In my first truly successful evocation (that of King Paimon), I needed to salvage my job. I should mention that it was a job that I didn’t really enjoy, that paid me too little, and that I really didn’t respect enough to show up on time or to do the work required. Nevertheless, at 18 years old, with no real plans outside of “being a writer,” it seemed pretty important to keep.
I evoked Paimon, sent him to do the job, and got a call not long after informing me that my employment was being terminated. I called Paimon up furious, and he said that the decision had already been made, and that there wasn’t much that he could do. I told him to do something, anything, to make it right.
My last check was mysteriously double the amount it should have been, and another job was waiting for me within a couple of weeks. That other job happened to be custom house painting, which quickly led me into faux finishing, which then turned into a substantial career as a decorative finisher and color stylist. Aside from a few month period of doing carpet and flooring restoration to pay the bills, the painting trade provided me a comfortable lifestyle for a decade. And, I absolutely loved it! I still do.
In fact, when Timothy and I were still getting BALG off its feet, I spent my weekdays playing with colors and finishes and earning a decent living that way. And, when BALG began requiring my full attention, it was a sacrifice to turn in my painter’s pants and put my brushes and cupguns away. Of course, I love what I do now, but the point is that had Paimon saved the job that I asked him to save, things could have played out in a way that may not have ended up carrying me to the place that I now find myself.
Anyways, it sucks that the deal didn’t go through for you. It can be difficult to keep your chin up when you experience what can easily be considered a failure with magick. But, I’ve found that calling the beings and forces back that were used in the original ritual and getting a debriefing helps bring a lot of clarity to the situation as a whole!