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Hail Satan my name is Raven moonstone I’ve been practicing the left hand path for many years looking for other like-minded brothers and sisters. Would like to open up from the communication to be able to speak upon what I’ve experienced and how to learn more.

Easy answer but no. I think I just need more empty space around me than other people.

You should probs go with that over sociopath. People are a lot more understanding if someone says they like their own space

Hi, I’m gigi
I’m not really comfortable posting a picture of me so I’ll skip this… I’m a begginer, I only know about tarot and that I’m a fairy. I want to know more about magic, black magic too cause I see that everyone seems to be afraid of it but I don’t see any harm in it, so I want to do my research. The other reason that I’ve searched for it is cause I’m hypnotized with someone but I don’t think that this person even know about my existence. I hope that I can be helped and help who needs too!

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Hello my name is sabella
I’m from the United States. I love magic and have had a fascination with it ever since I was a child. I’m practice both sides. I’m here to meet new people and learn as much as I can.


I have little experience with black magick, but I have invoked Lucifer and asked him to manifest in whichever his eleven masks he sees fit to present to me. I researched and drew symbols and sigils of his eleven masks for the invocation and one that I encountered was the Gaelic god Lugh. His symbol is a shield, and I believe if you ask Lucifer for help through his manifestation of Lugh, he can grant you the safety and shielding you ask. All is possible through Lord Lucifer. Hail Lucifer, hail Lugh. Grant thy powerful protection to Mael, who I do not know, but love as a brother of dark magick. All things are possible through thy unholy power, Lord Lucifer. All hail!


Hi! I’m Zuleika aka Lupa aka the Shewolf. I have been a practicing pagan since my teens. Starting with Wicca and moving through to a more eclectic style with aspects of Voodun, Shamanism, Animism, Celtic, Eastern, Daemonology etc.

At the moment I am conducting further research into my dark aspects and seeing what comes up. I have quite a balanced “common sense” approach to magick because I’m basically an old soul and get grouchy haha.

I joined because I am looking forward to connecting with others and for researching what info is available to help me on my journey.


Hey Gurl about time you got your ass here lol.


Loool the cheek! Get it, ass, cheek…

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@Lupa Yes we all have them :wink:

Hi I’m new today is my 1st day I’ve been doing spiritual enlightenment for 5years now my great grandma was a voodoo priestess and I come off as a show off know it all so I apologize in advance, my witch name is the angelis mortis which means angel of death, which I am very proud of that talent anyway you can call me Joe Joe if you like it’s nice to meet everyone umm when people first meet me I look sweet and innocent so I call it the Lucifer effect hint the devil was once an angel I am nice very mannerisms but I do have a bad temper I look forward to making friends here
Oh I forgot to add all the magick I do I am electic so I do all magick I am very good at making holy oil, holy water, holy bath water, voodoo dolls I just started that, djinn magick is my specialty, I do allot of voodoo and allot of other magick as well

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First I apologise in advance that my English is very bad :frowning:
I’m Muzammil. I love to learn all type of magic at this time I use Arabic talisman and work with Orisha Shango.
Hope I will learn much more here
Love you :smile:


I’ll use the name Elle (it’s part of my name)

No pics, sorry

I’m used to HooDoo and a bit of Santeria

Current goals: to get the life I was meant to have back. People have done work on me and to me and my life for a myriad of reasons. None appropriate or warranted. I’ve been abused, homeless, sick and a lot more. the worm has turned and is now packing an Uzi (it’s a line from a movie, no violence intended).

Current struggles in order:
I need my husband back from the parasite who took him (oddly enough it’s my son’s girlfriend)
Get my grandparent’s property back from those who stole it
Pay my abuser back for all he stole from me and my son

I forgot to add that I do have abilities. Not sure what their proper names are, though. I know things before they happen, I can get a read on someone just by looking at them, I can see spirits, with certain people (like my husband) I can communicate without words, I can transport myself to other places and time without much work… there are some others, but I’ll stop there.

I’ve done some reading on here and you all seem very open minded and not judgmental at all. I need that right now.


Money, forced love and revenge… The three most treated arguments.
I’d like to read more about the parasite story anyway…

Welcome on board.

Not forced love at all (on my part). She doesn’t love my husband, she loves my son. She just doesn’t want my husband with me because she’s pushed my son so far the doesn’t want her anymore. She left my son for my husband thinking the grass was greener and found out quickly it was not. She’s been behind my husband’s back trying to get my son to forgive her. I want her out of all of our lives.

As far as my husband goes, he’s ashamed to face me after all he’s done, but he’s miserable with her too. Both of their lives have gone to crap (is that ok to say?) since they got together. He’s not treating her well, either. But he’s got himself enmeshed in her family and living with them so it’s not so simple, unfortunately.

As far as being a parasite, I’ve had readings and she’s not doing anything magical. She’s a liar and uses sex to keep a guy because frankly she doesn’t have much else to offer.

Hi, I’m Jay, I’ve been interested in the occult and such for pretty much my entire life though I’m very new to all this. I’m most interested in spirits, speaking to them and learning from them. I don’t know much about magick yet.
My main goal is to learn as much as possible really. I want knowledge and skills. Current secondary goal is be able to punish people who deserve it.
My primary struggle is that I’m just dumb as hell honestly. Also need to develop my sensitivity to such things and not be so skeptical. I’m going to need a LOT of help.


I wrote this on someones forum but I hope this helps you with your money issues
I bought a djinn ring for finance and it has helped me allot I do have some money coming in but that extra money has helped I also have given money out as well so if this helps in anyway I hope it does
Sorry I forgot to add you can look on wish, etsy or Amazon for Djinns I saw some being sold on eBay as well I bought a few from Amazon and Etsy specific place to look on Etsy haunted items
Hopes this helps you all in anyway

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It definitely does, thank you so much. My BFF talks of Djinns often, so that just solidifies I am in the right place. :slight_smile:

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Hello Guys

I’ve been growing up with my Asia granny who know how to contact goodness, and i learnt some skill with her, however, since I move out, I lose such ability, and now I want to regain this ability.

My current skill is dream with my late father, he brought me to japan, the underworld japan for travel, as I always want to go there and never been there before. It was amazing.

I only know how to use sage and that’s all, and I love to extend my skill set.

Please tell me where should I start.

Anton XX


Hey all, I’m Maer! I’ve always been drawn to the occult, but its hard to find teachers in person. I prefer learning from others mistakes as I’d rather not make them :slight_smile: but I am open to all lessons in the name of knowledge.