She actually reminds me of the way I used to be, faced a lot of the same issues. The real problem is that society today encourages people to look to blame rather than to address.
I can give you a “terrenal” advice. Start a new sport, or a new fitness activity that involves socialising with others, like funcional training or crossfit. It will not only be good for your health, but It will also improve your mood and you’ll get to make new friends.
If sports are not your thing, you can find a new hobby that involves socialising.
Funny because I wouldn’t be crying to you. What makes you think that? If you did understand then you could’ve been more polite. I’m not type to cry all day stay in my house bedridden. I actually make the decision to walk out of my house everyday and make the right decisions. I enjoy my work despite being unpaid at least it gets me out of the house because I feel even more depressed if I’m at home sulking all day like a whiny little bitch. Yes I have very depressive days when I feel I want to end my life, feeling suicidal as shit. But I don’t because I still have hope left inside me and I don’t know I probably I wouldn’t be here making this damn thread in the first place. Hey I use to be way worse than I was a year ago, I never spoke or made eye contact with people. I talk to people sometimes I just don’t interact with people but I think that’s okay. Because at least I make effort including other people who are suffering from mental illness. Like you said you made a decision to get your arse out and not making excuses because depression is being a little bitch. I actually applaud you for doing that because you wouldn’t be enjoying life right now and no I’m not being sarcastic. Sorry if we both gone on the wrong foot of each other. Peace?
Of course, it’s only a forum discussion
I have been depressed for over a decade now and also wanted to commit suicide three times the latest being last year which was the worst so far. I took professional’s help and spent a lot of money on medicines and therapy but it wasn’t helping me. There are some hard aspects in my natal chart which force me into isolation and loneliness with no friends, love or sex or even relationships. This is my life. Depression is a call for spiritual ascension and be of help to others.
I think its safe to say most of us have been there or at least felt what you’ve described.
I have moved interstate a few times now to places I know no one. It takes me a little while before I poke my head out of my house and when I do I can honestly tell you Im awkward and say the stupidest crap. Over the yrs Ive learnt that at the end of the day we all say and do embarrassing stuff.
Self love and acceptance is really important, and accepting not fitting in with our own age group is one of them. I also dont fit in with those around my age so yeah, I get that.
On a practical level getting good quality sleep helps alot with depressive moods especially if they come during the evening.
Buy some nice pillar candles and a fictional book and turn the evenings into a self care routine. Turn off all tech devices 30mins before bed and light your candles and read a paperback book. Also take melatonin at this time too. It helps your body get deep, restful sleep.
If theres an interest you have but have never tried I suggest posting on a social site that your interested in joining a group or finding a mentor in that field. Do this when your feeling excited about it and forget about it, someone will either contact you (and you have to go try it out!) Or you will hear nothing.
Creating an alter ego element of yourself; like when you wear red nail polish you become more extroverted and flirty.
But if your after more magical techniques then maybe drawing up sigils or glamouring your mirrors. Xx
I am from india. Would you like to tell me where you are from?
Did you banished the depression/parasite in one shot or it took you several ones?
The depression parasite was a one-shot. I think it may have been thoughtform-created and I developed it, perhaps an expression of self-hate. I’m not certain but it wasn’t a thinking, sovereign thing.
I drew a picture of what it looked like in my minds eye, and one of these days I’ll find the sketchbook that’s in a post it. I reminded me of a me-sized ghostbusters slime ghost only uglier with all sharp teeth, but the main thing I remember was the emotional shock of feeling this thing HATE me as much as it did. I’m not even able to feel that kind of hate. Eye opening in itself really.
The parasite that got really embedded that took a LOT of work was sovereign, and I saw it some in a dream. I dreamt a black imp like “demon” think came through my “bedroom window” into my “house”, I tried to shut the window and it laughed and ran off into the interior. I was a child at the time. Years later I see it as and obvious metaphor for an astral something that forced it’s way in past my external protections, such as they were. THAT one hid, and I’d kill it only to find it return in another way. It took about 6 attempts to root it out, eventually burning down my entire childhood home with us both in it, holding on to it to it couldn’t run away. That did it. I think I burned some more things in my psyche than just it that day, maybe also whatever attachment I didn’t need that it was using as an anchor.