I can’t get an answer

Hi guys, I’m new to this whole magik stuff and whatever kind of spell or ritual i do nothing works, I’ve tried summoning Lucifer by drawing his sigil with chalk and made a salt circle around and i put 5 or 6 candles and chocolate because i heard he likes it and repeated his enn and i know he was there as i could feel his presence and a funny/wierd smell and i told him that if he agrees with what i asked him to knock once and then i heard a knock but its been like 3 weeks and nothing happened and then i tried doing sigils and burning them but that also didn’t work and a few days ago I tried three petition spell one for Bune, one for St Expedite and last night i tried a petition love spell but nothing worked :expressionless:
Am I doing something wrong or something?
Can anyone please help

Don’t put the cart Infront of the horses.

Meaning don’t jump straight up to spirit work or any “advanced stuff” that require basic magical skills like meditation and energy work.

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Cool but I forgot to mention that my goal is not to become a witch or whatever, I entered the “ocult world” just couse i want money and I don’t care how i get it


3 weeks is usually too soon, depending on the available “paths to manifestation”.

Be careful not to “lust for results” - that tends to kill the magick you already did. Let it bake and keep doing the things you need to do to be ready for a change as if it was on it’s way. This is too much and says to me that you already feel like the earlier working ailed, and in that think you make it so. Try to stay confident in your work - you felt his presence, so hang tight and be the best self you can be in the meantime.


Is there like a ritual or something to get a sure answer like a face to face where the entity gives me a sure answer couse I just can’t have faith in future plans/stuff

If you want to get results from magick, you have to do… magick… Sounds weird, I know… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
It still requires you to develop the skills.

Maybe look into Chaos Magick. It still needs you to develop some skills, but it safes you learning some extra skills needed to deal with spirits.


Yes - using your astral senses. Which means:

Work on your basic skills. A lot. For years, and then you will have confidence in your UPG.

We have tons of tutorials on this for that exact reason: it’s fundamental to good magick and also being able to learn from the spirits directly.

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You have no idea what you are doing, and have no basic skills or ability, and you wonder why it’s not working?

Be real. Magick is not like it is in the movies. Rituals are rarely successful right out of the gate. It takes a lot of practice. You can’t watch one YouTube video on how to unclog a sink and then call yourself a plumber.

You wouldn’t know if the spirit was even present or not since you have not developed the necessary skills. It takes consistent training for maybe months to be able to see and hear spirits.

Start with Spare-style sigils. You don’t seem to have the patience to learn the skills necessary for communication so forget about spirits for now. Sigils only require an altered state and your subconscious mind and are perfect beginner level magick.


Summoning Lucifer requires a meeting of all humanity. No one on planet Earth can summon the kings of hell, and if anyone is able to summon the kings, disasters will occur

Says who


If you want to learn, be humble and listen. If you have no patience, beware who you deal with. If the humans won’t teach you a lesson about humility, the demons will. That’s a promise.

If you wish to learn basic skills, please DM me and I can help if you like. We can also do things like analyze your horoscope and get an idea of temperament and personality and see what your natural inclinations are, maybe do a little esoteric astrology and find out what you’re even here for.


That’s false. I asked Lucifer to appear in a state of abject Christian terrore and I felt his presence in my room day one with no setup beyond the energy I had to offer. And I asked him to please dial it back, I did NOT run away, and he slowed his roll and we had an excellent theological discussion about his motives and what is happening. It ended with him giving me a ritual which is still the best ritual I have ever used for raising the energy of the black flame. So- no. And Belial- you can’t talk to the guy for 10 minutes without his energy beginning to get overpowering, King Paimon is very obliging and loves to display his knowledge of things in the real world. I didn’t know about the Djinn King Al-Ahmar until HE brought him up and I googled it and found out it was real. So- no. They are quite obliging and real-non imaginary contact can be had with nothing more than sincere intent and pathworkings. Facts.


@Savannah_lew What you have done here is fine as far as sharing your opinion based in your worldview, which you already did in May… however you have stated it and now you can let it go.

To continue attempting to convince members that your way is the only truth is what we call “preaching”, and is firmly against the rules here.

Doubling down on telling people they need to follow your specific way can also be viewed as a form of trolling and can result in you losing posting privileges. Derailing a thread to argue a side topic is also against the rules. You are welcome to open a new topic to share your opinion on how to summon best in your opinion.

Post removed.

Please read the rules and respect that other members have different worldviews and are allowed to approach things differently, and do not escalate disagreements on other people’s threads.

The conversation seems to have otherwise run it’s course, post closed.

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