As most of us all things through out our life come to bare meaning I to draw energy from the moon and the water magic is in all of us but to tap into it truly we need the teachings and knowledge of the anchients. My name is Johnny pleased to make your acquaintance
I am not really comfortable with giving my real name so I will use my occult pseudonym Azag Abatu here. I am located in Europe.
I am into everything from grimoires, traditional non fluffy witchcraft to vampirism and chaos magic. My motto is use whatever works and gets the job done. I also like exploring new ways to do magic like psionics, radionics etc.
My current goal is to establish a group with like minded individuals. I joined this forum because I noticed it has quality discussions and does not suffer from chronic goody two shoesness found so often on occult forums. You know the type that constantly warns you about black magic and being “bad”. Yawn. This forum seems to be a refreshing change when it comes to actually discussing black magic.
Thank you for doing an introduction, and welcome! Enjoy the ride down the rabbit hole that is BALG!
My name is Andrea (male), my nickname Sagarez, 43 years old and I am from Croatia. I practice Magic in every form, from ritual to spells, divination to evocations. I also practice Ancient Balkan Witchcraft Magic.
I am interested in the Occult since I was a child. When I was eight my parents forced me to attend catechism. After four days I was expelled because of my “delicate” questioning about some things I wanted an explanations. From then I learned that priest don’t like being questioned about some topics that don’t match the christian dogma.
In 1998 I received my first book that was a compilation of Grimoires and spells. In 1990 I performed my first summoning, and after that I begun to deepen myself in the realm of Magic. In 1996 I felt the first symptoms of obsession (at that time I wasn’t aware about what was happening). The entity that obsessed me used to present herself in physical form (a well defined silhouette) interacting with my trough speaking and in physical way. It was a sort of psychic attack that lasted almost one month. In this period I learned, with the help of a person I called my mentor, to defend myself from such attacks. This experience allowed me to learn to respect but also to don’t fear these manifestations.
I came here in this forum because I love what the BlG doeas and, of course, to meet like minded people.
Wish a nice interaction with all of you, fellow Magicians!!!
Hi guys…My name is Aaron.I live in Nepal. My current goal is to become the best magician in nepal and make other happy😄.It has been 5 months since I have a keen interest in occult but nothing is happening… I don’t t have anyone to guide me in the right path of life… I just get scolded by parents 24/7 and I don’t like it. They repeat the same thing over and over again… My life is totally messed up. I tried evoking King paimon 3 month back… But nothing happen then I tried evoking Lord Azazel 5,6 times, I failed.I even made him a sigil it took 30 minutes and tried evoking him Nothing happens… Then I diverse my mind towards Lord Lucifer I made a hand printed sigil which took 20 min and lot of hardwork and I tried contacting him… Nothing happens this time… Then I said to myself I’m fed up with this occult and shit… But today I again tried evoking lucifer thinking… Lets give it a shot!! But literally nothing happened I put my whole energy to charge the sigil after gazing the sigil for straight 15 minutes I was really weak and exhausted and I tried to sleep but due to thoughts running in my mind I can’t sleep… And the worst case is I have Migraine… My head literally pains 24/7…These days I’m having a lot of trouble while sleeping… While sleeping I look against the walls and many thoughts pop up like… Why lord lucifer is not coming?..Why he hates me?..Why lord azazel is not showing any sign?.. Why do demons hate me soo much Even thou I respect then 24 hours?? I also wanna have lord lucifer… King Paimon in my head 24/7…I wanna be super friendly for them…I want to crack jokes with them… I want to work with them but they are not giving any shit… What have I done man?? All I wanted to do is to make my better…and talk to someone I’m interested in… Guysss pls Help me in Contacting or pls tell them to send energy or pls ask your demon Why my evokation not working…?? Thanks Guys it means a lot to me… Best of luck for your future😄
Hello my name is Tzotzil I started a few months ago to learn demonology, my guardian is Baal and also mother Hekate with whom I have a special relationship, I come from a shaman line that I broke when emigrating to Europe but in my search came the call of the Goddess and now I am here. I hope to learn from all of you!!
Hey, you can call me Prue I’ve been interested in pagan and occult studies for the last 13 years and I’ve just joined here…
Well when lost go back to the basics. Meditation, the 3 sorcerous skills that koetting call godlike powers. And move from there. I have been in same situations. But know that one deep well is better that hundreds of shallow holes. It doesn’t matter if you practice many systems what matters is what you get out of them. One system carried to its conclusion is better than many spells and work in various systems that lack coherence and focus.
So, you’re an empath and the moon is your strength? From one to another: Hail and Welcome!
Hello BALG,
Please call me Ashiok. It’s not exactly my Magical name, but it’s one that I appreciate for now.
I’ve had interest in a lot of magic over the years. The root of magic for me is energy manipulation, because it’s something that’s come as naturally to me as breathing. I have a vested interest in the works of E.A Koetting, in particular as it related to Lucifer-Amaymon.
I also have a great interest in the Draconian Current, and possess several books by Asenath Mason. I’ve managed to collect a fair few books of interest over the years, with so far, only the Downward Path into Nodd being beyond reach.
