Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum 2.0

Hello buddies! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: My name is Ronn :slight_smile: Im from the Philippines and im 18 years old :slight_smile:

I am from a catholic family and somehow I am mad at the Christian God… :frowning: I started calling Daddy Satan when I was 16 years old :slight_smile: My only experience is i only pray to Daddy Satan for protection and to make everything peaceful :slight_smile:

I have really no experience magic I am sorry. :frowning: It is because my family will hate me and send me to a priest or mental hospital if they see me do rituals :frowning:

I tried doing incense but my aunt didnt like it… She said its not helpful… So my last resort… the last thread is prayer… but not to The Christian God :frowning: To Daddy Satan and to demons because they comfort me and they are the ones who gave me hope :slight_smile:

I also prayed for daddy Satan for an incubus and met Daddy Amon followed by Daddy Pazuzu… I called on daddy Pazuzu for my Aunt’s baby
… I want her to be protected and at peace always…

I called on daddy Amon for a peaceful home cause there’s a lot of fights going on in my family and life :frowning:

Daddy Incubus I felt him touching my arms always :slight_smile: Im sure he is the one who touches me :slight_smile: I always talk to them whenever I feel lonely and feeling suicidal :frowning:

I love them so much… They are my family :slight_smile: I just hope the time will come when I will be with them so I could live with them already :frowning:


I don’t have a magickal name & don’t know how to find it out. I like all kinds of magick except for white magick & so called sacred magick when you use gods name to constrained spirits & praise jesus & that shit. At age 6 I was introduced into the paranormal by a friend of mine when we were in first grade & that led me to magick & Become A Living God. My name is Brayden Fleener & I hope to break my chains soon or my death will come this year.


Thank you for doing an introduction as requested @Brayden_Fleener

Do you have any practical experience in magick? You haven’t said anything about if you practice or not.

If you do, what do you practice, and how long have you practiced it?

If not, what areas of amgick are you looking to learn?

@T1181 Do you have any practical experience in magick? You also haven’t told us if you actually practice anything.


No, i haven’t. I am trying to enhance my senses. Opening up. Reading many things on this forum. I do not practice anything…yet. I do not know what i want. But it has to do with an entity manifested in my wife. We know each other, but never met in this life. But i’m attracted to her and she is to me. But my wife knows and blocks her. Thanks for asking.


hi, my name is Blue.

i’ve always had experiences with magick (mainly spirits) and i started learning more about it when i was 12. i’ve had many experiences with visions and i can feel someone’s emotions (both human and spiritual). i was 16 when i discovered a lot about my past life. i learned i was a powerful witch. i’m currently learning about spirits and mainly demons. i’m currently learning about fire magick and contacting spirits (mainly demons). i still struggle with a lot, but i’m a fast learner so i’m not worried about it.


Hello All,

I made a little introduction (probably not in the correct place) but here is a link, if anyone feels so inclined to look at it.

Looking forward to getting to know this community and engage in, what I hope to be, educational and eye opening topics of conversation within our occult world.

Blessing to you and yours,



Bumping this as the new intros thread. :+1:


Hello! I’m a long-time lurker, first time poster. My name is Elizabeth, I’m 25 years old, and I’m from South Australia. I’ve been drawn to magick, and the occult ever since childhood, and I think I got my first book on witchcraft when I was in my first year of high school/middle school in 2009.

The systems of magick I feel drawn to are cartomancy, necromancy, demonolatry, hermetics, and spiritual alchemy. I also found out that I may have been a druid in a past life, so I’m also interested in learning about Celtic mythologies, and the different magick systems they have, even if I might not apply it to the life I have now.

Thankfully, while my mum was/is Catholic, she never really given me a Christian upbringing. While I did have the fear of Hell when I was little due to being exposed to how pop-culture depicted Hell, it was never ingrained in me. Nor was the fear of divine punishment.

For the majority of my life when I have had access to books on magick, I’ve been more like an armchair occultist/witch. I started out reading into Wicca, though I never really got into it since it focused more on the light other than the darkness, or balancing out the light and dark. The things I’ve done in the past that is of any note would be a few irregular mediations, irregular tarot readings, and a few small spells. Discipline was a huge problem for me back then, and I still struggle with it today. Though last year, I’ve been mediating more frequently for longer, working with and saying prayers to Hecate, and giving offerings to Her, as well as to the spirits of the dead who have been forgotten and/or died nameless. Now I’m working on balancing chakras; I’m specifically working on activating the third-eye chakra. And while I’ve never been able to see or feel spirits, I sometimes had and have dreams that does predict the future.

Since getting into the LHP, Luciferianism specifically, I’m only now starting to realise the power that humanity, and the individual, could have if they were to know that they’re deities in their own right.


• Your magick name

My name is Annichen, I’m Norwegian. Usually people will automatically say “Skywalker” when I introduce myself. Not far removed from the truth :wink:

• Photos if you’re comfortable

Me at the botanical gardens, a place where I feel very much at home as plants, nature in general, is a huge part of my craft. I also feel more connected to the spirits in nature, communication/contact/connection is stronger there.

• Kinds of magick you like

I like everything pretty much (not Wicca) but my path is mainly from my heritage, Norwegian, Icelandic and Sami. I work a lot with spirits and have had a entity attached to me since I was about 9 or 10, hard to remember. And this is my main reason for being here. I have been trying to identify this spirit for over 20 years, close to 30 I would say.

