The Lion’s Den (Journal)




Lately I have been having excessive dreams of a lion in a oasis shrouded in darkness. Throughout these dreams it has been both first person (seeing my reflection in the water) and in third person.

For the last year I have been mainly focusing on the two bovid forms that I tend to take on when projecting (ibex and ram). I always seem to be purely black or white whenever I am taking on these forms (I view myself to have the spirit of a djinn so I suppose this isn’t too surprising).

Is this a sign of change? Is the lion another aspect of myself that I need to further look into? Is the lion some form of guide? I guess this will be something I will have to get to the bottom of eventually.

Links to look into:

(This post is something I already started in a word document a few weeks ago, it still holds importance and is something I need to try to keep following up on).


Please post more regularly, amazing stuff.


Just so I can have this in writing -

I am planning on doing a tarot reading on the lion dreams that I have been experiencing in a previous post. Hopefully I can get things done and write it all out so I can make an update on things.


Simple energy work guides I wrote awhile back:

Basic shielding -

Understanding & Manipulating the Energy Body -

Third Eye -


Keep this up and you’ll earn yourself a bookmark. Solid info, thanks for sharing

My Main Totem Animal


The American Idia moth has appeared to me on many occasions. The Idia americalis is found in forests throughout the Pacific Northwest. It is most common in western Oregon and Washington.


Idia americalis is our most common and widespread member of the genus. It is a small moth (FW length 9 - 14 mm). The forewings are a dull medium gray and are reddish brown to dark brown, darkest toward the outer margin.


  • Intentional.

  • Decisive.

  • Revealing.

  • Purposeful.


Moth symbolism is intertwined with the moon and it’s cycles. This spirit animal draws it’s energy from the moon and celestial bodies. This totem imparts to us the importance of simplicity and purpose and helps guide our actions to seek a higher spiritual calling. Moth symbolism teaches us to embrace a simple lifestyle and to avoid needless complexities.

Cultural/Spiritual Symbolism

Some Native American tribes say that moths are symbolic of prayer, healing and transformation. In other tribes, they are believed to be ghosts and are associated with death. In China, Moths are said to symbolize the souls of loved ones that you have lost. When it comes to the worldwide view of moths, they are seen as a symbol of the deceased.


My Main Spirit Guide


A’s real name is Hundun (混沌). Aside from the one given, his other aliases are Alaric and Shikyou.


A is male. However, due to his polymorphic abilities he can appear female.


A is a fiend in Chinese mythology that embodies chaos/disorder/confusion.


He initially takes on the form of an arctic fox to hide from those he doesn’t trust. When he does show his spirit form, he appears as a massive black dog or light colored fox with multiple tails.


A is a very protective spirit that likes to deceive and confuse others out of amusement. He is very stubborn, stern, and aggressive towards those who try to get close to me and enjoys causing havoc in my romantic relationships. When acting as a guide, A is straight forward although he can be cryptic depending on the situation.


Illustrations That Remind me of My Spirit Guide A -


Long Awaited Lion Update…

Now since I have more time to myself and can actually sit down and type things out, I thought that it probably would be a good idea to update things here.

In late June I did a few tarot readings in regards to what the lion means to me and why I keep having dreams amongst many other things in relation to them. My deck revolves around astrology and ironically enough Leo was the one card that stayed the same each shuffle.

  • The first time I shuffled I got leo, the sun, and fire.
  • The second time I shuffled I got leo, pluto, and air.

From my own interpretation of the first shuffle, I found that this reading was pretty direct and alluded to the fact that the lion is connected to my identity in a sense that it is a symbol closely associated with me alongside the goat.

  • Leo = Lion.
  • Sun = Identity; Willpower.
  • Fire = Passion; Manifestation.

When it comes to my interpretation of the second shuffle, the reading sort of conjoined with the previous one. What the lion means to me is clear and true and I shouldn’t doubt myself so much in regards to parts of my identity.

  • Leo = Lion.
  • Pluto = Life Cycle; Freeing confining mindsets.
  • Air = Clarity, Truth, Understanding.

Tarot Deck…

Barbieri Zodiac Oracle (I did a bit of research as well to help me further elaborate the meaning behind each card).


So yesterday Beelzebub decided that it would be funny to send three big ass spiders my way. I have quite the relationship with him and I’m not too sure if he did it to troll me (which is common for him) or to use them to send some kind of message. Either way, I could hear his laughter every time I went after one. I guess I will have to suck it up and check things out just in case.

Links that can give me a starting point whenever I have the time -


Update -

I am still trying to figure out what is going on. Since I have written things, I did debate on whether I was right or wrong on Beelzebub being involved in these unwanted encounters.

