Hey, I’m going by Phoenix because I’m all about rebirth and the concept is cool to me. I like all types of magic but right now I’m focusing on the darker magic while learning as much as I can. Building my foundation. I hope to meet other magicians who are cool and on their paths.
Thank you, and welcome to the rabbit hole that is BALG!
Hello there!
I just joined after reading some articles an watching some Youtube videos!
I am Angie. For the moment I am focused on love spells and how to envocate angels/demons who can help me. I need guidance in this since I am still new.
Hi guys! I am Lana, from Toronto, Canada. I have been a spiritual “seeker” for the past 6 years or so - learning about LOA, energy work, the collective consciousness, etc. Only recently have I come across the “darker” side of spirituality so to speak, and this forum. Nice to “meet” you all!
Hi all, Damn, it takes a long ass time to get to the bottom of the intros so I can make mine (sorry I didn’t before posting on forums). Anyway, since I’m not fond of giving out my real name and photos of myself online, Cthulhu will do just fine ( I’m sure everyone can guess why I chose that name, Lovecraft is pretty much the only fiction I read). I am a 44 year old man from South Eastern VA, where I lived for 40 years before pretty much having to move to the middle of nowhere, NC ( which I hate). I basically have no control over my life because I spent my teens, 20s, and part of my 30s basically doing whatever the hell I wanted. I live with a relative who is totally not about my pursuit of LHP/Demonosophy so whatever I do has to be done in secret, using no materials (personally, I’ve always thought of wands, oils, robes, etc… as being more for the practitioner, to get you into a ritualistic mindset, and don’t think entities/demons/spirits are going to find it a deal breaker if I wear my normal clothing, don’t have some consecrated temple room, speak to them in plain English with respect and sincerity, etc…
A bit about me personally : I have always been drawn to darker things since I was a child and this ramped up as I got about 11-12 and really picked up metal/goth/punk. I love music, have been playing death metal/black metal guitar for more than 30 years and have even played in some touring bands ( I wont name drop, but if you’re into that kind of metal, you may have heard/heard of a couple of bands I’ve played in and most probably heard some bands we toured and played shows with). Now I’m broke, with a gimped up leg, have to live somewhere I don’t, etc…
Kinds of magic I’m interested in : Chaos magick, demonosophy, maybe more.
Current goals : To make a connection, friendship, and working relationship with King Paimon and Prince Lucifer. My primary, first and most important goal is to be able to bend others to my will. I don’t mean to make people my zombie slaves, I just mean to affect the thoughts, actions, behaviors, and beliefs of certain people so they see things my way and give me what I want. I’m not asking to hit a billion dollar lottery, I just mainly want my Drs and prescribers to RX me what I want at the dosages I want. I truly do suffer from chronic pain and panic disorder (have for decades) and, with the opioid prescribing laws in the U.S. becoming detrimental to patients’ well being, I seems it will soon get to a point of nobody can have anything. I’m not asking him to prescribe the whole pharmacy, I just want my meds raised to where and what I want them to be at. While I really need them, I do admit that I like taking some extra sometimes because I like it, its a pleasure of mine, and why shouldn’t I be able to ingest what I want? I like to get high sometime, sue me I guess. I also want to be independent again and I’m planning on graduating Mortuary College and opening my own funeral home (told ya I’m a dark motherfucker, haha). There is more I seek, including soul travel, a list of stuff really, and finally, ascent. It’s my life, I should be able to drive it and control my reality.
Current struggles : Besides my Drs doing what I want them to do and figuring out how I’m going to get the money to pay for Mortuary School, then graduating that and it’s concurrent apprentice ship, becoming more independent and in control of my life and doing what I want again? Opening my third eye, raising my spiritual/psychic awareness, opening the lines of communication with King Paimon and Lucifer and building a good relationship with them. There is more, but this novel here is already starting to look like a meth rant, so I’ll just say thanks for having me. There seems to be a lot of content and people here, so maybe some can help me with various stuff. Thanks, fellow dark souls ~ Ctulhu
Hello and welcome to BALG everyone!
