INCANTATION SUMMARY - I invite you to share all your incantations here :)

This is great for real

Wow this chants powerful as fuck, I just recited it once, and my body shivers.


Going to do my petition in a hour

Here’s my plan

  1. Drawing the sigil
  2. Light a red candle
  3. Gazing at the sigil with it in my left hand
  4. visualize what I want, trying to put emotion into it(I’m not great at that, I’ll admit)
  5. Read out my petition.
  6. Burn petition while putting sigil under my pillow
  7. Blow out the candle

Here’s the sigil I traced!

I know I know. It doesn’t look well done at all lol but it’s the intent that counts. Wish me luck and say a prayer for me lol


To learn secrets about yourself
Akahadiza Aferaam Rayhege Rarsat Inirakh!

To manipulate a target
Kadnuk Nubael Bulatla Yatadisum!

To inflict fear and terror upon an enemy
Namirha Bur-law Udael Ifak-Razat!

To drive a foe insane
Nunam Numusuk Efad!

Source: Liber Anaxeiraxz


Very powerful incantations. I personally did energy work with a couple of the anaxeiraz entities. Cool stuff and the darkest black magic


This is a sigil form of the Odomshay Mikahina incantation I shared earlier. Channeled directly from my shadow. I used this just a few minutes ago and while I still haven’t quite felt a surge of power like other people reported with the chant, I have to say the sigil did make me feel almost feverish when I gazed into it. It seems quite powerful.


Epimonos, to manipulate a targwt tat mean sex, bussines, deals , etc. all.? Any offerings,? Thanks

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Influence someone’s mind, so that their decisions and attitudes will be favorable to you.

Just imagine yourself speaking into the target’s ear, commanding it to do as you wish. But instead of saying your command, you will say the incantation. Some people are influenced more easily than others.


Wow, I need incantation to see visions

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Thanks so much.

I need an enchantment to attract women


Ok update, i need $1000. Last night i chant the money mantra, at 9 pm. Then tis morning 514,am and a girl call me to help her, whit magick. So its, $300, then a book to sell $250, so my check it be like, $700 after tax, im happy, we should tell micah to do a patreon to give him thanks to tat member, it take 22 hours,


For demonic energy:

Actatos Catipta Bejouran Itapan Marnutus


Para que serve sou brasileiro e sou iniciante

I soooo need this lol!


Any for fear and anxiety

Aren’t a lot of complicated materials needed for the rituals in that book?

Translated this today:

Ebatas ebaalorrn/ebabalorrn labatas

It means “From nothing, from nowhere, to no one”. Ebaalorrn and ebabalorrn are the same word just different pronunciations. The first is a very proper way to speak and the second less proper. Double letters should be spoken for twice as long as single letters.


For what would you use this?

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I personally plan to paint it on a cauldron I own. Its like a reversal of casting a circle. Instead of building energy up it brings it to a void state. It might also have use in cloaking things.

Chant it a few times and let me know if you think of other uses this only came to me a few hours ago. Im experimenting with it myself. Also, Im about to edit the incantation i realized I made a small mistake.

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