It’s strange. I’ve heard of a lot of people that have the book, Necromantic Sorcery by Dante Abiel. But i haven’t heard of any one that has completed it.
It’s very strange.
Is their something wrong with the Grimoire?
It’s strange. I’ve heard of a lot of people that have the book, Necromantic Sorcery by Dante Abiel. But i haven’t heard of any one that has completed it.
It’s very strange.
Is their something wrong with the Grimoire?
I have read the book up to down and so has @Dark-flame. What you need help with?
I’m just curious to know if anyone got good results. Does the system work?
I have modified some of the techniques for my ancestor working and it does work.
I have the book, but some of the rituals are a bit difficult. And it’s also difficult to obtain a lot of the items needed.
Do you think i should work through the book from the beginning?
Or just take what i need?
Just take what you need.
Ok. I thought i should work through the whole book. But maybe your right, just take what i need.
I guess theirs no rules.
I worked it, heavily edited to suit me and because I think props are largely unnecessary. For the things that are worth having, like an altar, you can imbue this with the energies wanted in multiple ways - you read between the lines to understand the goal and figure out your way to get there.
I will add this, and it’s totally UPG - the Akasha Subterfuge is nothing but a large and nasty parasite, it has no power other than what it takes from you and those that foolishly worked with it, don’t bother calling it unless you are confident you can control it, but it’s kinda useless so I wouldn’t bother.
It’s the main reason Abiel got so sick as it was feeding off him, and he wasn’t good enough to tell the difference between that and that fact that he didn’t cleanse the energy of decay from his qi body properly - newsflash, if you suck in the energy of decay, it decays you, that’s why vampires create cleansing and filtering techniques for feeding, so that if they suck in the energy of sickness from a target, they don’t get get that sickness. Abiel failed to understand this basic piece of energy working.
The whole book left me very unimpressed - way too much romanticizing and it obscures and leaves out what’s important about the dead - they’re humans without bodies - as complex and nice or evil as humans can be, with all the usual psychological issues that come with that. When you already know how to summon an entity, what you really want is a psychology book on communicating with difficult people. If you want fun necromancy techniques I do recommend Sorceress Cagliatros early works. Her understanding of the dead as people and how being dead affects them personally is accurate and she explains it well.
Wow , ok . I think this book is a bit to advanced for me at the moment. I’ll start with a more simpler system and work my way up.
Theirs something calling me to this book. Every time i pick up that book, i am immediately possessed. And told this is my path; they are waiting for me.
I think i need to walk this path.
Eh, that’s a problem. Get yourself under control first. You must be yourself, and do this for yourself, not so they can live through you.
Don’t be a pussy and do something just because some random bint told you to. Do it because it benefits you directly, and more than it costs.
It felt more like i was being guided, then being controlled. It’s like i was reconnecting to something that was already their. I always wanted to become a necromancer, it just feels right. Like it’s the path i should be traveling down.
Like it’s in my blood.
I think it will benefit me. It’s hard to explain, but way back necromancy was the current that seemed to be calling me within the most. I feel like i had been one before. I know it sounds crazy.
Of course, being controlled doesn’t feel like being under control, or you’d naturally want to break it.
The question is who and why, what are thier motives, why should you trust them, who are they and how do you know they are who they say they are? Answer these and have a good feeling you understand why this will be good for you, and that you can handle it, imo.
This is newbie 101 - it’s why every ritual from ceremonial to shamanic starts with a banishing. There are tons of entities that want to use you for so many reasons, the LAST thing you do is trust them and take them at face value. That way lies madness and pain.
I have zero issue with this - just, study it on your own terms. You don’t need entities to tell you what you want, you want it and that’s enough reason.
Wow, i’m a real beginner. I didn’t know or think of any of these things. I’ve got a lot to learn.
I find when i read or listen to BALG i sort of get possessed. I’m told to work with a particular entity or read a particular book. Maybe, i need to be aware of these entities.
I get sort of possessed a lot. I’m not sure why.
I understand. Thank you!
Boundaries. It could be that the entities talking to you are beneficial, but you don’t know that, and you must stay sovereign to win this game.
In this case, I suggest you go back to basics and start with learning how to cleanse and banish, and set wards and protections so only those entities you have given permission to work with you are allowed into your energy field. All others will have to contact you through signs and omens, and only the most powerful, like deity, will be able to touch you directly.
This will also help with setting up protection from other human practitioners, random negative vibes from sensitives and crappy energy in your environment.
I always thought you contacted the entity and it instructed you on what to do. But i think i misunderstood how this works.