INCANTATION SUMMARY - I invite you to share all your incantations here :)

How is this pronounced I’m not sure?

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As per my offering to Satan, I’m posting a very simple step by step summoning guide for beginners on here:

Use this sigil:

  1. Gaze: Holding his sigil as shown above (left), gaze SOFTLY without straining into the symbol until the lines begin to flash. Gaze (

(While gazing, repeat the Enn: “Tasa Reme Laris Satan, Ave Satanis”)

  1. When you notice the sigil flashing and feel a presence, greet Satan as a friend and respectfully request what you wish from him.

  2. Give an offering. It can be a physical thing such as consumables (wine, coffee, cigars), or something such as praise and public promotion of Satan. Give thanks and close the ritual.

That’s really all there is to it!

Side Note: For beginners out there who were raised with Christian concepts of Satan and may be a bit nervous, just RELAX. I have personally done this and am perfectly fine! It’s natural to feel anxious when (and after) doing this and you just got to realize: Life ain’t Hollywood! With free will we have every right to contact any entity we choose.

Good Luck!


I have a really basic question on pronunciation. I’m embarrassed I have to ask this but I’d like to do this properly.

Is “ch” pronounced as a “k” or as “ch” as in chair?

Thank you >.<

Hmmm, the way I’d do it would be to say it like k if it’s at the end of a word like Moloch (Molok) but like chair if it’s at the beginning of the word. I’m not sure what context this is in though. It may vary depending on the incantation. Idk.

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Thank you.
This helps. That’s how I’ve been doing it, but I wasn’t sure if it was proper or not.
Blessings :pray:t3:

Darknest knight which means this incantation doesn’t even require me to open my astral senses

Working on a new(ish) way of using incantations.

For those on here who are familiar with psionics/radionics, I once learned that your intent that you broadcast to the subject on the receiver plate can be as simple as a written statement on a piece of paper. I channeled my shadow and he said that incantations can actually be used in the same way (eg ones for empowerment you’d direct to a photograph of yourself and others to affect other things you would direct to a photo of that instead). As psionics sometimes take a bit of time to work, I asked my shadow how long roughly it would take. He said about 2-4 weeks. Keep in mind that this in place of chanting everyday, which if you’re like me and still working on vibrating from the hara, this is an awesome realization.

I’m currently charging my psionic machine with sunlight and will be using this over the following weeks.


I’m interested in your psionic experiments as a part of my Technomage 2020 initiative.


@Hermes :+1:

Words of power I’ve had success with, from BOM: Hiebel mare actitas barne donene ariaerch It’s for protection, against sudden evil attack.

To ruin an enemy or enemies: Invoke this words with your intent in mind or write it on a paper placed in front of you. Aila himel adonai amara Zebaoth cadas yeseraije haralius.

Meloch, hel alokim tiphret hod jesath, N. - To bring vengeance upon enemies.
But to send a certain evil or curse to the enemy, have it in mind while chanting these.


BOM??? What’s that?


Is it to write these words before or after writing what you want to happen to the enemy ??

And what do you do next with the paper ?? Or when to manifest the intention ??

Oh sorry about that, it’s Book Of Moses.


Write your intent, not the words.

You can keep it to carry out the operation again, or just recycle it. It’s nothing special.


Here is an old one for Ascension:



Damn. Nice shit.
Where did you get this? Is it for dark ascension or ascension in general?

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Is a mantra from Thoth, is the Egyptian demon of magic! Also known as Tahuti and yes that mantra works great.


How many times you haven to chant this? And any specifics about utilizing the mantra?


When you say “for ascension’, how does this work interms of your ascent?