I do have established relationships with Legba (Anansi) and Naamah, so I did decide to explore that a bit but came up with nothing. Naamah and I are so close that she picked up on my doubts and outright told me that she wasn’t involved. Usually when things manifest in the way that they are I can clearly feel Legba’s presence but didn’t.

Fast forward to a week or so afterwards, I finally get out of the house and hang out at a coffee place. I was so embarrassed because as I was sitting on the couch surfing the web I had seven flies swarm me and they didn’t leave me alone in the slightest until I left. Since then every outing has involved the pestering of flies lol.

Spiders at home, flies everywhere else; At this point it can’t be anyone BUT Beelzebub. In the past this boy has trolled me with spiders hence the reason why I did automatically point my finger at him. However, he has never been this persistent before. Usually he does this to joke around.

I know I should probably sit down and properly contact him at this point, but something feels off, not quite right. I get the notion that he is unsettled, perhaps he needs my help with something. I guess I will see what he needs, wish me luck on this endeavor because I feel that I am really going to need it lol.


I know that I have a separate thread for this but I do want to add the additional links that I posted within the main one for further organization. If I do end up adding more links again, I will delete this post and do the same as I am doing here -

Academic Djinn Resources

Land of Shadukam

The Realm of the Djinn

Cardinal Kings (Ancestors)

  • Mazir, King of the East - Earth.
  • Kamtam, King of the West - Water.
  • Taykal, King of the North - Air.
  • Qaswarah, King of the South - Fire.

Other Named Kings

The Djinn & the Deevs

Main Tribes

  • Marid.
  • Ifrit.
  • Hinn.
  • Jann.

Djinn Subtypes

  • Nasnas.
  • Shiqq.
  • Si’lat.
  • Se’irim.
  • Shedim.
  • Ghul.
  • Palis.
  • Peris.
  • Qarinah.

General Mythology

Iblis & Azazil (Story & Identity)’anic_Concept

The Qareen - Constant Companion

Arabian Nights (Encyclopedia)

A Brief Overview of Al Djinn

Evolution of Djinn From Pre-Islam to Islam

Islam, Arabs, and the Intelligent World of the Djinn

For the second article you will need to press the “download full text” button to get the whole paper! It is absolutely free so no worries on that. The only book you will have to pay for throughout my resources is the last link provided.

All threader resources are written by a scholar who specializes in this subject, here is his biography if you are interested -


Illustration of my demonic/se’irim spiritual form -


Posting a reminder here. I have been looking deeper into the Peris and Nasnas. There is some really interesting information that I have found regarding them and I am thinking of possibly sharing it here in my journal. (:


It has been awhile since I have last posted in this journal. A lot of growth has happened on a personal level these past few months (especially in the last month). I have worked through the Qliphoth once again and came to quite a few realizations both spiritually and physically.

My Qliphothic workings were the catalyst to the beginning and ending of quite a few things in my life. Some people who were a big part of my life have left my side and with time new people have come into my life allowing me to grow in ways that the previous people could not (needless to say, I did grow quite a bit in-between this time solitarily and have learned to not reign myself in for the sake of others).

Through these workings, I have come into contact with people who are related to my spiritual self and have further verified who I am. While I don’t need outside sources to tell me this, it only strengthened my absolve to delve deeper into my inner self.

In the end I have learned that while scars can never be erased, it does not mean that you are defined by them. My past is not my weakness, I am only weak if I let it get in the way of my present and future. In the end the biggest lesson I took away from everything is that I will never relent for the sake of others (my spiritual self in the past never did, so why should I?)

I am going to be me. I am going to act like me. I am not going to curb sides of me for the satisfaction of others. Period.

As I delved more into myself I found that I was shackled or sealed in ways that prevented me from seeing the whole picture. Since I was in my pre-teens, many memories have come to the surface alluding me to my truth and the stories that created it.

For the longest time I only saw blips of events that happened, but since my workings my memories have expanded quite a great deal. The more I remembered and relearned aspects of myself the more I noticed alterations with my spiritual form as well.

I have grown so much since the months I have been away and I feel like I did go through some sort of rebirth. I know that this might be a confusing post or perhaps a over-simplified one but there is so much that happened. There are so many things that occurred that can’t really be conveyed through the human language.

Anyway, I commissioned this piece as a tribute to change. I am looking forward to grow even further in the months to come -



I must say WOW, you look beautiful and devilish indeed!

You look sexy as hell, keep growing and ascended on your path and keep posting us

It’s been quite a long we didn’t hear from your side, please share about your amazing journey which will be motivated us and specifically me.