I’ve always had an issue focusing enough long enough to actually complete a path, or to see sets of connecting rituals to their end. It’s an issue that I’ve decided to work through.
I’ve preformed the Opening of the NANNA gate from the Simon Necronomicon, which interestingly enough had a display of heat lightning that night in August of 2016. In the last few years I’ve been initiated into Reiki, and am now a non-teaching Master of Reiki. The experience of absorbing that energy and information has been beneficial, but ultimately didn’t completely succeed in giving me what I wanted.
I’ve been preforming different Kundalini meditations, yoga, and ritual over the years as well. On the evening of the 5th of November, I had a minor breakthrough. The energy burst upwards and created a sensation of a pool of liquid flame on the crown of my head. The heat burned inside and out, for several minutes. Not enough to cry out, but not dissimilar to a headache crossed with a burn within the skull. The…rewiring process is taking much longer to dissipate.
I was a part of the Black Sun Covenant, and if things go well, I would also like to be a part of the ritual of deification for my 30th birthday. It feels to auspicious to ignore, as the call to Amaymon’s Covenant was too auspicious to ignore.
I intend to grow relentlessly, and walk into Amaymon’s Darkness as deeply as possible. Hand in hand, I am growing my personal life with a focus on college and gaining new experiences.
My life has been a mix of experiences and stories that include many bizarre as well as common. Such is what attracts on the Paths.
Finally, I will say that people have always told me that there was something powerful about me. Something Divine, Dark and Mighty. I finally understand that because Time is far different then we allow ourselves to perceive, what was always felt was what was initiated in September with the Black Sun Covenant.
Amaymon was Always with and within me, because of the choice I made.
This is what I will share, to respectfully enter this forum.
It’s not much of an introduction, but welcome.
Welcome. Take your time and search these forums.
My name is Hieu but i usually type it as Huey because thats how it is pronounced in English.
I have always been fascinated by magic, growing up with fantasy computer games and cartoons I had always wanted to be magical. As a teenager I started with Astral Projection but to no avail, I was then obsessed withe meaning of life and what was to come after. After contemplating and studying a myriad of philosophical ideas I decided to move on and live my life in the “real” world becoming an adult and crushed by the “system”. Raised as a catholic and going to a catholic high school skewed my view on the world but i started to call “bullshit” and no longer believed in the catholic faith at all…
Now after experiencing a some sort of quarter life crisis and a career change (from chef to dog trainer) my interest was caught by E.A Koettings youtube channel and thus this forum. My interest of the Left Hand Path has been sparked and I can’t turn it off.
My current goals consist of:
- Learning and Mastering soul travel
- My first evocation ( I have yet to decide on a spirit to evoke)
- I have a strong lust sense and have only experienced sex once, I want to attract more sex into my life ( i have been reading succupedias posts and am considering evoking succubus.
- Financial stability, as im pretty much flat broke!
My struggles
- Still struggling to leave my body at all, though i have done so at once or twice
- Money… money… money…
- no sex…
Funny that my struggles are just opposite of my goals!
Thanks for reading my little post, its the first post I’ve ever made on a forum despite reading manny.
Hey, SSG
I’m Lu. Can you tell me about some of the paranormal experiences you’ve had? I’d love to hear about it.
Introduction as requested,
Hello my name is Justin. i have started path working with the gatekeepers for about 5 months. But i mostly work with Amaymon.
Kinds of magick i like:
I don’t know yet I’m still experimenting.
My goals:
My number one goal with magick is to remember my past lives, for after i remember my past i can determine my future.
My struggles:
I am having a hard time with scrying and evocation. Clairaudience comes pretty natural to me but even so it is difficult to hear most of the time.
Thank you,
Thank you very much and welcome to the rabbit hole that is BALG!
Hi, I’m Kristina. I’ve been interested in magick and the occult for a few years now and I stumbled upon the forum about two days ago. I decided to sign up as I have a few questions, of which I will make a topic of. I started worshipping Satan when I was 11 years old, seems like a young age and I wasn’t devoted enough. However, soon my life turned into a total mess and I was forced into christianity by my abusive father, I even had to go to church and promise that I’ll worship jesus. Oh well, I’m definitely not keeping that one. Anyways, I’m planning to go LHP. My goals are to feel more at peace with performing rituals and overall gain more knowledge. I’m sorry if I made any mistakes, English is not my native language but I guess that’s not an excuse because I live in the UK, my vocabulary is just terrible and I’m tired.
Hi there!
My name is Ainos, I’m from spain, so forgive my English, I’m 36 yo. I started with magick a few months ago. I’ve been reading a practicing almost every day. I’m not a satanist nor a demonist per se, but I feel some affinity with daemons; not because the “evil” (I try not to think in terms of good and evil) but because the strictness of their guides; I need a firm and strict hand and a bit of punishment to learn and to follow my path.
I’ve been an atheist since I was 9 yo so, as you can imagine, the last few months had been a true storm and revelation for me. I’m eager to learn.
As for my goals, for the moment, I’m focusing on learning as much as I can and discovering whats under the veil.
Of course , let me see if I can PM you or start a thread for you