How do I evoke azazel

I’m having trouble with evocation in general and am looking for ideas I’ve tried different things like the evocation triangle visualizing Azazel and I can’t quite get him to take form. I guess what I’m asking is how do you (reader) obtain such a goal? What helped you? And are there any techniques I should be learning in specific?

Hail, -Aeyeken

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Tried petition spells?

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I actually just posted in my journal on here of my recent success in evocation through fire. You can go here and read it as I tell how I did it.

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That technique you just described ( structuring) was enough to bring Prince Orobas to full physical appearance for me. Are you using the enns and making offerings? You won’t need the triangle to evoke him but use it if you want. It might irritate him though.

Azazel is a really high powered spirit. Don’t offend him is my advice.


Check out lady Eva’s thread on simplified evocation it’s a real gem.


:fire: Eya on ca Azazel aken :fire:

The grimoires written by Michael Ford are excellent to work with Azazel and other watchers

:fire: Itzrel Itzrel Azazel :fire:


Azazel is an awesome spirit.


Simple English Demonic Evocation Guide - New Magician Help & Introductions - Become A Living God


He taught me the making of bracelets and jewelry from semi precious stones and I turned it into a profitable business. Azazel can teach…if you’re worthy or he can just destroy you.

Remember this IS THE biblical Azazel, he still has communities of devout jews in terror.
His name means strengthener of God or … strong against God…
This is one spirit you need to be REAL respectful of and that’s real talk.
I believe he comes from a class if gods that predated the hebrew called seirim.


He tested me hard for nearly two years but in the end I was able to come to know him and have friendship with him. Although this “evil spirit of the wilderness” nearly broke me with his testing. His power is off the chain… Literally off the chain …beware his wrath.

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Se’irim were the Djinn not a class of gods. However, the Djinn were seen as minor gods or nature spirits pre Islamic change.

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Dude this pre djinn times the seirim were a class of gods on thier own.

If you’ve experienced Azazel then you know damn well he may just as well be a God for how powerful he is.

The line between god and angel can be very blurry sometimes.

What are petition spells? I’ve never heard of it you know what I’m going to look it up

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Darkest knight did an awesome set of instructions for petitions and I think you should search that and try it. Darkest knight is knew if the most respected authors in this site. Good luck and regards.

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There’s literally historical proof that they are Djinn. The Djinn predate Islam and go as far back as Mesopotamia. The line between God and Angel is blurry to those who can’t see or tell the difference sure.

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I use his ends daily and give offerings of booze and blood almost every day just a few drops I can feel him within me but I want to see him. I’ve never seen a demon I’ve talked to him once. And I respect Lord Azazel very highly he was the first to answer my call I had a night once where I was in a state of gnosis for hours drawing his sigils but the whole time I was dreaming falling in and out of reality I just tried a ritual I made up trying to get him to show himself as I consider him to be a great mentor and teacher I heard a soft whisper at the back of my mind telling me to read more books. And so I will I asked him to flicker the candles if this was him talking and he did rapidly almost immediately. I’d say objectively it’s hard to say if this is accurate because I’ve only heard his voice once but I asked him to show me guidance I chanted for a hour but thats all I got. I’d say I have to learn more I just don’t know what he wants me to read. All and all it was a good ritual but I think my problem is I only know how to invoke and evoking is entirely different. For the past week or 2 I’ve been feeling him strengthening my Astral form and I made a pact with him and he asked me to be better to my body I’ve been trying but idk he was very vague about the parameters of the pact. Like I can feel his presence almost always and it’s very helpful I just don’t know what he’s trying to show me. Idk I’m very confused at this point

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Let him take the lead With you. I consider him to be a God in his own respect but this is just my upg.

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