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I am Amaris. Not much to tell. I am not light or dark, i am both. I am a reiki master, divinator, intuitive, empath and a witch. My physical grandparents are from a tribe that were known to be “headhunters”, the tribe is rich in tradition and rituals. There is a fraction of that in me but otherwise I am my own.
Hello! My name is Ralf. Im new to the occult. Working with a few demons at the moment. I have most intrest in working with Lucifer and Belial at the moment, I want to learn more about these spirits at the forum.
Hey everyone, I’m new to the forum but have come here before to find information I couldn’t elsewhere. Its difficult to find a place to discuss the LHP and the darker side of magic without unwanted judgement. I’m going to keep learning and become a great magician.
Hey everyone I’m new and have been interested in occult practices since I was 9. Always been drawn to it since then. I’ve dabbled in all kinds of magic, mostly voodoo and hoodoo, but have been drawn to working with demons in the past. I’m here to learn and get more information on who is best to work with in my current situation and just to learn in general. I’ll be the first to admit I suck at meditating, my mind sometimes never quiets. I also wanted to add that I read tarot, am an empath and my great grandpa and my grandma were both mediums.
Il me semble que c’est un ou une française Bienvenue ! Welcome !
Thank you! I’m from the UK actually, the saying just sounds very nice in French.
Hi my names Deangelo and I’m currently trying to summon goeation demons to help me achieve my goals. My goals are to accumulate lots of wealth, wisdom, and improve myself and gain respect throughout my time alive. I’m currently struggling to find a job and getting my life back on track.
Hello all!!
I’m Aurorua Unna.
I’m 44 years old…be 45 in January.
I’m currently 7 months pregnant…my first…a blessing from the universe I have to say.
I like earth magic, rituals and candle enhancement…
My current struggle is trying to return an ex… the father to my child…meh…men I swear…lol
This is me… much peace, blessings and love to everyone!! Look forward to interacting with you all!
Hello BALG,
I am Lucio, a 27 y/o Texan. I was introduced to this forum by another memeber I met on r/occult and am happy to be a part of this now.
After spending about 4 years in the Army, as an Infantryman, I am now pursuing a BA in philosophy and plan on eventually getting a PhD in either classical studies or metaphysics/philosophy.
I was raised Mormon, but I left the church at 17, after reading a few books by Ayn Rand. I am no longer an Objectivist (Rand’s ideal way of life) but it did open my eyes to other world views. I’d consider myself to be a Stoic Existentialist now; I digress.
If I had a religion, I would call myself a Gnostic (Not Agnostic- those are two separate things).
I first read through the Lemegeton (Ars Goetia) about 4 years ago. I eventually dablled more and more and looked into the many ways to practice magic. As I read through all the “Demons,” It was The Lord of the West, King Paimon who stuck out like a beautiful rusted nail. I’ve built an amazing relationship with King Paimon, and although I don’t evoke him often (only on special occasions), I feel that he keeps me on a path of Gnosis. My ultimate wishes, as I asked him, is to have to true reality revealed to me. I quickly learned that he didn’t respond with anything less than amazing truths. I’ve only heard him speak to me once, but that’s ok. The way we work is that he places “triggers” along my path to shift my mind into the needed state to realize/remember/accept some hard truths. I only asked for money once, early on, just to see if anything would happen. No shit, $700 were in my bank acct a few days later. A complete glitch. A company had “back paid” me over something that shouldn’t have happened. I never asked for money since then, since I see that as insulting to King Paimon. Again, all I wanted was to learn and hear what he had to say. I’m straight up a better man now, because of the things I have been shown and explained.
Thank you for reading a little bit about me. I look forward to building new friendships with this community.
Lol, and there are those who say that Demons and Angels are basically the same, it;s the intent of the Mage that matters. Demons Do have a dark shade.
