I need help with my situation

Hi, I’ll start from the beginning. My life has been bad for as long as I can remember. I don’t come from a religious family, believers but not practitioners, so I never really had a relationship with God or the church. And the fact that I was experiencing the things I was experiencing did not help me believe the story of that good and protective god.

At first I thought it was just bad luck, but it became increasingly clear that it was impossible for everything to go wrong for me and that everything I tried would fail.

Friends or other close people who did not believe in anything magical told me that I had to be cursed because what was happening to me was not normal. I tried every solution I could find, consecrating amulets, getting cleansed, asking God and angels for help, being scammed by fake magicians, everything.

But nothing works and everything got worse with each passing year until a few years ago things got extreme. I knew I couldn’t get out of that hole on my own and I remembered the stories of deals with the devil and started researching and reading about demons. The first year I didn’t achieve anything, the second year I managed to contact some demon, the third year, the current one, my life has gotten even worse and the demons don’t help me at all. They lie to me and even the things that I could achieve on my own, they prevent me from achieving. I made a pact with Lucifer that at first started to work well, until one day everything broke again.

I tried a multitude of demons, God, angels, other entities… nothing works. I have tried to commit suicide several times not because I wanted to die but because it is an unlivable life. I do not believe that what is happening to me is a curse made by a human being, it is as if it seems that the entities want to see me suffer and feed on it and what I now believe is that some entity of great power is the one that prevents my life from changing. and improve.

I have tried many systems, E.A, Salomonic, DoM, Sigil Meditation and some more.

Im desperated, i cant even take my own life, is like im forced to live this shit.


It’s highly likely you’re being harassed by parasites rather than the real beings, as the real beings give harsh truths and lessons but do not lie outright.

Perform a banishing and ask for every parasite, negative and malevolent being to be banished with extreme prejudice. Have you been using divination before contacting spirits, making pacts, etc? It’s not a good idea to make a pact unless your spiritual hygiene is in check.


I did banishes but stopped because nothing changed. And for divination I do pendulum and cards, but they lie too or doesn’t work well.

Some people did cleanses and banishing for me too.

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In your day to day life, how much do you contemplate or think about the supernatural dimension ? How strongly do you believe that supernatural forces are a factor in your problems ?

There are a lot of people who live their entire lives in peace and prosperity believing that there is nothing supernatural at all. Complete atheists.

Would you entertain the idea of completely forgetting about anything supernatural and focus on rebuilding your life and environment with a focus on the current physical world around you ? New job, new city, new girlfriend, new life ?

Might you be suffering from a form of psychological disorder or psychosis which you are exasperating by mixing in or imagining a lot of supernatural influences that may not at all be a factor ?


I’m not thinking about the supernatural all day. As I said, I searched for the supernatural because everything I try fails. Of course I want a new life, but I can’t get it, at the last moment everything is ruined.

And about the demons, several of them have physically presented themselves without performing rituals, you could feel their presence and also their smell, sometimes I was accompanied by other people and they turned white when those smells came from no source. Gremory, Sitri, and Lucifer came with pleasant scents, others that I couldn’t identify came with sulfurous smells.

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This is an encouraging phenomena. You need to work on developing a more direct relationship with the Demons and learn to communicate with them so as to properly avail yourself of their assistance. It sounds like they are already trying to connect with you.

I recommend that you get a copy of the book “Lucifer and the Hidden Demons” by Theodore Rose. It will teach you a method of contact that has been very successful for myself and a lot of other people. With the path workings you will immediately feel their influences and be able to communicate with them in a constructive manner.

The book introduces you to numerous different Demons that specialize in various aspects of life and that excel in specific categories of involvement.

From the limited amount of information you have described of your situation there is a Demon from the book that I would recommend you contact and work with. He is Zalomes. His forte is described in the book as follows ;
“To uncover secrets that affect you.
When you suspect that secrets are being used against you, at work or in your personal life, ask Zalomes to reveal any secrets that may be harming or limiting your progress in life. What you find may be concrete evidence or an intuitive perception, but it will be enough to give you a strategic advantage.”

