I know this is embarrassing

Is any magick or other methods help my loneliness (friendship), self-esteem (confidence etc). Just so you know I hardly go out unless I’m invited (usually by my colleagues at work), I use to visit my best friend but she moved somewhere far away and I can’t be bothered to visit her neither can she (she didn’t visit that often when she lived near my neighbourhood either). I don’t have any hobbies accept hogging the internet, having naps, shopping. I’m absolutely bored and fed up with my life because it’s horrible and repetitive including the fact I have family issues on top of that. I’m shit at making friends because I’m shy and awkward (very introverted and I suffer from Social Anxiety plus Depression). But I’m getting better at talking to others. I don’t mix in with young people my age but I do with somebody who’s older than me. I always had trouble fitting in with others (since secondary school); I honestly don’t care what they think of me but in my back my mind it tells me that I’m still afraid of people’s opinions about me and I don’t know why it still makes me feel insecure. :sweat:


Try working with the spirits of the Roomick system. They seem very well suited to internal work.


Also Raphael as a powerful healer, or Glas’yos from the book of Azazel…


Hi, I’ll be your friend :slight_smile: I’m a 33 year old single woman in the States. I work from home so I pretty much never leave my house, and I practically live online. You can pm me any time.


How do I summon him? Just asking because I never done it before.

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Unless you are clinically diagnosed by professionals, don’t accept anything. Such symptoms are common among many but only few brave souls seek help. If you can, get this book, it is small but gives age old yogic perspective on depression. It helped me immensely when I was severely depressed and suicidal.

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I would summon President Camio he has the ability to make you charismatic and personable as well as remove anxiety and awkwardness.

Are you in INDIA?If yes than we can be friends

your welcome

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From what you’ve written here, it appears to me that you’re forcing this social isolation on yourself. Things won’t improve until you find the get up and go to strive for your goal. Very little in life simply falls in our lap, magic is no different.
I recommend mediating on your personal flaws and working with a spirit to build up a new personality. Depression arises when we lack something our mind perceives to be essential for social acceptance and personal security. Often it arises when we stagnate in some manner or feel we lack the skills required to function to our full potential in society. Address that and you’ll see improvement in your mood, confidence and motivation.


I’m not Indian nor do I live in India, I’m from England.

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Hey i always ask people to pm me for stuff not because I’m a creep, but because i tried to commit suicide(I’m better now) and a close friend of mine succeeded, i find that when given the option to talk about what’s on there mind, they do. It really helps a lot of people and make them feel much better. And if you needed it you could ask me for my number because sometime you just can go onto a forum and really need a ear to listen.


You can draw the sigil on a piece of paper, and just meditate on it with the intention that Glay’yos will hear you. It might help to listen to ambient meditation music, theta brainsync music with headphones (youtube has many free tracks) or shamanic drumming music. As you feel yourself relaxing, share your feelings with Glas’yos and ask for his help in lifting the anxiety and depression. It doesn’t matter if you don’t see or feel a manifestation, being depressed messes up your biochemistry, which affects your subtle bodies and can stop up your senses so it’s hard to See, but that doesn’t stop the spirits from seeing you and being there.

Another technique that worked for me, was to set up a chair next to me, and in a meditative state again, visualise my depression as it’s own being that moves to sit in that chair so I can see it and talk to it. I drew a picture of it afterwards in my journal, it looked like a roughly man-shaped being made of snot, with teeth. What was shocking to me, after I could look at it, was to realise how much it hated me… It actually snarled at me. I then visualised it dissolving and all it’s energy being sent deep into the earth to be recycled and felt like light was able to shine on me again. With what I know now, I may have been clearing a parasite without knowing that’s what it was.


I’m not forcing myself in social isolation

So why is it you only really go out when other people invite you and apparently " can’t be bothered " to visit your friend? Is it really a surprise you’re life has become monotonous?
You need to take the mundane steps for the magic to work.

I bet you never or you felt what depression is like so I don’t think you understand it very well or I expect you too. And thanks for concern anyway. Thank you for everyone’s (@Mulberry, @anon39410973, @xiao, @AdamThoth, @anon20147451, @chthonicmagus, @HisWife and @DarkestKnight) else’s suggestions I appreciate it very much. :heart: Thanks for letting me talk to you guys, I usually feel very anxious and feel as though I don’t want to burden anyone so I don’t tend to speak to people online, hell I hardly talk about my Mental Health issues with my family members.


@Si-Chan, he’s one of the lucky ones, he doesn’t understand and you can’t explain it to him; don’t waste your time. He probably thinks you should ‘just pull yourself together’ as well :confused: Take no notice.

@Biffa_Bacon - I know you think you’re being helpful, but that’s not how it works. If you’re interested, you need to get your own education first because you’re just being rude and judgemental and making it worse. What you are talking about is regular depression, not what’s happening to Si-Chan. It’s not up to depressed people to have to explain and defend their illness to you. Here - this guy does it very well:

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Back to the price of fish, I had some time open up this afternoon and I’m going to spend it doing workings.

If you like, I’ll do you a scan, do some qi balancing on your astral being, sweep for parasites and contact Glay’yos and Raphael and see if I can’t send them your way.

I just saw some interesting information on V.K. Jehannum’s channel about sending healing energy to people who’s issues are caused by parasites - that the parasites can use the energy to feed on, making it worse. That sounds quite sensible, although my qiging teachers always said you can trust the qi to know where to go, because it’s sentient. So where I used to say ‘I’ll send good energy’ there’s doubt in my head now so I’ll be more careful with it and be specific and check the lay of the land. If I find a parasite I’ll kill it. (Sorry, not sorry, I used to let them go, Azazel taught me better - save spiders, kill mosquitoes.)


I’m fine with it. :+1:t5:

I was actually severely depressed for 6 years, in my youth. I only got better once I acknowledged I’d made my own bed and I had two options; I could lay in it or I could realise that to fix the problem, I was going to have to acknowledge my own flaws ( rather than using them as an excuse).
Just my two cents, take it or leave it. Just don’t come crying to me when you struggle to improve your situation.