ANd for U sir, if this is not just ’ THE DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL ’ which everyone on any kind of spiritual path faces then I would recommend U to Offer some sacrifice to Lilith to Appease her. Then offer a bowl of water everyday , pouring it on ground, to her, stating ur intent everytime. Offering of water pacifies any being. Hope it will help.
Hello everyone,
I found this forum randomly as it popped up in almost every google search I’ve done regarding weird stuff that has happened to me or things that have sparked my curiosity. This is out of my comfort zone and I don’t do things like this soooo after a few weeks of lurking I’m joining the community. I grew up in a non-religious household and have never understood much about the occult or anything related to this forum, but at 26 I grew very attracted to the occult out of nowhere and now I desperately want to learn about the hidden side of our lives. I know as I got older I became very grounded in mundane life, I work in biotechnology, specifically in immunology and biochemistry which are very “human” involved. All of this occult stuff is very out of my realm of knowledge and what I do know is extremely limited. My goal for coming here is finding people who I can talk with about many unexplainable things I’ve experienced and maybe even guide my further growth. As a scientist I crave the feeling of discovering new knowledge so learning more about the occult will be extremely fulfilling for me.
As for my personal history on this matter, I only recently learned the name of something I’ve always been able to do, which is clairsentience. This has been apart of my every day life to a point where I am no longer skeptical of it and I don’t question it anymore. It comes in handy, but it is a pain in the ass at times. I know many of you know how annoying it is to just know something when you really have no business doing so. My biggest success of forcibly using clairsentience was when I was in 6th grade. We had to take placement exams for middle school and I absolutely did not study or practice anything for math. So I used the “weird computer in my brain” and made it do my multiple choice selection for me, I did not bother reading the questions. To this day I cannot say it was coincidence that I only had 2 wrong answers out of 50. I want to get back to this level. I have been practicing, but I shut down pretty much everything when I was an early teen. I would love to go in depth with any of my past experiences if anyone is curious. I have never been able to talk about this with anyone.
This brings me to why I found BALG. After some experiences and LOTS of questions, I have decided I want to see and hear entities the way many of the people in this community do. The “knowing” that something is there and what they are trying to say is very easy for me, but I do want to experience sight and sound. My only attempted experience with entities known as demons was when I was desperste and the interaction was very successful and the phenomenon happened very fast. The only interaction I got from this was immediately after I called to it, it manifested in a way that I knew it was there and my candle flame flickered very violently giving me an overall sense of “I’m here and what you want is done”. It felt like some very strong, orange space filled up the entire top half of my room like an inflated balloon reaching every corner of the ceiling. Very calm and supportive feeling… then it was gone and the air was as empty as before. What I asked seemed impossible, but it was done the next day. I would love to learn to see and hear these things so I can interact more. I was only able to interact by projecting the feeling of what I was asking, nothing verbal sadly.
I would also really love to find someone experienced willing to scan me or do some divination. Among many things I would love to know what has been guarding or following me for most of my life and I want to work with this more, but I don’t know where to begin and I don’t really know any of the culture or common knowledge to do this for myself and actually trust my own readings.
The only thing I can say for sure where I stand right now is that I am developing my clairsentience, but it is mostly developed for use in the mundane world. I am also very deep in embracing my shadow self and do not fear the dark or anything people call paranormal (maybe except fairies they really weird me out for no explainable reason).
Sorry if this was super long, these things make me feel awkward and I can’t draw the line between rambling and giving enough info. Don’t rip me apart I already feel crazy for writing this publically!
I can’t wait to interact with the members of this community, thank you if you took the time to read this!
Sara Nelufar
Hi everyone.
I’m Jazz. I’ve been into Magik for about 5 years. Mostly wicca and chaos magik. I haven’t taken the LHP stuff seriously until I came across E.A’s channel. His stuff is pretty legit.
Currently working on improving my evocation skills as Lucifer seems to have taken an interest in me. I’ve only worked on basic spellcasting and sigils up till now.
Thanks for reading, and can’t wait to get to know you all.
Your introduction to the forum is amazing, I WISH you a juge success in your Magick!!!