- Never
- Not really
- Nope, but tried it, didn’t see nothing.
- Syr
- Nope
- Finding the true person behind an image. Talking to a demon.
@Hunter1 Please introduce yourself properly.
Ok I’ll try my best:
“How long have you been practicing?”
If you are talking about demonology or whatever is being practiced here, then my answer would be “never”, since idk how.
“Do you follow any particular system or tradition?”
Not specifically, but I’m deist in some capacity.
“Do you have any practical experience in magick?”
No, I don’t
“Where are you from?”
Does it matter?
No photos.
My current struggle is finding the person in a certain image, so I want to contact demons/spirits or whatever (because you know like nothing is definite) and so I came here and I’m looking for answer regarding that.
Thank you for elucidating more and welcome to the BALG forum.
What’s up y’all. My name is Ilia. I’m 20 years old dude from Russia and I’m a gnostic/mystic. I’m relatively new to Occultism and Esoteric practices so my believe system haven’t been 100 percent established yet. What I know for sure is that every human being should find their own path to divine. Never practiced no magic or any other demonic rituals, but intersted in communication with supernatural entities in order to gain divine knowledge. I’m currently in my learning phase, trying to get my hands on some books so i don’t fuck everything up and will be able to communicate with spirits properly.
I would appreciate any advice on literature. What practices should i try first? Everyone have a great day!
It matters in a couple of ways relevant to this forum which is international and has people from every place on the globe:
a) cultural background makes a huge difference in communication, it lets members know whether to account for English not being your first language and not assume too much in your phrasing, and sets an expectation about what kinds of recommendations to make vis a vis techniques, whether you have to keep your workings secret etc., and
b) looks upfront, and not like you’re trying to hide who you are, which usually is due to a former member who was banned for breaking the rules in a very serious manner (e.g. threats and insults, trolling) attempting to pretend to be something they’re not.
This forum relies heavily on something call member moderation. We have some rules that mods enforce, and otherwise posts are pretty much left to their own devices. We have a flag option that allows any member old or new to alert the forum that a post has an issue.
This member-moderated approach requires a certain level of trust, and being factual about your experience level (as opposed to being cagey about items that do not identify you: we are not asking for that and this forum is clearly anonymous) helps generate that trust and lets us see you as someone that’s an honest seeker interested in magick.
I would add that i am into meditation, self improvement, semen retention, lucid dreaming so i have some surface level experience, but nothing deeper than that
Hi I’m Agni From India
My area of Interest:
Astrology,Tarot,Reiki,Goetia,Tantra,Tao and Egyptian magick.
I have been studying magick for past 4 years
Proficient in Astrology and Tarot
I came to here to learn n make new friends…
Nice devotion tattoo on your left hand I have one too hope it’s give you some thing as I did
My name is Tim,magic name is wickedyammit. I just got serious abpuut practicing magick but have bee interested for 4 years. I need help with everything,rituals and how to find them,invoking, banishing and sigil work. I am extremely interested in working with archangels
Welcome @Wickedyammit77
Where are you from?
Do you have any practical experience?
If so, what have you practiced and how long have you been practicing?
Are you following any particular system or tradition?
I have mainly been usi g sigil work amd setting intentions,invocation of archangels,usually by sigil and trying vibrate the name repeatedly. I just syarted using the lbrp. So any recommendations are definitely welcome
I am from Springfield Ohio
I would say no real practical experience, just invocation and sigils. I have good success with those. So far I seem to be interested in most practices I have read up on. So I am willing to practice most.
reason: boredom
experience: little to no, although some evocations have spurred some results, but with no “imagery” or “supernaturality” that is commonly claimed
interests: to help with life
Welcome @monkeyonatree Please tell us about yourself.
Where are you from?
What, exactly, do you practice and how long have you practiced?
Do you follow a specific system or tradition?
What are your areas of magical interest?
from australia, practicing methods from dr christopher hyatt ie “psycopathism” ie “toxick magick”.
areas of interest: said methods and also demons with sigils, unsure of what the name for the regular “make a sigil and do a pact” magick is.
Hello everyone, My name is SigmaWolf. I live in France. Always been attracted and more or less active for more than 10 years by what concerns the spiritual environment, I am constantly looking for answers to my questions but I do not necessarily find any… I have practiced a few times but mostly last year I was quite regular and I will explain that in a dedicated topic. See you soon.
Welcome back!
Welcome to the forum
So how long have you been practicing Hyatt’s magick?
Probably “Western occultism” in general, as in, ceremonial magick in the grimoiric tradition exemplified and revived for public use in the work of the Golden Dawn in the 1800s and first half of the 1900s which was rooted in Jewish kabbalah with taoist, Indian and Egyptian ideas mixed in. Within that there are now many “currents” or styles of western ceremonial magick inspired by this foundation. But a ritual using a sigil doesn’t need to be a full ceremony in circle either. The most common element between them is who you talk to, being entities that come from western grimoires… As opposed to taoist ceremonial magick or pagan ceremony, say, that work with very different entities. However many mages these days also call entities from diverse religions, man-made thoughtforms, and new discoveries using western ceremonial techniques too and it works just fine.