I haven’t but ima look it, I love tv occult stuff
It is soooo good. I was disappointed it was not renewed for a 2nd season.
You seen chilling adventures of Sabrina?
If not, you should watch the Resurrection ritual at the very end, it involves Hekate and it’s so emotionally charged, especially when you watch the series to the very end
I agree that was so emotional. Because of Hekate Hilda came back!
I loved how they did her in that scene though
I’m always rather dubious of anybody making “Second Coming” claims that involve a physical body. Might just be me, but I feel that there are certain things missing from a perspective that emphasizes the physical as more “real” or “significant” than the nonphysical, the seen being somehow above the unseen.
That aside, I’m fair certain that Hekate, the Most Manifest One, has never NOT walked this world, so long as there has been a Between. The Maiden-Serpent-Wolf hasn’t much reason to be contained in mortal form. XD
Perhaps… Personally I like the idea of an immortal deity walking this earth, restoring, balance and bringing justice. Perhaps that is her call to her followers to bring about the change.
Though she wouldn’t be immortal she would be like us, mortal. There’s many human and nonhuman entities reincarnated here and are living mortal lives waiting to die of old age or whatever else happens in this life.
This claim is made by every religious person about whatever deity they worship. It’s nothing new. The fundamentalist Christians have been waiting for Christ to “walk the earth” again for decades now.
Lmfaoooo religious people preach stuff they don’t even understand even until death , the second coming of Christ is a shift in consciousness not his incarnation to the earth again
Yes, most definitely, not exactly walking the earth, but working through those who are truly dedicated to her. Hekate is all.about righting wrongs.
I don’t know about t what extent anyone on Earth can ‘right the wrongs’, and that assumes quite a lot of judgement about who’s right and who’s wrong.
There’s a lot of incarnate gods and daemons here already, including Hekate in various avatars, and more in people she’s the Matron for. My feeling is, Hekate is yet very young, I don’t really see why she thinks she can do any better.
I’m inclined to give her more credit and say this UGP will have to remain unverified.
Did I miss an opportunity to refute xtianty lol,m:rofl:
She is the big one, for dark goddesses. The earth couldn’t contain her, she hasn’t the need for it any way, she can accomplish this easily by getting her devotees on the same page. If she did it herself everyone just about would get a mighty smack.
Ummm, how about righting the wrongs of pedophilia? That is a God/Goddess I would back 100%
Yes we are going to the highest realms because we got
Dipped in water I front of 50 people
By doing what exactly? How do you right such a thing? How do you undo something like that?
You don’t.
That’s not possible within the rules of this planet, deity or otherwise, rewriting history is not a thing.
But this is one very specific example that does not invalidate my question - once you start judging, and putting yourself in that position of policing humanities actions, where is the line?
That god would very quickly become the exact problem it’s trying to resolve.
She is out of occult and lives in small circle with some of her apprentiences and creator…
waiting that creator to die from physical realm, and send hecate, and few others back to earth, to update, since all this digi-thing that we are living currently… internet… and amount of knowledge available, makes old gods kinda outdated
hope this helps…