I’ve made a new list to cope, is this alright?

Yes I will put it positively , my reason being I have the power to put it in positively is: nothing bad will ever happen to me , it stays in the mind .

Thanks wise

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your still putting it in negative wording. Instead of saying ‘nothing bad will ever happen to me.: change it to. "Only good things happens to me’. See the difference?


Good advice. With Chaos Magick Sigils, most don’t put the sentence of the sigil in a negative way like that, because it is believed that the brain ignores the “not” part and interprets it instead as “bad things will happen to me” or whatever the sentence would be. I don’t know how exactly how true that is regarding the brain, emotionally both can feel the same, but it is easier when you phrase it in a completely positive way like that since now you’re dealing with good things instead.

You can be control of your body. If you live life unaware, most of the things you do will be automatic instead of really in your conscious control, for some they follow the course of the planets in astrology when they live life unaware. But you have the power to take control by being concious.
From my experience with divination, there does seem to be some sense of destiny as it is difficult to change the course of events (For Tarot it may be easier for things to be different from what the cards say if the practitioner has the mindset that the Tarot does not reveal the future), but it is possible to change things with a lot of willpower. So you can master your mind by being aware through meditation and such. You don’t control what happens outside of you for the most part (although you can try to influence things), but your entire experience of the world is through your own mind, so how you react can be in your control.

By ‘unaware’, I mean it in a more Eastern philosophical sense.

Couldn’t say really. At this point for me it is less about learning to cope than answering a question.

“Are my actions leading me to progress and evolution beyond where i was in the previous moment.”

Most of the time i can say yes, sometime not so much but i am not aiming for perfection since that in and of itself is a form of stagnation.

This is how the brain process info base on hypnosis. They do not process not. What happens is the brain affirm the negative stuff as true and then negate it by crossing it out. But by that time, you accept the negativity as true already so it’s not so useful. It’s better to stick to what you want so that there is no negative input on your mind. That’s how the mind works with negative wording.

Let’s do an example so you understand in real time by experiencing it. If i tell you. Don’t jump in the puddle. what happens? you have to have image of jumping in the puddle and then dismissing it. But did you notice that you process that jumping in the puddle image first? you don’t want that image. Better to say what you want. Walk around the puddle. or Jump over the puddle. So the rule of thumb is to phrase it positivity. Cuz if you phrase when you don’t want, what happens is you affirm the negative before cancelling it out or crossing it out. The point is the first order is affirming the negative which you don’t want. Sure , you will cancel it out but to affirm it first may already cause trouble cuz it’s negative. The bad thoughts already got into your system. Focus on what you want , not what you don’t want.

that’s why lots of ladies have hard time reaching their weight goals or looking slim. They keep saying i don’t want to look fat. so they be putting it on broken recorder loop. Keep telling yourself i don’t want to look fat and they will keep imaging themselves fat which is suggestion for self to be fat. Better wording would be ,’ body is changing to look healthy and fit."


Hi @Lady_Eva , I still haven’t found a solution for 2 and 5 other than affirming my self all the time , could you help me find a solution ? I’ve tried my absolute best

Bump this next Weds, I’ll try to reply. :+1:


I’ll wait tomorrow :wink:


Sorry man, I have a ton of stuff going on right now, have added you to my list and trying to motor through that. :smiley:

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Alright no problem at all !

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@DraculAlucard can you help me

@BeastCreature can you help me

How old r u?

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I’m 25, with number 2 and 5 on my list , I tried very hard to find a solution but I could only find nothing

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Ok try new things to make your mind focus on other things
tenor (6)

  1. Wont happen. 5. Wont happen.


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Are you experienced in this?? Sorry man but I don’t really take advice from someone so definitive without proper explanation, absolutely no offence by the way , :wink: I get that you just seem to know but I at least need explanation

I would read @anon37593562’s responses again, a few times if needed, especially this one:

Consider what you do want, focus on what you do want, and let that guide your thoughts.

#2: “I only do the things that I want to do. I always choose my own actions. I act under my own agency.”

#5: “I am in full control of my own mind. My mind is impervious to outside influence. My mind is protected and secure.”

Some other general ones that have helped me in the past:

  • I am not my feelings, I am the one that feels my feelings.

  • Regardless of my feelings, I decide how I think and how I act.

  • I am the master of my mind and my thoughts.

  • I am whole, healthy, and peaceful. Divine inspiration guides my actions in everything I do and brings only good things into my life.

  • Only my positive thoughts have meaning. Only my positive thoughts manifest. Good things always happen to me.

  • Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.

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