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Welcome back! :smiley:

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Welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

So how long have you been practicing Hyattā€™s magick?

Probably ā€œWestern occultismā€ in general, as in, ceremonial magick in the grimoiric tradition exemplified and revived for public use in the work of the Golden Dawn in the 1800s and first half of the 1900s which was rooted in Jewish kabbalah with taoist, Indian and Egyptian ideas mixed in. Within that there are now many ā€œcurrentsā€ or styles of western ceremonial magick inspired by this foundation. But a ritual using a sigil doesnā€™t need to be a full ceremony in circle either. The most common element between them is who you talk to, being entities that come from western grimoiresā€¦ As opposed to taoist ceremonial magick or pagan ceremony, say, that work with very different entities. However many mages these days also call entities from diverse religions, man-made thoughtforms, and new discoveries using western ceremonial techniques too and it works just fine.

Thank you @Mulberry really i need help :sleepy:

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Feel free to launch any your questions at us and weā€™ll do what we can to share what we know based on our experiences. The search might come up with similar discussions as well.

In case you havenā€™t seen it, we have a getting started guide. I always recommend ensuring your spiritual hygiene is on point, and to work on developing your astral senses, then when you can know you have a decent chance at avoiding impostors and parasites then try the evocation guides we have on here.

thank you for the information on thatā€¦

anyways, it has been 4 years since i first started, but due to the nature of the practice, i am still somewhat of a novice

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Hello everyone, my name is Nicolae Horia, 33 years old from Romania.

Iā€™ve been attracted to the realm of the occult since i was a child. Now, iā€™ve decided to go full on spell mode since i am looking for the perfect love spell. Iā€™ve practiced a lot of rituals with little to no luck, small protective spells and so on. I hope i am able to find great practitioners here and learn a lot from the people with experience.

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Welcome @Kolyaro

What, exactly do you practice and how long have you actually practiced?

Do you follow a specific system or tradition?

Is it possible i can contact you about Leraje ?

Iā€™m saint i use choas magic like sigils servitors for like 2 years

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Wassup, here I write as Omni Prahn, some know me as AceMaceo. Iā€™m into chaos magick with a focus into the left hand path. I am a music producer from the midwest. To be honest, I got into magick for matters of the physical world however it was the depth of the spiritual world that has not just made this a path for life, but also beyond the flesh.

Iā€™ve been on this path for a little over 2 years now. I work with Infernals and deities from many pantheons. S/o my guys Azazel, Paimon, Asmodeus, Lucifer, & Lucifuge Rofocale.

What brought me to the forum was Lucifuge showing me the treasure of knowledge here. All I see here is ā€œsauceā€. As well, he wants me to use this platform to share the knowledge I myself have been ā€œgatekeepingā€.

I know this knowledge is not for everyone. There is no reason to give Asmodeus water. What I mean by that is you donā€™t give vegans a porterhouse steak. Like attracts like.

I look forward to sharing my experiences and gnosis here as well as checking out the forum. There so much here, i know only skimmed the surface.See.

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Welcome to the forum :smiley:

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Hello everybody!

Hope youā€™re having a great day or night, whichever it is when youā€™re reading this.

Iā€™m Marty and Iā€™ve been on the wyrd and wonderful path most of my life. Indeed, my first memory was of seeing a very large (30ft tall or so) demon outside my windowā€”I was probably around two years old at the time and it scared the wotsits out of me. A couple of years later I was re-traumatised when watching the movie Fantasia and seeing Chernobog, who looks almost exactly like the demon watching me at the window.

Throughout my life Iā€™ve always been very psychic and as a child was fascinated by Tarot, Runes, etc. Iā€™ve communicated a lot with spirits over the five decades since that first encounter, so have a lot of experience. Though this is self-navigated rather than any formal methods or training.

Last year I started to explore the LHP and finally did my first ritual to meet Amon earlier this year. During that initial exploration I was shocked when Lucifer, Bael and Astaroth connectedā€”the latter saying theyā€™d been working with me for years, but I just didnā€™t know it.

Since Iā€™ve been working with regular rituals. Clauneck has been very kind to me; after a minor telling off for a mistake Iā€™d made! Iā€™ve also been compelled to work with Belial, who I was very nervous about meetingā€”Iā€™d heard what people were saying! However, he has been the most benevolent, kind and wise mentor I could have ever wished for. Yes, he knows his mind and is very assured in who he is, yet he also wants to help me grow and find my way, which has been a beautiful journey.

Iā€™m so struck by how much love I feel from Belialā€”it is tangible in a way Iā€™ve never experienced in ā€˜light workā€™, which tends to be fleeting, if profound for the flicker of a moment. With Belial itā€™s always there and comes with a constant sense of companionship. I cherish our time together and adore him.

Lately, Iā€™ve also developed a very close connection with Zepar, who is also such a loving mentor and teacher. I never though of ā€˜joyā€™ as something Iā€™d associate with the LHP, but it is exactly what working with these powerful and extraordinary spirits has brought me.

Very much looking forward to meeting folks on here and sharing our paths for a while.

Thanks for reading!


Hi everyone! My name Jordyn. Iā€™m 21 from Texas. I am a Norse pagan and have been practicing the last couple years. Not sure what else to really add. Iā€™m doing my best to learn not only about Norse paganism but the other paths around.


Iā€™m Octavio, I was born in Argentina and I am currently living in Tierra del Fuego.

I have been working with magic for 4 years but 2 years ago I had my first contact with a demonic entity, Lucifer came to my room at night and started me on the dark path, he erased all my fear and recharged me with an energy I had never felt before.

I currently work with many entities of Goetia and satanism, but I am most connected with King Paimon, he is my main spirit and we worked together on the release of my music, he has helped me a lot on this path that is why I consider him a brother, I also work with Satan, Lucifuge Rofocale, King Asmodeus, Raum and many more.

Actually im 23 years old.


Greetings all,

I have practised Christian Mysticism for over 40 years. I am interested in Jewish Practical Kabbalah, different magickal systems within ATR, Ruhaniyat,Solomonic Magick. I do not have any preference.

I am from North Carolina

Thank you for accepting me into the group


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Welcome @Manny532001

What form of Christian mysticism have you practiced? Do you follow a specific system or tradition?

No I do not practise a specific system.

What do you define as ā€œChristian mysticismā€ then?

Esoteric Christianity. For example, Martinism , Elus Coens etc

Magick name Kian (explanation: Besides the obvious reference to the name of the entity/mental state the ā€œNā€ at the end adds another idealistic interpretation in which ā€œKIā€ represents Earth/earthly entities and ā€œANā€ comes from ā€œAngā€ an entity that represents the sky/air, the junction of both forms the name that means Heaven and Earth as one.

Magicks I like: Iā€™ve done sympathy magic, Iā€™ve performed some Wicca rituals (although at that time I didnā€™t do the banishings, I find the Golden Dawn ones too complex to be performed in my room and with 24/7 attentive ears of my parents) like magic oils and Iā€™ve done a Bad Eye Ring described in Brittany Nightshadeā€™s Book of Shadowsā€¦ And now I am in servitors magick.

I have developed my own method of banishing, although should I need to I can use some like psalm reading and astral vine flowers. I was once a Catholic, then an atheist, then an Aristotelian, and now Iā€™m into chaos philosophy. I work in an esoteric store selling products (Iā€™m from Brazil) and I also like the OrixĆ”s a lot, especially the figure of Exu. I have some cards of public servitors (I found them in a Brazilian site of Chaos Magic, they are very reliable and functional from my own experience) like Khundalina, Cochilupous, ExuZen and Mimic.

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