Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

Hi there!

My name is Ainos, I’m from spain, so forgive my English, I’m 36 yo. I started with magick a few months ago. I’ve been reading a practicing almost every day. I’m not a satanist nor a demonist per se, but I feel some affinity with daemons; not because the “evil” (I try not to think in terms of good and evil) but because the strictness of their guides; I need a firm and strict hand and a bit of punishment to learn and to follow my path.

I’ve been an atheist since I was 9 yo so, as you can imagine, the last few months had been a true storm and revelation for me. I’m eager to learn.

As for my goals, for the moment, I’m focusing on learning as much as I can and discovering whats under the veil.


Of course , let me see if I can PM you or start a thread for you :slight_smile:


Hiii there…

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Hello. I will go by Daniel for the sake of my own privacy. I am brand new to this, and I have no experience within the spiritual realm. I was once Mormon, but left because I did not see my life going anywhere. I feel so out of place. Almost as if I do not belong sometimes. I listen to the same music as everyone else, and watch the same movies, but that’s where it ends. Pursuing money is tempting, but what I really want is to interact with demons. I want to gain spiritual knowledge and power never before possible. If someone can help me in this pursuit; as in where to start, I would be grateful. I’d say the first thing would be to communicate with a demon or “neutral” spirit directly. What is the simplest way to summon one?

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Hi n welcome ask me anything u like we’ll…ask any one of us anything u like we r all happy to help

Hi I’m jasen I’m new to the occult did my first ritual 2 weeks ago into left hand path.


My name is Aldayoo
I am 30 years old. I love to learn magic and to practice the rituals of magic and worshipers of Satan

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Hi everyone,

I’m about as totally new to this as one can be. Not wanting to be taking the wrong path in my life I’ve remained a loner, reading up and learning certain spiritual aspects of various things in my own way over many years and am now a reiki master.
I’ve always been highly psychic and knew I was very different from the norm, thoroughly frustrated with the constrained ways that religion uses fear mongerung tactics and propaganda to chase people into going to church/morsque/temple in the so-called knowledge ( unfounded) that this will gain them invisible ‘points’ system to get them into ‘the good place’!

To me this has always been a laughable and rediculous claim. You might as well believe in the tooth fairy and Father Christmas!

I want to enrich my life in a positive but powerful way. Recently, I have noticed and relalised, abundantly so, that I without even knowing, i have always followed the lend hand path.

It’s like a cloud has cleared as the realisation hit me that I was looking for answers I’m the wrong places.

I dont want take this to a very dark and evil place, but to use the power as knowledge to make my, and my husbands life better. He too, is wanting to take this path with me. I wish to respect and understand the knowledge I will hopefully be given, in time as they feel I am worthy of receiving.

I’m a little afraid. I’m not going to lie.
Perhaps someone would like to mentor me, or help to guide me a little?

For now. I shall continue to do courses and read, trust my own instincts and stop wondering and worrying about other people for a change and focus on myself and what this can to help enrich nd empower my life.

I’m in the UK. Basically there is very little for us here unless you know where to go and it’s a bit of an underground secret world I feel, taboo as we are fairly backward here, or so it seems unless someone wishes to enlighten me!
This is going to be an interesting journey!


Welcome to the forums. But why did you respond to my introduction with yours?

I wasn’t aware that I had. Terribly sorry. I’m new to the site and must have not navigated properly!

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Oh. Don’t apologize. I didn’t mean you, I meant Alice Abernathy. You can check to what person people respond, there’s an arrow to the top right of the post.

Besides that. Welcome!

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Hi im Gissy and i went to this site because i thought i needed help.
I´m going to try to make contact with the demon asmodeus tonight as first time since i´d like to ask him a few questions. Particularly why he keeps opening my window in the middle of the night and waking me up. The more i realised the unexplainable things that were happening in my past the more i knew he did those to protect me. Someone said to me that i needed to introduce myself so here i am :slight_smile: im 20 years old.

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Hi my name is Emilia. Raised in a practising Catholic home which didnt stop me from being a witch from very young age. Sigil magick, working with demons, love to dabble in love spells :wink:
Follower of LHP because its the only way I ever feel normal and like I belong somewhere.Constantly discovering myself through the dark paths.
Solitary witch but often thinking Id love to join a coven, just havent found my tribe yet.



The left hand path is inherently a solitary one. It’s Yourself against yourself! You are your own competitor. Enjoy!

P.s. I highly recommend Codex Saerus, but that’s just me.

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Thank you for your recommendation I will definitely check it out

First you must become adept at meditation magick stems from consciousness. I know is a bit of a drag but is a solid foundation recommended by all sorcerer and shamans. It doesn’t matter what type of meditation the key is to have control of the mind states. Then trance work how to get into trance daily. You must be adept at entering trance at will. After divination and powermanifestation techniques like candle magick, evocation and spell casting. And become in sync with the powers you will use I.e. the elements, the planets, plants, and spirits and gods.

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Hi i have a quick question.
I know Asmodeus is my guardian demon but i want to become better at communicating with him. Sometimes i can hear him clear in my mind but whenever i use the pendulum i just feel like i dont know if its him thats making the circles or me. (because i know you kinda always move with your hands and can never completely silence them.) Another question of mine is: Is there a way to make demons tell the truth since i tried the ´´find your guardian demon´´ ritual which requires me to have like 72 pieces of paper with 72 different goetia demon names written on it. My problem was i had like 10 demons who said no by holding the pendulum still. And like 30 demons saying they were my guardian demons which i thought was unlikely to have. Only know it for sure about Asmodeus but that´s because he made it quite clear it was him.

Welcome. Most start evoking vassago from the goetia. His good nature and ability is of great aid. He becomes to many a source of information as his prophetic abilities help when doing your homework before a magickal working. To master soul travel is a daunting task truly. Of all the magickal abilities is one of the hardest. Work in your meditation and enemigo work and will lead to success.

At first i didn´t want to say anything but i kinda feel like i should since alot of people on this site helped me.
This is a fake image which is taking from tzuyu dahyun…

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right click on the image then select find through google.
There you go its a fake account

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