Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

Hi I’m Dargon I made the name up so say it however you like I don’t know anything about magick but I’m hoping I can understand and find a type I like

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Hi, I am mostly interested in the Gallery of Magick and similar grimoires that are no fuss and relatively result focussed. I am grateful to be part of this community and hope to find like minded.

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Hi Sherya,

I’ve had a very similar meeting with Belial. I instantly felt connected to him and comfortable working with him. Would love to chat to you more about your experience with him.

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Hi Blossom

You are most welcome😊. I have a very close relationship with Belial and exploring more each day. I never knew he existed. It was when I was going through a very painful time recently hat he connected. He was loud and clear. When I stumbled upon videos about demons on YouTube. I spent all night learning about them. I initially freaked out when Belial came. I was lying on my bed…and was suddenly woken up by 3 clear taps on my bed…just near my ears. I woke up and the name ‘Belial’ started playing in my head. It didn’t stop till I had a vision of him and we connected.

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My name is Nathan

I am 29 and have practiced magick since the age of 13 (Wicca at the time). Husband, father if 4, private investigator and part time musician

Mostly my interests are philosophical and theological. I am a germanic traditionalist pagan with interests branching into hermeticism, theurgy, and telestike.

My struggles seem largely on the idealistic side, though recent works have brought me to the brink of cataatrophe. More on that later.

I am not fullly sure what my goals are.
Self-improvement, ultimately. I am trying to parse a cocktail of feelings and inclinations in my life, I hope magick will help.


Hello pls i need your help i want to be more spiritually powerful

My name is Tanya and my exhusband like I said ended up causing me to not use my powers or anything cause I got fed up with him and his sarcasm about me practicing and now I’m trying to reconnect with my powers and can’t contact any demons or get my spells to work or my telepathy and my mom and grandma were witches and they have both passed so I can’t very well ask my mom and my grandma hated me so my grandma could also do curses just by saying them but nothing has worked lately

Hello all, I am Seeker. This obviously isn’t my real name, but I chose it because I’m very new to the occult and I’m seeking more knowledge into dark magick and the LHP. I’m an 18-year old college student, and until recently, I would have called myself a Christian. I began to doubt the teachings of Christianity more and more, but when I began to read about the LHP and spiritual Satanism, something seemed to click. I’m most interested in the knowledge and practice of spiritual Satanism and demon invocation in order to become a better and more in-control person. That being said, I am open to learning other forms and applications of magick. I also have a general interest in becoming more spiritually sensitive and open to signs and entities.


Hi,my name is Mael, i’m 19 and i’m french so please don’t pay attention to my english mistakes;
I was born in a Jehovah’s witness family and since august,i started reading occult things and changing my beliefs.I dont think i need to add more details at this moment,oh and i’m here because i need a special answer about protection and “shield” so i will make my first topic…


Welcome young seeker!


Your name: fizz
Kinds of magick you like: anything that gives me an advantage
Current goals: Gaining status
Current struggles: Feeling like magick doesn’t work


hey there my names isa

I’m new here, and recently started my journey as a magician. I’m really interested in the LHP, but also voodoo, and tarot reading. those things I would love to master and, of course, I want to get a high spiritual being.
my struggles are that I don’t really know where to start and the lack of information doesn’t really make it easier.

But reaching out to a big community like this should/will help me reach my goal so in some years I’m the one who can help other on their path

if you have any question just reply here ;D



Hi ya’ll, my nickname is Lam and I’m a 22yo girl living in England. I was born in a religious family, but always felt a longing for all things dark and magickal. As a child, the concepts of alchemy and other “otherworldly” things have always fascinated me.

That said, I have always been a spiritual person, avid meditator and an advocate of psychedelic drug use as a means of expanding one’s consciousness. I first came across demonolatry when I was 17, and since I have read the majority of literature that’s out there, but never considered it in a practical sense - be that out of fear due to my upbringing, or self-doubt. Not to bore you with the emo-kid bullshit, but I never felt like I belong in the world or known what I want to do or have, and at times the life as it is has lost all appeal. I tried so hard to be “good”, kind, and suppress my nature that, not gonna lie, magick and demons haven’t crossed my mind for a few years.

Until after a recent (this September) life event which I am now deeply grateful for, that reconnected me with my inner darkness if you will, and I realised that I have nothing to loose and everything to gain. I now am free of fear or misconceptions about the spirit world and welcome it gladly with open arms into my life.

I consider myself a follower of the Left Hand Path, with a particular interest in - you guessed it - demonolatry and invocation, and sigil magic, I suppose. I’m yet to cast my first spell and make contact with my first demon (any suggestions welcome).

I’m not afraid and believe in working with demons as equals, rather than standard Goetic invocation which is rather forced and disrespectful.

My goals are to expand my knowdledge of the LHP and learn as much as I can, make a pact with Satan, develop and perfect my psychic abilities, and the most pressing matter - gain financial stability, as currently I’m broke af :smiley: I have no magickal tools at the moment, apart from some candles and strong will/intent. And actually lemme just say, making likeminded friends is def one of my goals too, they aren’t easy to come across where I currently am. So dont be shy to @ me, I don’t bite… for the most part.

Thanks for readind!



Welcome to the family! We’re all glad to have you here, if you need anything just ask and I can pm you, I love sharing all I can on the arts.



I’m Monique, a closet transexual who wishes to remain anonymous. I have never practiced magick and do not belong to any particular way or discipline of metaphysical thought.

I’m intensely interested in the afterlife and the astral plane, however, as I see that as my only means to realize a certain desired existence, hermetically sheltered from ‘good’ in a salacious and loving hell. Those visions are wrapped in a warm, dark comforting blue glow.

I only signed up to this forum cause I wanted to ask a question, so I hope that will suffice as an introduction for now.


Thank you, and welcome! I hope you find what you’re looking for! :slight_smile:


Thank you, DarkestKnight! I’m sure it will be delightful!


Hello my name is kaylee I am 21 years old. I first started with magic when i was 13. I did a lot of water based tyoe magick to start with and communications with spirits through water kinda like palm reading but very different. Ive done white magick ever since i started magic it just came natural to me. Im a natural healer virgo indigo child empath and channaler for the spirit of sorrows (which means i take away pain sadness deoression ect of both this world and the spirit one). Recently ive struggled to astral project and use the third eye. I have tried for many many years it just doesnt want to happen for me alone. Tonight I have tried summoning king paimon to help with my little issue. That to i am struggling with. I was also trying to use my ouija board to make communicating with him easier since i can neither see or hear them (unless they get in my head and speak i can telepathically speak to them). I read the articke here about king paimon i dont have anything to offer him right now but on my next summoning which should be saturday ill be able to make a offering then. Since i was given wine last night. I have had my ouija board for the past month or so. I havent gotten a response yet but i will continue to try. Thanks for reading if you have any further questions about some experiences i have not posted here please message me. Thanks.



Good afternoon, It’s my time.
I have a real name
I live in Italy
I’m kinda a sociopath, don’t like people (especially them who lies), don’t like phisical contact or people that makes too many personal questions.
About feelings, sometimes i’m like a robot, but generally i have learned how to look normal.
Do I believe in magick? I don’t know, afterall i have never seen a real magician, or a real magic.
Why am I here? Because of a feeling.
What I am interested on? I want to understand if these magic stuffs are real and if could explain some things.
Personal Experiences? Yes, but nothing “classic” and i’m not ready to talk about it.

I will appreciate if anyone want to help me on find where to start, I’m a fast learner.

Sorry if my english is not good,

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