Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum 2.0

Hello Everyone,

  1. Your magick name: AmunRa
  2. Photos if youā€™re comfortable: Not now please
  3. Kinds of magick you like: Kigdom of Amaymon/AmunRa magick
  4. Current ambitions: Acquiring knowledge
  5. Current struggles: None because I am Lucifer Princess Tara Amunra Amaymon.

Just a bit :slight_smile: Enjoy:


Hello Everyone,

I am AmunRa. I am from India and United Kingdom.

I love making friends. Looking forward to make friends.

Do you have book club here?


Welcome @amunra :slight_smile:

So, how long have you been practicing?
Do you have any experience in systems or traditions outside of ā€œAmunRa magickā€?

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I am 13th generation witch. I am practicing magick since my birth time.

My grandmother taught me many paths, based mainly on Hindu Black Magick including raga magick, automatic singing, automatic writing, automatic painting, and many paths.

Now I am exploring the world with her permission.

Thanks for asking me.

What about you?

I see. Thank you for expanding on your background. It will help us tailor answers to your skill level. :slight_smile: :+1:

This might be helpful for you to orient yourself to be able to speak to us in a way we can understand.

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Lovely. I love reading books and practicing magick.

I would love to join if this forum has any book club.

A post was split to a new topic: Side conversation

There isnā€™t much of a book club, the old one has had itā€™s day it seems. I think it would be ideal to start a new one. There is a book recommendations topicā€¦

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That is great!. Welcome to the family. Are you connected to certain deities?

Hello Everyone,

This is Zahara, I am a theistic Satanist and mostly interested in darker side of the magic. I strongly believe that magic is based more on oneā€™s personal intention, and there is no good/bad type of magic. I am recently looking into demonology, as I want to work with them in order to achieve some goals in my life. Also, I have always felt that I can feel they are calling me, the primary reason I became a Satanist was that I could feel Lord Satan calling me, and it was unavoidable, I started researching more about him and other goetic demons, and I knew this was my path.

Recently, I am struggling with evoking Lord Sallos, to get the love of man I so passionately desire. I have searched for articles where magicians have posted there success with him, but I donā€™t know where to start, how to evoke him, what to offer, or what ritual to follow. I am looking for someone who can give me a detailed guide on what they exactly did for a successful evocation.

Here is the photo of your fellow sorceress:


Welcome @LoveSallos

Where are you from?

How long have you been pracitcing?

Do you have any experience in systems or traditions outside of Satanism?

You can use any working system of evocation to evoke a Goetic demon. Please avail yourself of the forumā€™s search function, and type in ā€œevocation guide.ā€

Where are you from?

I am from Virginia, USA

How long have you been pracitcing?

Formally, I recently converted to Satanism in June, but I always had a feeling before that Lord Satan was calling me. I have been like Lord Satan since my childhood, I come from a traditional Hindu family, which is like super-religious, but I always believed in knowing ā€œwhy something is doneā€ instead of following blindly. I had some Christian friends who like took me to one of the Easter events at their church where they discussed about Lord Satan as an ā€œadversaryā€. I just couldnā€™t take everything at face value, all I knew was that Lord Satan is a fallen angel who rebelled against god, and he is intelligent, beautiful and a passionate deity. I wanted to know his story, and so I started researching more about him, and found that he is just being blamed for the faults that exist in human heart, just so we have someone, who we can force evil on. I believe good/evil lies within people themselves and no-one can force them/misguide them to commit wrong deeds against their will. Also, what is wrong/right is always subjective. For me Lord Satan is more of God of Justice, and a reasonable deity who is judges accurately. Hence, the reason for my conversion.

Do you have any experience in systems or traditions outside of Satanism?

Usually, I use Lord Satan as base deity and work with other demons under his guidance. I practice black magic as well as voodoo. I feel a strong connection with demons more than I feel connected to even fellow humans, I donā€™t know maybe thatā€™s weird, but thatā€™s how it has been for me.

Also, I am following this guide for evocation of Duke Sallos, Simple English Demonic Evocation Guide - #19 by Nyxifer, however, it says to start after sunset, whereas Duke Sallos is demon of day, is it okay if I start any time after 12 as that is when technically a new day starts? And Duke Sallos direction is west, so would that make any difference if I do this ritual facing west/south.

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I am kinda all over the place. I am probably more hoodoo than anything but I do some goetic magic.

Iā€™m focused on healing magic right now.

I always wondered why certain people are attracted to those ancient guardian spirits knows as ā€˜Daimonā€™ or demonsā€™.

I donā€™t know mostly about others, but I believe in someone who I can understand/relate to, and its wierd, but somehow I feel that they call me, to listen to thier story, with an unbiased opinion. And I feel I can do that, its just a spiritual bond that can be only felt but not explained.

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Same for me. In a sort of way, I have had contacts with hekate, I even tried on 2-3 times to summon Kali so we can talk.

Welcome @Cyber. Please tell us about yourself.

Where are you from?

How long have you practiced?

Do you have any experience in systems or traditions outside of hoodoo?

Hi. Iā€™ve been living in London, UK for the lat 12 years and began my journey in magic with the Goetia shortly before that. Then I got caught up in Judeo-Christian mysticism, which was a mistake. My magic suffered to the point I stopped doing it for several years, and my life has fallen apart. Only so-called ā€œdemonsā€ ever actually helped me, ever really cared about me, in life. And now I am working with them to start over afresh and rebuild it according to my will. Spiritually my views are a mix of Gnostic/Hermetic/Samkhya/Tantric ideas and I see Ea, whom I recognise as Enki/Lucifer/Shiva, call him what you will, as my Ishvara.