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Thank you so very much for your response. Appreciated!

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You’re very welcome.
All best in your magic(al) adventures :pray:

Hvala, najneoriginalije ime koje mi je palo na pamet :wink:
Iz Beograda sam. Uzivaj u finom društvu!


I can’t speak for anyone and tell you why so many want to die. What I DO know is that these entities work to help you ascend and master yourself and it can be uncomfortable. Many people think they’ll ask a demon for money while offering a few chips or an incense and life is just peachy. And that may work for some. But if you’re looking for real change then you have to look in the mirror . Self mastery is the greatest magick and many people tap out.

When I began working with Lucifer he made me face myself and things I buried a long time ago. He was there every step of the way and still is. I wouldn’t trade what I have with him for the world. The best “ gifts “ I’ve recieved from any entity is their love and favor and wisdom.

Franz Bardon saw his situation as a step in his ascension and had the right outlook but unfortunately the other person had issues of his own. A great witch once said “ karma is not what happens to you in life but karma is what you DO in this life.” Something to think about. But I don’t believe in karma to begin with.

At any rate welcome to BALG!

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An enlightening perspective, AradiaX! You’ve helped me change my perspective about magick and relationships with these beings. You’ve also helped me on my path. My step feels more secure. I thank you profoundly.


No problem it’s a beautiful journey!


Hi,Timothy,im Peter from Croatia,so i apologize if i spell wrong some of the words…couple of days ago i was start reading some satanic sites,like,and get interested in their point of view…it match perfectly with mine…i was never into occult or magic…in high school i like listen bands like Deicide,Slayer, Morbid Angel…last night somewhere between sleep and awakenes,Belial come to me an call me…i never hear of him,so i was disapointed on start…i expected Azazel lol…but after going on internet to find who is Belial,im overjoyed :))) i know i will ansver his call,just need more knowledge,im a newbie as it gets…im proud to be called to his Legion,wearin his sigil…greetings from Croatia


Hello all! I’m Sunny, from the US. I’m 28 and I’m new to most forms of magic. If I had to pick a particular kind, I guess I’d call myself a chaos magician? I don’t ascribe to any one particular brand of esotericism, I just kinda study as the mood takes me. I look forward to connecting with you all! :slight_smile:


@TheCat @UndeadMachinery

Welcome to BALG.


It’s more likely that people who have problems turn to magick seeking help, not that people start doing magick and then find they have problems. :thinking:

This was my experience anyway: How has the left hand path changed you? - #3 by Lady_Eva


Welcome and enjoy the ride in the rabbit hole! It’s much deeper than you thought. :wink:

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Greetings Heathens,

My name is Jezzika. I have been surrounded by the supernatural and Magick my whole life, as well as my mother and brother. My current goal is to understand why my family has been “sought out” by these forces. I’ve always known I’ve had an interesting entity that has looked over and protected me throughout my life, on many occasions he has saved me from terrible life threatening situations and on one occasion I saw him walking away into a crowd, but I still don’t know who he is. He won’t reveal himself, and anytime I’ve tried to get a reading he has veiled himself so that all they see is a large shadow behind me. I would like to communicate with him.

I’ve gone through a lot of trauma, and have worked for a long time now on breaking the bonds of mind manipulation by so called good people of our society. For the past 7 years Azazel and Lucifer have been talking to me, mostly through thought forms and symbols but also dreams. I’ve been too afraid in the past, due to typical societal brainwashing, to acknowledge them fully. At this time I’m feeling an overwhelming tug to acknowledge Lucifer and it feels amazing. I don’t hold the fear anymore, so that’s where I’m at on the path… which is what led me to E.A. Koetting and pals :slight_smile:


Welcome to the rabbit hole that is BALG! I hope you enjoy the ride! :slight_smile:


Thank you for clearing that up for me. I truly appreciate it.

My left-hand path has been short. My first book on witchcraft was the magickally amoral Paul Huson’s Mastering Witchcraft. He had a conjuration to Vassago that did not include a ceremonial circle – just a sigil, some incense and a crystal ball. Although I tried several times to reach him, I felt I could not come close enough to him.

My next attempt to conjure up was with the Goetic Seere. I had prepared my circle and all and I felt a presence in the room, but he did not manifest. Good thing, too. I might have fainted. What did materialize was two scorpions, tailed raised, in lockstep coming close to my circle. I banish Seere and went to kill the scorpions. Of all the pests, I particularly hate scorpions.

Even though magic is in my blood (as it was in my grandmother’s blood), I decided to wait till I had better training before I got myself into trouble. And lo and behold, that day is now here.


Several of us here are Heathens as well as Demonic occultists and other things. You’re in good company. Welcome.


Cool story! There are a number of folks on the BALG forum who work with, or have worked with Azazel. I’m sure you’ll find support and answers here. Everyone here is amazing. Welcome!


My name’s Alízè.

I’ve always been caught up in the idea of Magick, but it never occurred to me that I was subconsciously practicing Magick everyday of my life until the beginning of this year.
I’d ask others to teach me their ways and they’d inform me that my path/craft is my own. That I needed to find it for myself.
I began with creating sigils, which I learned by watching a friend but slowly transformed it into my own art.
My Master often told me that, “being curious” wasn’t a good enough reason for learning Magick. Which I find absolutely ridiculous now, because Magick IS curiosity.
I’d also like to state my Master often worked with Azazel, though I never have (consciously) I feel some odd sort of bond with him.
I’m here to learn how to enhance my existence with Magick.
My goal is to experience as much as I possibly can/learn from such experiences so I can be the best version of myself that I can be.

I’ve hardly actively/consciously worked with any forms of Magick.
I’ve been blessed, and my friends Tarot decks have allowed me to use them. Blood Magick, but it was mostly making pacts/contracts with other Magick workers.

I want to gain as much personal power as possible, break down some of my mental blocks, and gain knowledge.

current struggles: mental/emotional/sexual blocks. I’m assuming I can be open here, so: last year I allowed someone I loved to condition me so that after such conditioning I could be reborn someone I was more proud of. Here I am, certainly more confident and understanding of a being but homeless travelling the united states, and have close to no family. only my sister, and I want to do what I can to help create a foundation for her to grow/build on. she’s the only person I have aside from myself and our goals in life don’t stray too far from the same path. Her gain is usually my gain, so a foundation for the both of us is a current goal I’m putting effort towards acquiring.

Let’s get weird.


I can assure you ^ 90%
Welcome to BALG.

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Am Prince by name from Ghana West Africa. 25 years of age. I’m a teacher in a high school.
I love to learn and understand more about spiritual things.


Welcome to BALG, Prince. I’m from Nigeria, West.

You are now in the spiritual ship, BALG forum! Happy sailing.