stumbled upon the site a few days ago and something has been pushing me to join ever since.


Welcome to the rabbit hole that is the BALG forum! Enjoy the ride! :slight_smile:


Thanks! It’s cool to see this place is so active.


Yeah, we are probably one of, if not the most, active occult forums around. We have members from all over the world so there is almost always someone lurking around lol


I dig it. I don’t even know where to start. :exploding_head:


Here you go:

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Perfect! I want to kinda share my story, but I don’t know if everything is connected or if it isn’t. My intuition says it is, but it also reads like a bad movie, so I don’t know. I suppose the more I learn, the more sense it will make.

Feel free to open a thread to tell your story, and ask questions. We’re all pretty friendly here :slight_smile:

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I’m working on typing it all up. Don’t say I didn’t warn you though. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Hello! I’m new(ish) to magick (I hate the color description but grey magick would probably be most in line with my practices) I’m a spiritualistic empath that was raised in a very Christian home. I have always been VERY curious and prone to asking questions (For example: I called out santa for being a fraud at 3 yrs old becacase it was “impossible” lol) But when I would ask questions about Christianity people just got defensive and didn’t give me facts. I don’t need to get into all the fallacies and corruption in the religion as you are probably aware… but neither atheism nor Christianity could explain various spiritual experiences I’ve had and the thousands of religions with millions of followers all claiming different things were true. I practiced white magick a lot in 2014-2016 and eventually my (very Christian) mom found out and threw away my tarot deck, pendulum, and various occult/divination books. I started back with it again recently and it was a very good decision. I dont really wanna be a god, I just wanna understand and better myself and the universe. Nonetheless, this channel/fourm has really opened my eyes and answered many of my questions. Thanks to everyone! :ghost:


Hello Michelle welcome love to the forum.:black_heart::black_heart::black_heart::rose::rose::rose::rose::rose:

Hello I am John P.

I love all forms of magic so far.

My current goal is to learn all I can of all forms of magic and get more out of my rituals as well as have them manifest quicker.

My struggles very. Some of it can be focous in some rituals, or discerning wich voices are of who i am calling on or where they come from as several lower entities linger around my complex. My only other struggle at times is keeping my mind of the ritual and at times keeping a positive mind state about it.


Not only sociopathes have this

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Sounds more like some form of autism tbh