Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum 2.0

And what do you practice?

Ancestral witchcraft, preferably Divination.

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Hello to everyone! I’m very new to this topic, I’ve been effectively only practicing for only 1 month. Not sure about whether or not I follow particular system or tradition (I think not? Not currently).

My practical experience (in the 1 month I mentioned) is related only to very basic divination with Zhouyi (Coin toss method, because I lack time :smiling_face_with_tear:).

Sorry for being impolite, but I’d rather not tell where I’m from, ideally.

My current immediate goal is to study Yijing with Wang Bi and Han Kangbo’s notes. Future goal is study of more classics. I have some interest in Kabbalah, but it’s a goal for much later. I’m somewhat busy, so I’ll be learning a little slowly until a few months when I’m more free.


Hello! I’m demonslayer:) that’s my online name and I’m a private person so I won’t be sharing pictures or anything more. I’ve been practicing magic for over 15 years. I’d like to think of myself as a bit of an eclectic. I practice and study all types of magic. I’m pagan and answer to the old gods(Norse) my specialty is divination and rune magick. I’m here to learn more from you guys!


Hello my name is Isaiah and I am just getting into the world of magick. I am about to start working with a caster and a second hand practitioner. I intend on making a pact with a spirit once I get some more knowledge and experience. I am a musician and lover of nature and and very eager to learn more about this realm and pursue self improvement and discovery.

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Hi everyone I’m new here and to the whole magick world. Really looking forward to learn from you people and reaching out to my goals
I’m actually keen on learning on how to use Magick for attacking someone who is a huge obstacle in my life. Please dm me or help me with suggestions

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hi friends i’m pouria and i’m from germany i’m 25 years old and i wanna start learning (real)summoning.and i’ll be thankfull if you help me♥️

Welcome @POURIA

Do you have any practical experience in magick at all, or are you starting completely from scratch?

What areas of magic are you interested in learning about?

hi no i’m begginer and i wanna start from zero.

summoning(like i can see and talk with demon)this is my goal.

Here is a getting started with magick guide.

You’ll want to get your spiritual hygiene sorted out, and start work on developing your astral senses, then when you can know you have a decent chance at avoiding impostors and parasites then try the evocation guides we have on here.

Previous account for reference: (closed)

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My name is Mateo and I come from Europe…to be precise, southeastern Europe. I am 33 years old and am a human that loves to travel and explore what our ancestors left us.

I would not call myself a practitioner of magick, yet I wish to see myself as an evolutionist. I tend to use as many different techniques and informations to go forward in life; physicaly, mentaly and spiritualy.

I also do not follow any particular system or tradition as I am of belief that every tradition has it’s core values and systems that can help me to ascend.

I have practical experience in magick. Some went okay, some didn’t even have any results, but all in all I am trying to keep my life balanced.

My spiritual ambition is to evolve. This worldly ambition is to be a influential figure in my childs life, and to inspire other people to see the opportunities this universe has to offer them.

My current struggles…hmmm…nothing in particular as i tend to recycle my struggles and turn them into a weapon.

i tried to sign my old account but couldn’t.i have changed my sim card and i cant bring my accounts back sorry…

and about my age.i think its better that i be bigger because someine think thet i’m child and don’t answer me good or don’t answer.

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did you close my this acount auch?

Yup! You’re all squared away :smiley:

This account @POURIA remains open for use going forward,
The old account @Pouria_Bagherzadeh is closed.

Welcome @JustAnotherNomad

So what, exactly, do you practice? You have kind of danced around without providing any actual information on your experience.

Also, how long have you practiced?

What are your areas if magical interest?

Sorry for not being precise in my introduction post.

I am actually practicing Solomonic magic since I was a teen even though it was more or less frivolous at the younger age. Last 5 or so years I am more into Slavic lore since I live in this area. (Conjuring of Gods from the Slavic pantheon) All in all I have about 15ish years of experience in the “occult”.

I also like to travel and meet other people interested in the arts and exchange experiences.

My areas of magical interest / “things I want to learn the most about” are reincarnation (transmutation of soul) and spiritual evolution.

I also try to study modern philosophy best that I can.

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Hi, I’m Dante, not my given name, but it suits me :wink:

I’m a weather witch, and I do astral projection often I’ve been to those places, like st Lucia mountains in my sleep, as well as using herbs for defensive magick

I was a demonologist before this, circa 2019

I just like to accumulate knowledge about demons and other diverse beings

Welcome @Dane4dead

Where are you from?

How long have you practiced?

Do you follow any specific system or tradition?

What are your areas of magical interest?

How long have you been practicing?
Unconsciously for a long time.
Do you follow any particular system or tradition?
I’ve practiced some things in the dom book that gave me some results, I kind of have an affinity for Glasya Labolas
Anything too light/angelic makes me feel yuck. Saying the world belongs to god feels wrong to me.
Do you have any practical experience in magick?
Question makes me feel like I should stand in a robe in a couple a’ geometric shapes uttering strange sounds. No I dont do rituals but my intuition enables me in many instances to ‘do’ what some people would call Magick.
Where are you from?
Current ambitions/struggles
There’s some kind of group trying to mess with my thoughts and emotions and I feel like demons are going to(be able to) help me :smiling_face: