INCANTATION SUMMARY - I invite you to share all your incantations here :)

Do I have to infernalize my vocal cords before being able to use some of the demonic incantations?

I’ve been using the enochian incantations but now I’d like to try the others.


Vibrating them is excellent to start with


So I can use the demonic incantations just by vibrating them?
I would be happy if that’s the case.
Infernalizing them sounds permanent.
Thank you for your response. :pray:t3::black_heart:


Taken from a variety of sources:

Est Sit Esto Fiat - Shape shifting in astral / jinn state [book Tarot and Kabbalah]

Adacripto - easier access to the mental realm [book Logos, Mantra, Theurgy]

Veya Vallala Veyala Helaya Veya - Calls the undines to you [book Secret Doctrine of Anahuac]

Alumino - Calls the elementals of Frankincense [book Igneous Rose]

Vago O A Ego - Calls the elementals of the pomegranates [book Igneous Rose]

Toliphando - calls the elementals of the Storax tree [book Treatise of Occult Medicine and Practical Magic]

A Kumo - calls the elementals of the orange [book Igneous Rose]

Afiras - Calls elemental of the fig [book Igneous Rose]

Ebnicor Abnicar On - Calls the elemental of the Apple tree [book Igneous Rose]

Tisando - calls the elementals of the Gualandy Tree [book Treatise of Occult Medicine and Practical Magic]

Pander - calls the elemental of Sassafras [book Tarot and Kabbalah]

Osi Osoa Osias - to enchant a snake [book The 3 Mountains]

Osi Osoa Asi - to repel a snake [book Treatise of Occult Medicine and Practical Magic]

The author of these books taken from a variety of sources and republished.


What sources were these taken from?

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Added book names inline.



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I just channeled this a few hours ago From my dark side, it’s late in my time zone and I’m hitting the sack like literally after sharing this. Haven’t tried it yet but here it is:

These are words of power/incantations/spells for Psychic Vampirism/Energy absorbing

Akatarilos Mikatarillic


Akatarilos Mikataric

The channeling yielding two similar but different incantations. The first one is for vampirism while the second one is more for gathering energy in general.

To use the vampire one, you want to hold your hand out and visualize the energy being sucked out of your target and into your hand while speaking it (presumably with conviction because magick is an emotional art after all)

My dark side says this will drain a person’s life force away so that most of their energy will be sapped to the point that only the most vital part of their energy will remain. He said it can render someone in a coma like state but that they can recover from this over time.

Additionally he said that it increases someone’s psychic power ten fold for each person you drain.

I’ll be trying this sometime soon, but feel free to let me know how it goes for you.

Happy hunting!


Update on the post above (more info).

The first spell can be used also at a distance to drain someone’s energy with a photograph.

In addition, my dark side says not to use it on people who have disease or depression (this should be a general standard for psychic vampires)

Also, I meant to elaborate further on the second incantation. What I more so meant was that the first incantation is best used on living things while the second one is best used for draining the energy of something inanimate, like electronics (e.g. computers, lightbulbs, outlets, etc.)

Final note: My dark side says it’s best to start with things right in front of you, and that after you drain at least one person with the incantation, your psychic skills should be boosted to the point where doing it with photos will yield more success.


Mate, how many times do we chant either one? I assume we focus on the item or person and chant for a set amount of time?

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Ah, I like the sigil work.

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Sorry I just posted this to the wrong thread my mistake.

My advice is to say it very authoritatively right as you visualize the energy coming out of the respective target.


This would be an example of a little chaos magic and those who are not Sabaton fans are going to groan. However, when facing a task that is scary and possibly dangerous, I find this little chant helpful to perk up some courage to get the job done. This comes from a song about a small band of forty infantry soldiers going up against a tank unit during WWII.

“Gloria Fortis miles, Adversor et admorsus!”

Roughly translates to “glory of the strong soldiers, resist and bite!”



After inquiring my dark side, I performed the second Vampiric incantation on an electric battery. That was interesting. At first it was tricky to tell if I was feeling anything when I held in my hand, so I just set it down on the table, pointed my finger at it, shouted the words, and visualized an influx of energy coming into my finger. After a second or two my finger began to feel very hot, sharp, and almost electric like! That… was pretty cool.


For me I try to find solid English chants or I just make a rhyme with my intent behind it. Now I know enns and words of power probably do work and I have only a few enns memorized but I’d honestly need crib notes for some of these rituals. Maybe If I knew the context or translation of the words in various rituals they would mean more to me but then I’d probably just use English. I won’t put up any example of rituals I’ve read while looking around but "WOWZA! " long and I bet hard to pronounce.


Yeah, for me personally, words have always been my strong suit (as opposed to like, numbers). To each his own I guess.

Spirits of Lust :fire: excellent


“Gualtumpa gualtimpa”, possibly related with escape, freedom, travel. I heard it in a semi-lucid dream.

Satan taught me an incantation with words in Arabic, Hindi and Japanese: “O nasmah elakshi Ramesse tashini Mesufatihs” which means “I am beauty, pure light shining in the universe”. Its purpose is to become aware of one’s own being.
The last word is also the name of an entity whose sigil I previously provided, maybe I should contact that spirit…