New Here

Hello All,

I’m new here, dabbled in the occult before. Never really was a religious individual, but, I was raised by a X-tian father and a Jewish mother (best of both worlds, I guess you could say). Recently these past few years I’ve had some “interesting” occurrences happen in my physical and spiritual worlds. So far my journey has led me to many obscure places and now here to this forum, for some purpose that is yet known to me. However despite all that fun and delightful info, I truly am excited to meet like minded individuals and even those who don’t share my opinions. Hopefully, on both sides of the equation, we can engage in thought provoking gnosis and conversation with one another. To help not only expand our understanding, but, to open our minds to all the beautiful avenues magick can provide.

Blessings, to you and your God(s)

  • I.S.
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Welcome @MaskOfManyFaces Pelase tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick. This post doesn’t really tell us anything.

Where are you from?

Do you have any practical experience in magick?

If so, what do you practice, and how long have you practiced?

If not, what areas of magick are you interested in learning?

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I have been a practitioner of the arte for about 8 years. I possess a very limited knowledge on Louisiana style Voodoo / Sorcery, and I am familiar with the Golden Dawn and Agrippa’s Occult Philosophy. From time to time I have gone back and forth between many different traditions and continue to do so. These last 2 years however, I have studied the Qlipoth / Kabbalah and the many works associated. As of recent, I am currently working within the Draconian current. More specifically, Chumbleys Dragon Book of Essex at this moment in time. I am a private individual and like to remain as such. So, as far as location is concerned, all I will say is I am located in the SW region of the United States of America.


Welcome :blush:

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welcome brother

Welcome to the forum. Blessings.:pray: