Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum 2.0

Welcome to the forum @Jsjffnsmx

How long have you been practicing?

Please do not post magickal squares or sigils without context or explanation, per the rules. I do not know what the random letters and numbers you keep trying to post are, and as we do not know you or your intent, I have removed them as a basic precaution.

You may not perform magick on or for members of this forum without express member consent, and we have a rule that new members must refrain from offering magick until they have been actively participating for at least 90 days. You may make a post to discuss or tell us about your codes after the 90 days are up, if you wish.

Here is a getting started with magick guide which also contains links to the rules and common questions for the forums operation and frequently asked questions.

why is your intro the same as @MrKeleton’s back in 22?

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Copyingcat me huh? No cool bro. If you have some similarities to me, at least put some of your individualities.


Outstanding catch there!

Troll is banned.


Hey what’s up? I’ve been practicing for many years (more than 14). I like to work with ceremonial magick and the golden dawn system and also a bit of my own summoning techniques for goetic spirits and I like some of the aspects of sigil magick.

Welcome to the forum @minnesotanon :slight_smile:

I greet everyone Sofya and my English is poor Because I’m from Russia
I am a beginner and I practice with sigils and symbols
My friend who is involved in this case was told by the demons that they were waiting for me. Since I was a child, I have been seeing and feeling entities. I want to develop in this business and get to know myself and this world. So far, 2 rituals have been experienced , both have been successful , especially the last one with Buer.

Congrats! Thanks for updating your intro :slight_smile:

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Hi all, new to the forum.

How long have you been practicing? off and on about 4 or 5 years, but not really seriously

Do you follow any particular system or tradition? no, i dont follow dogma or religion

Do you have any practical experience in magick? i am training to gain some practical experience

Where are you from? America

Photos if you’re comfortable
Current ambitions/struggles- figuring out how to get results

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Hi! My name is Breana , I am 20 years old, I have been practicing for about 8 months now.

I first got interested in witchcraft when I was 12 years old and experienced a demonic haunting in my childhood home, since then I’ve always been aware of the other side and things that can’t be seen with normal eyes and from then I’ve always felt drawn to practice but never could since I was raised in a strict Christian household, this past year 2023 and all of 2024 I’ve felt a calling to practice.

My main interest of study is baneful/chaos magic as well as petitioning and all things dark and goory. (Death curses and all things karmic)

I’ve had some very bad things happen to me and be done to me and this past year I’ve had nothing but visions and dreams of getting my justice that I know I deserve and a little revenge intertwined in it so I have been on a very long and tedious journey to figure out how to do that.

I welcome all tips and tricks and especially help or mentoring.

Thank you!

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Hello Everyone,
My name is Agnes, you can call me Empress. I have been practicing for about 10 years now. Actively practiced different systems and traditions before going on an unplanned chill for about 2 years (nothing much except for life happening I guess).
I am from Nigeria - Lagos city.
Currently have no struggles but I am seeking to expand myself.
Was led to this forum through one of the topics on the Angels of Omnipotence. Currently working with the 1st 3 Angels: Elubatel, Atuesuel and Ebuhuel. Needed more information on the other 5 and my main focus is pathworking.

Anyways, I feel excited finding this forum and being here.

Thank you


hello all.
my second id. my first is redjakarta and cant login into pc. many time i try.
my spiritual start since 2012 with local magic in indonesia. and starting practical serious goetia start 2019 till now. thank you to moderator and all contributor.

Hello everyone, I’m Zenlir from the USA and I’ve only recently started practicing magick. I’ve been a qigong practitioner since 2020 and have done a lot of experiments with my own energy. I’m planning on working with the dragons after I develop my psychic senses more.

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Hi. I want to introduce myself I am luke and I am learning and searching study magic and occult for years. I would like to know more about psychic and intuition. I want to gain information from this forum.

Welcome @Lukeee

Where are you from?

Do you have any practical experience?

If you do, what, exactly, do you practice and how long have you practiced?

Do you follow a specific system or tradition?

What are your areas of magical interest?

Hello… I’m Michael, I’m from India and I’m 27 years old Male… I’d like to communicate with spirit/entity who can help me achieve my dream.


Welcome @michael012

Do you have any practical experience in magick?

If you do, what do you practice and how long have you practiced?

What are your areas of magical interest?

Returning member here. I have been practicing through Initiation Into Hermetics for the last five years, on and off.

Welcome @DrEuthanasia

Where are you from?

Any other experience?

What was your previous username?

I have practiced from Koettings works, and lots of Golden Dawn over the years also. Currently following Gurdjieffs “work”.

I believe it was Vandheer.