Has anyone a powerful love spell to attract a new person?

That’s a good question and I don’t know the answer. I think if you want to try with Ishtar give it a go and let us know what happens.


Thanks. I calculated the perfect date astrologically to perform the spell so I have one shot at this for this year, this why I was asking. I will meditate which spirit is the right one


I agree on Maria padilha, very strong attraction work, an aspect of Pomba Gira


hi @pinksugar just checking up with you…any progress on your goal?

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Hey there!

Actually you are lucky as I’m about to delete my profile here….
Going back to my posts I realized that I acted very impatient and childish, which is embarrassing for someone who works with spirits for 10 years now.
I guess that’s what love does with us, I was very upset about someone.
A few things I learned. The last guy I met over the internet was bc of Rosier.
Here is where it gets interesting. I really love Rosier, but I learned that there is a reason why certain spirits have a King and Queen ranking.
In my case, my energy is already too much like an empress and the divine feminine.
Why I’m saying this is bc spirits like Rosier or others that don’t have the same ranking as a King
won’t bring you someone who is on your level, but def compatible.

Paimon, Ishtar and Aphrodite( they are both the same just different aspects) declined my wish to get this guy. Why? Bc it turned out that he is not on my level! I let myself be deceived my some qualities he had at this time and that was it.

So no, I stopped all the love workings… Bc I’m very skilled with Tarot and astrology I’m seeing that there is someone coming in that is my equal.
I also got confirmed by the spirits.
But I also was focused on my business and had no time for love!


Thanks for replying, very interesting reply. Since you are leaving, let me say, I wish you all the best in your love life, business and in general!


Same! I’m lowkey embarrassed at how childish I was just months ago. I’m so glad to have read your response right now!

Please don’t go, though. I’ve seen you here doing awesome contributions.


Will do a yt channel!


It’s a sign of growth and maturity when you can look back and acknowledge being impatient and childish…so please don’t feel embarrassed. I’ve had my moments here where because I was so angry I lashed out and vented over my target and all the rituals I performed. It happens. We’re human. I won’t discourage you from closing your profile, but your expertise in astrology and tarot is always welcome here if you ever decide to come back. Good luck.


Thank you dear! I will let you all know :two_hearts:


What do you mean not on your level?

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Hello Peeps

I have to make an important update here!!!

This person I was posting about (which was a result of calling in Rosier) does seem to be the one.
What happened was it seemed the spell with Rosier was so powerful and me being so psychic that I met the guy too early!!!
Both of us weren’t ready!
Looking back now on December when I posted I realize that I’m to 100% fine that he went off with another girl, as she showed him something he needed to integrate while I got my lesson from another person that I wasn’t ready for this kind of love.
We are in touch again and it’s pure magickal, still have to meet as there is a distance issue and other stuff….
But basically, I take everything back.
Thank you Rosier.

Guys, please know that sometimes it’s better when things unfold to the right timing. In my case it was way too early.


Thank you for posting the update.
Im happy for you :slight_smile:

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What ritual did you do with Rosier? I remember reading a bit about that spirit and seeing the sigil somewhere, but I never worked with them.

I also read the rituals from the Angels of Love book by Zanna Blaise, to open ourselves to love and bring a soulmate into our lives, but of course it requires us to “get out there” and get to know new people, and tbh I’m just not open to it or willing to do anything, so I studied the rituals but didn’t do anything.

In retrospect, could it have been this person your rituals worked on? Or do you still think there’s somebody else coming into your life?

Ok but WHEN?!?!?! lol

If you’re working on it already, please link it!

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Hey! :slight_smile:

I used 3 years ago the sigil from Rosier and connected to him. I said that I want my soulmate now!
He showed me who this person was, and I knew he was the one since there were very weird coincidences with this guy…

And no, the old petitions did not work at all, as the spirit declined. I have an ongoing relationship with Aphrodite, and she came through in a reading last week that I will receive a message and that it’s time to connect again to him.

I will say one thing here. I do not apply to the twin flame thing, but instead that we all have someone out there that could be our match on a high vibration. So when you are with this person you feel more inspired, passionate and loving towards others.
That is the case with this guy, and I feel like connections like this get interfered a lot by negative energies in this dimension.

As I said, I interpreted it wrong, I thought the spirits didn’t want me to be with him bc of different lives. As it seems it was not the right time and we both needed to learn a few things.

Also…. I learned so much about myself.
The YT I can’t post here! I have too many bad experiences with black magicians stalking me bc they liked me on my old YouTube channel!


Is it possible to have good synastry but have a bad relationship?

Rosier answered you mmm

Yes and no. And my post up there was pure bs. At that time I thought there is a connection.

But back to you.
People nowadays online think they know everything by themselves and don’t want to pay a decent astrologer. So to me it seems like there is a negative aspect you’re not seeing :wink:
If the connection isn’t good there is something you’re missing.

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I’m sorry but you’re addressing a user with a closed account. If you tap the profile picture it tells you this kind of thing.

Try the Find a Lover ritual from Mystic Grimoire. Never fails. Just make sure to be very descriptive of what you seek.

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