Best of all, it will teach you how to work directly with Lucifer himself who is the ultimate force of good in this warped environment we are saddled with. Lucifer and his Army are very interested in our plight and will most certainly help you get problems solved and things turned around.

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I read that book, I liked it, but the system that works best for me is gazing at sigil while chanting and meditating.

The thing is that the work with Lucifer was going well until everything went wrong. It felt like he wanted to take me like a puppet just the way he wanted. In some things he helped me a little, but especially in matters of love, sex or lust… When I asked him or other demons for help, the only thing I got were totally opposite results, it was as if I had the plague.

But what worries me now is that if I’m in a bad situation with Lucifer and I’ve given it a lot of chances, I doubt other demons are going to help me.

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I can understand your concern with that. I hope you can find a way to get yourself turned around. Good luck.

You need to describe the situation in detail: family situation, whether you have a driver’s license, what job you have, and whether you have one at all. You probably need to start from scratch.

Now I understand. It’s not like I want to extract information from you, we who cultivate ourselves really don’t have much time.

It doesn’t matter to me how strong a demon someone is working with, what would you do with that knowledge anyway?

Indeed, knowing the name of the operator and the demon is useful in the practice of exorcism and return curse to the sender. You have to go to someone with the gift of clairvoyance. I know the right person.

Back to the topic:

Yes, I think I have something sufficient.

I will give you what I consider to be the most effective and simple methods, including methods for punishing the hidden operator.

One method is a simple and general protection ritual.

The second is the Pazuzu ritual, a ritual that breaks curses and returns energy to hidden operator.

The third is the most powerful exorcism that exists and probably will ever exist. It was given by the Buddha himself and it is the longest spell in the world. No matter what rank the demon is, it will be defeated. Excellent for general protection and removal of possessions and others. Especially if someone has suicidal thoughts, this is the work of demons.
Tested by me.
This great maha mantra is mystery of mysteries.
You can listen while sleeping and in the morning.

The fourth method. It is also useful.

These first three great methods will suffice.
How long to use these methods? Every day, for several months because you need to be sure that everything has been cleansed.
It is best to do it every day, for the rest of your life. This is my opinion.
Remember that the opponent, no matter what he is, must go to be broken, must be exhausted to the point of losing his will.

Eventually I can contact a clairvoyant who can break the curse, but that’s enough. These are really powerful methods.


I can’t assume that it’s a curse, that’s what you assume. I had a practically identical situation, except I didn’t have debts. The first thing you have to do is find a job and pay off your debts and then move out of your family home. I managed. You have to take what you can get. I said, take a job on a construction site, because it will allow you to quickly increase your earnings. that’s enough for now.

Don’t think too much, construction companies give people lifts to work if they have one, you can also learn a trade. Once you have a job, you can think further. Getting your license back will still involve expenses and a waiting period before you can take the test again. It depends on the country. Then you can think about moving from home.

There is always the possibility of becoming a professional soldier. You won’t have to sit in home with your father.

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Thank you so much. I think the operator is no longer interested in do more damage, the curse hit seriously her family back and i think she did curses for more persons. But even if she did or paid for it, the curse is still active and will be forever if its not removed.

In that thread there is a list of curse signs, in my case there is a yes in all of them and I can add many more lines to the list. I know it’s hard to believe that everyone who has problems has a curse, but I’m sorry, I can sense it over me, i feel it, if I could send private messages I would tell you more things.

And about the clairvoyant, I would really like you to contact him so that a professional can remove it, please do it i beg you.

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I can´t send private messages.

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In order to be able to send private messages, for some reason, the user needs the rank of member. So it should take me a few years to get this privilege.
It is forbidden to show your e-mail publicly.
So what should I do if I want to contact someone who also does not have the ability to send private messages, if I myself do not have this option?
Maybe this is off-topic. I kindly ask for help.

You will if you continue to post and be active on the forum. Having only been here 5 days and posted in two threads the threshold isn’t yet reached. The system doesn’t allow new users to PM as a precaution against spam bots.

@Satanalash I appreciate what you’re trying to do, but I’m sorry it’s against the rules of this forum to offer (or ask for) money.
I’m checking your account though re the messaging feature.