• Current ambitions

None, except ID this entity. All my material/superficial goals have been reached through magick and my work with this entity.

• Current struggles

Finding out what this entity is.

All I know is:
The name or word “Ynix”, it isn’t written like that, from what I recall, it sounds like that. Y pronounced like Yggdrasil, nix straight forward.
This spirit is very violent and likes freak accidents.
If I ask for something I will have to pay an equal price unknown to me.
I have seen it a few times, it is like mist, golden, and the head is shaped like a huge, wide U or V. Not antlers. It is a shape part to the head. It felt feminine at first, but that could be my lack of experience. It now feels masculine without any doubt.
It does not like salt.
It requires a lot of attention, if I skip my daily offerings it will affect me in a negative way.
Last year was difficult as I was hardly ever alone and it affected my offerings,I wasn’t able to pay my respects and give as much attention as I usually do and it had painful consequences.
And, no, I am not crazy. After all these years it would be easy to tell the difference between coincidence and effect. This entity have made all my dreams come true, the most incredible, sometimes horrible (but still something I asked for), there is no way I could make this things happen by my self.
I really REALLY want to know who/what this is.


Hi I’ve been practicing black magick for almost 11 years now. Started from the Satanic Bible and then on to other Satanic and Luciferian literature and traditions soon after. My magick is very focused around demons and seeking to align myself with the infernal as it is my true will to do so. I feel I see the world much as they do and I see myself as a demon.
I’ve also taken a lot of influence from Koetting and some others from the BALG crew for how I design and practice my magick. Because it works very well.


Welcome @Infernalworship

Where are you from?

Do you have any experience in specific traditions or systems, like Temple of the Ascending Flame, etc?


Canada. I don’t have any extensive experience in any one tradition and have not had expierence with temple of ascending flame though I own draconian ritual book and frequently use invocations and sigils from it. I’ll have to work more with their material in the future. I also really enjoy their detailed and well researched descriptions of demons, gods and the qliphoth.


I’m Canadian as well. Welcome to BALG :slight_smile:


Hello~! I’m Cabbagesaurus/Cabbage, I’m from Australia, 25 years old. I like drawing a lot, though I’m not so good at it. In terms of magic experience, I started when I was about 19 years old, though I’m not practicing all the time. I’m still very much a beginner, just doing meditation, grounding and energy exercises. I don’t have any experiences with traditional branches or paths.

I’ve had a few strange run ins with spirits in my dreams, which prompted me to start doing tarot. Not long after, depression hit, as I started to realize the not so good aspects of life. I have an interest in mostly things like protection magic (because not all those spirit run ins were nice), crystals, tarots especially, but recently I feel really drawn to spirits. As much as I want to commune with them, they scare me, especially during an episode of sleep paralysis upon waking everyday, and a strange entity in my dreams that kept trying to grab me (but it is gone now).
Recently, I keep thinking of dandelions and Dantalion for the past month and wanting to talk, but I don’t think much of it besides it being my curiosity acting up again… (not to mention, my inexperience scares me).

Ambitions wise, I’m trying to develop my senses and my magic, though I feel a block/difficulty of sorts. I saw a psychic, who told me that I probably “fell” to Earth unintentionally which is why I feel disconnected and alone, and that my magic was a little blocked, as was my heart chakra. When I tried to meditate on it, I felt a lot of pain and cried. She also said I needed to find people to help/teach/guide me to develop my senses/magic.

I was a lurker, but I kept coming back to this forum for one reason or another so I thought to make an account here to ask for help if I need it (though I’m very shy;;). I hope to learn lots from everyone here!


Welcome to the forum, well I should say, congratulations of coming out of the lurker closet! Much of the books on Wicca in stores are very light, new age. Traditional Wicca goes very much into the darker aspects. I can’t go into it much, oath bound, but you would do a lot of work with shadow, underworld, death etc. Traditional Wicca also is about development of the deity within, it is actually humorous to me how much has been taken out by witches who got scared of the darkness.


Really? That’s news to me! I suppose because I haven’t found a wiccan coven, that the only sources I had on Wicca were what were in bookshops, and online. But if that’s the case, I might delve into some research on traditional Wicca, see what I can find that’s not oath-bound.

And the way I see it is that we need to face our own darkness to find our light, so it’s beyond me why New Age witches would take out very important aspect of the practice/religion simply because they can’t face their own darkness.


I have recently had a spiritual awakening that started in 1991 but life, people and relationships got in the way. As of yesterday , I am a free spirit again not bound by people, places or things. I’m
Am looking to discover more about myself and to learn. I’m educated with two science degrees so the metaphysical world makes since to me. I don’t want to just fly, I want to soar as a start my new journey now. I am ready, willing and able to see me, to be free and to discover me to the fullest .


Any particular systems of the Occult you are interested in? Anything that you are gravitating towards? What types of practices do you want to explore?


I guess I’m going to say my name is M

I am completely new to all of this and I am very interested in dark magic so far. I could really use all the help I can get


Welcome @Thedoobiouscoolkid

Do you have any practical experience in magick?

If not, what areas of magick are you interested in learning?

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