Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum

Welcome to the LHP :slight_smile: That’s how things are here


Hello Vapofury here

I have a succubus wife that I love and cherish her company.

New to magic stuff so I am open minded to any suggestions that can improve my abilities to be better connected to my spirits

My interest is mainly video games with meditation and gym on the side.


So here I am. Born in a catholic background and then rebelled against it after being forced for so long to adhere to something that did not make any sense to me.I’ve alway been drawn to the occult from as long as I remember. Sarted energy work around 20 I always continued along my path where it lead me. I’m a forever learner and looking to lean even more with you guys. Started along the LHP and RHP. Did my first invocation and … it worked within a month. Still waiting for the reminder of the invocation to come to conclusion but very positive it will work out too.



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Seriously, I striving against myself to become God Almighty. I don’t care about anyone - except me. The only reason I post here is to help others in the old battle. My Godhood is inherently my (singular) affair.



Cuando me di cuenta donde nací y conocí el mundo a través de los libros ame a londres a Transilvania el idioma inglés a los países nórdicos las razas en fin sentí como que la vida me hizo una mala jugada. Hoy en día vivo como soy y siento que no hay en el mundo muchas personas con la valía que tengo.gracias.:metal::+1::metal:

A post was merged into an existing topic: Member’s Successes & Thanking Spirits - Do It Here!

Hello I’m Jon,

I’m 31 and a struggling business owner just barely floating by. Obviously I’m new on here I’ve been browsing for about a week now figured it was my time to finally introduce myself. I currently am very heavily researching the Goetia and the 72 demons of the goetia.

My plan is to delve as deeply as I can in to every bit of magick that appeals to me. As of right now I’m working with obviously the goetia and would like to proceed with some chaos Magick as I understand that is some of the most powerful magick. If I’m wrong please correct me.

Right now my biggest problem is i have a perole officer appt at 11 and i know she is going to give me a piss test. I don’t need but 1 second chance. So if ANYONE is willing to help cast some magick for me I’d be grateful and will repost with results. Secondly my business is an upstart and my financial parter aka my best friend keith and i are struggling to come up with the money we need. Every time we are close to the target amount something always comes up i mean every single time and it takes all the money we saved.

Very de-motivating… So without the money we can’t get the rest of the services we need, thus putting the business on hold.

I think i answered everything if not let me know and I’ll fix things for everyone. Anyways just wanted to finally say hello to everyone your great community fast responding you stay on topic you guys are good for him good community. As a side note if someone could cast a spell for my parole officer appointment at 11 I would be forever grateful LOL.


Can you sense or see Spirits yet? I could send you a capable servitor or one of my familiars who can be of help.

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yes i have the 6th sense of feeling them

Well, I am Orpheus. Well, i got curious about gods and etc, I always liked mythology and when i discovered they were real… learned something from a person who have studied kabbalah. I don’t practice evocations or anything, I’m more of a curious person, i want to know for the pleasure of knowing, with care of course. I really don’t have many interesting things to tell, so i think this is ok xD

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Thx nice to be here but, I don’t know I just think that if you seek power for bad reasons you probably just need to step back and realize that you should be more focused on the understanding and learning aspect of Magick instead of seeing as a way to make yourself “important” I may be new but I feel that there are plenty of people and spirits who would say the same thing. (huge mob psycho 100 fan so I kinda live by that message :slight_smile: )


There are no bad reasons to seek power, and non will or should ever tell you the opposite. Some of us are here to become living Gods others care just about the magic itself and have no interest to Godhood etc. And each one of us has a unique path or paths to follow to reach the end goal. That’s the freedom of the LHP. Glad to have you here!


Glad to meet you! :smile:
I guess your right, people have their own reasons for things. The only tip I have (and I mean no offense by this it’s just advice to people gods) is even if you become a god. Don’t try think of yourself as a god or you might become conceited to the point of no return.

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Hi, my name is Chuck, i have always been fascinated with the occult, gods and spirits. i am here to build upon my knowledge and abilities. The information here is not easily found so i decided to become a member. thanks for having me on this site.


First of all, I wanted to apologize for apparently putting an intro in the wrong place. I clicked the link in the message I got and thought I was where I needed to be. I just finished posting a longer intro that went a little “Story of My Life” so I’ll be more brief here.

Hi! I’m Jason. I’m an ex hard-line skeptic and near complete novice. Two years ago I came in contact with an entity and she has been pushing me to look into occult studies. I found myself signing up for the site today at her urging. I’m here to hopefully develop the new skills and knowledge I need, and hopefully make some friends along the way!

Favorite Magic: I’ve started learning Chaos Magic.
Current Goals: Develop better communication and interaction with the entity who found me. Learn everything I can in general.
Current Struggles: Developing visualization skills.

Pleased to meet you all!


Hi TheSilverLich,

Regardless of it might being misplaced, it is much appreciated. I have wrestled with my faith in deities often but find that they help me even when I am not as receptive as I should be.

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Buenas Tardes Edmon,

Yo tambien me siento como naci en el lugar equivocado. Aun, mi ambiente ha dado fuerza al fuego y pasion para practicar y estudiar la magia y el oculto. De hecho, esto casi seguro en un vida pasado fui alguien que ayudaba la gente con ciencias arcanos.


Also posted it in the wrong place. :slight_smile:

Fellow Left-hand path magician here.

I work with anything related to the Goetia, Sumerian mythology, Necromancy, Blood magick, and I am interested in all things philosophy, history and occult.

If you wish to speak more and trade pdfs or evocation and ritual ideas and thoughts, concerns or realizations through your occult practice I’d appreciate if you messaged me directly.

I seek to express occult energies through art and music directly. If such is your interest, seek me out. I wish to get in contact, perhaps even meet and practice with like minded individuals. I am sure my registration here has been a push from otherworldly forces from recent rituals.

Hail Lucifer!


Hi this is MiRA, a normal somebody. I used to be interested in almost everything. I had divination experience and talked to some imaginary magic friends, and I just break with a most important one. I found no hope and happiness in life right now and I stay sad all the time, which might cause problems, since my emotions may change the weather a little bit. I probably caused two tornadoes recently, and I felt so sorry about it.
Anyway, I come here to learn how to invoke the demon friend who promised to crush my soul. I wish I can success this time to end my rubbish loser life.

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Well im not sure if I’m doing this right but hey here it goes!
My name is Andi, I’m really connected to Magik and wicca. My uncle told me about his grandmother being a witch, and how he’s harnessed his own spells and inner auras. I really want to try to gather mine more and embrace it!
My goals is to get at inner peace with my inner wicca and do some would searching.
My struggles right now has to be appreciating the outcomes of my spells, and on a side note is accepting who I am. The first thing I cast, I found myself paranoid and unappreciative. Naturally, it ended badly when I did this, so I’m trying to make peace because now that it is gone, I miss it and wish I had focused more energy on it.
I’m definitely new to this sort of thing, but I’ve always wanted to use it because I know I can. I’m here to learn and get tips!