Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum 2.0

Welcome @Bblatinperv666

Do you have any practical experience in magick?

Baptised in what, exactly?

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like i did the ritual to follow the left hand path with satan

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What ritual? There is no specific ā€œritual to follow the left hand path and Satan.ā€ There are such rituals, of course, created by religious groups and the like, but they are neither mandatory nor needed to walk the Left Hand Path. I assume the ritual you followed was something you found on the internet? Was it your first foray into magick?


Hello! My name is Ky Iā€™m from Texas. Iā€™m a 17-year-old senior in high school and I work at Pizza Hut.

Iā€™ve been interested in magick since I was a little kid. Iā€™ve been lucid dreaming since I was 10 but I dabbled in witchcraft at around 12 but being raised in a Christian household I was afraid I was going to hell so I stopped before I could really get a grasp on anything about it. At around 15, I questioned my faith in God and then I realized that I never really associated myself as being a Christian. I only went to church because they forced me to. When I go, Iā€™m bored out of my mind. Took me a while to realize that I only said I was Christian because my family is. At 16, Iā€™m being drawn back to witchcraft and I know for sure what I want but, I wasnā€™t sure how or where to start.

As for what magick I like, I like sex magick. It interests me because of the relationships you can form with other beings sexually and emotionally if you choose. I donā€™t know if Iā€™m too young for it, so for now, Iā€™m just going to focus on the basics of the craft and do research on it. Once I turn 18, Iā€™ll take part in it, but weā€™ll see how it goes. If that makes sense, Iā€™m not good with words. But besides that, I want to look into other forms of magick that arenā€™t as intense as sex magick.

The current struggles that I have pertain to school, making enough money to move out and get my apartment, what I want to do career wise, etc. I would talk to my mom about this stuff, but I get aggravated easily when I speak to her about anything that involves me ā€œbecoming an adultā€ so I just avoid it altogether and I feel lost. But I know I will get through this.

Sorry for the word vomit. But Iā€™m glad Iā€™m on this journey to become my true self. If you have questions for me, feel free to ask and correct me if Iā€™m wrong about anything Iā€™m starting from scratch and Iā€™m new to all this. I look forward to learning from you all!



Welcome to the forum.

Anything besides sex magic that youā€™re interested in? Anything youā€™re not?


Thank you! Iā€™ve been interested in divination, herbs, astrology, zodiac signs. Blood magick Iā€™m a little iffy about because of how drastic the consequences could be if something goes wrong. Iā€™m still doing research on different forms so this is all I can come up with right now.


Welcome @Ky27

As a beginner, I think you have a misunderstanding about what exactly sex magick is. It is NOT just having sex with spirits. Itā€™s cultivating and refining the sexual energy of the body, and using it for magick. If you can masturbate, then you can work sex magick.


Thank you for further informing me. I only put down what I knew from research outside of this website. Sorry for the misinformation.


No worries, man. There is much to explore, but there is disinformation and outright lies everywhere, so itā€™s always good to learn discernment and to take everything you are told with a heavy dose of salt. Welcome to the rabbit hole :slight_smile:


Hi. I am from Poland. I am the beginner. I would love to share the knowledge and learn more. I am interested with deamons and black magick

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Thank you for doing an introduction as requested @Martyna_Wenelczyk.

Do you have any practical experience in magick, or the paranormal at all?

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Yes. I can see the past sometimes
I have started to work with Goetia


In what way? In dreams, visions, etc?

Through which system?

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In visions. I doesnā€™t dependends on me. They commes by their selfs.
I am using Pathworking and meditation


I do not have a Magickal name, as Iā€™m very new to this genre of living.

The kinds of magick that I like thus far are sigil (which I have zero experience with but I like the idea) and servitor, which is my first experience with magick. I just purchased three books from the gallery of magick selection, including Magickal Servitors by Damon Brand.

My current ambitions are to manifest lovely women to have sex with my girlfriend and I, as we desire threesomes, boost my personal manifestation ability and skill, acquire a home for my girl and our child, get more in tune with my godhood and Christ-self, and have fun all the way along.

Current struggles? The same ;D

Also, I have struggles with believing in my capability of magick. For example, the servitor I am creating. I have doubts about it working for me like it does for everyone else, which is why I put it off for so long (Iā€™ve owned the book two or three weeks, read it the day I got it but have made excuses on getting started to the point that I just began creating it today). An obstacle I shall overcome, certainly.


new to all this
become irresistible to women using magick
im new so zero struggles


Maybe you shouldnā€™t call yourself creepboy then, for a start. :thinking:


Noob Level aka 0 experience


I hope your desires come true.
Best wishes.

Congratulations for your purchase.
You can rather use a servitor to find such women.


Thank you! Yeah, one of the several Servitors I have planned out will cover that :smiley: the one Iā€™m building now is to find an affordable car