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you should do This spiritual bath :
write psalm 51 by this tweak with Real Name of Holy Angels attached to Him :

Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions.

Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.

For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me.

Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest.

Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.

Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom.

Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice.

Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities.

Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.

Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.

Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee.

Deliver me from bloodguiltiness, O God, thou God of my salvation: and my tongue shall sing aloud of thy righteousness.

O Lord, open thou my lips; and my mouth shall shew forth thy praise.

For thou desirest not sacrifice; else would I give it: thou delightest not in burnt offering.

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.

Do good in thy good pleasure unto me, N: build thou the walls of this vessel; blot out of me every vices and lift the dullness of my soul, that my ways maybe clean and my path be straight.

To thy honor and to the profit of me and my neighbor.

Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousness: AZALIYU, AZILU, YESILI, ZAWALI, WALAMUYAZALI.

This is Psalm 51, modified to best fit the operation for the service needed

then burn papaer to ash and mix ash with water of bath , and bath with IT ! dvided the water on 3 days or even 7 days

then I will give you clear blockages talisman and its use

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I decided to try the Shurangama in Sanskit video for no reason other than it looked similar to other things I’ve seen. I layed on the bed listening to the computer and closed my eyes, and the longer I did it, my body felt like it was vibrating to every sound that was emphasized during the chanting. I was not the slightest bit surprised their was something def real about that one.

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Updating situation:

Tried everything here and even more, nothing worked.

I know who did the curse, so i tried the last trick, i tould that person that i found a magician who was helping me and that the person who cursed me will die and his relatives too if that person continue killing me. She asked in all forms the name of who cursed me but i said i dont know, and that the magician dont needed to know to remove the curse and send to the other person.

Of course i dont have a magician or anything, i just tried to scare that person and maybe she stops the curse. But dont, she dont called me nevermore (before that she called me every week) and the worst thing, she not only dont stop what she did but its attacking more, my trick failed and im sure her mind is like: this guy knows that im who ruined his life and he is getting action so i destroy me or he will destroy me (and is fucking right, if i could i would destroy her). And she is destroying me, i said my life was a hell, well, now is a hell x100

I tried everything, there are nothing more i can do (i can, but dont will work), im sure that the thing is in the point that i cant remove it by myself, I posted in the asking for help thread for someone to call Opfaal for me too, im in the limit, tried suicide 5 days ago again (dont done full because the chosed method was very painfull, i always thinked it isnt, so im looking for other method).

So if someone have the power to do it for me i beg you for help, i know if this situation stills or continues getting worse this will be my last year in this planet, im in the point that i cant no more.

Edit: i tried this monday do a ritual outside in a natural space, i was offering 3 things to a entity for help, asking pendulum in every thing, so the three times i get the offering selected a crow passed over me doing their screams (dont know the word for the crows sounds). I dont know if that haves a meaning, but i was in the place for 2 hours and the crow only screamed in that 3 specific moments.

First things first,
I suggest you get a natal chart reading. There are free sites on natal chart reading. People underestimate the influence of the moon,sun and planets at our birth.

Then a proper divination by an experienced practitioner should follow.

From there you layer your magick.

I was a broke single mother living in a shit hole country and having family issues with my family.I always prayed to 1) be far away from my family 2)move to a richer country 3) find love.
Two of the above are accomplished . I am grateful for the last one on the way.

It takes time.

I also noticed some negative though forms in your posts.i feel it’s the “ego” aspect of you that is speaking… life sucks for all of us. That is what brought a lot of us to this forum.
It’s not just about you. Or a curse( curses take effect when you are suceptible to them or accept them. For this reason,hypnotists and magicians select the most suceptible/receptive people to come up stage for performance. That is why love magick doesn’t work on everyone. The will determines what it will accept or not). This is not positive affirmation or law of attraction stuff but accepting and repeating that you are cursed is having it’s influence in your life.

I tried in the evening to contact Thazphkiel, i couldnt.

Some info: in the past year i contacted and get what i asked with Bune and Zepar. I only can do it
for 2-3 weeks and then again cant contact with no one more.