Green Demon?

It sure will! No doubt!

Just be careful with Lucifer, he lies about everything. Trust me I can totally testify to this. All I’m saying, is just don’t believe everything he says.

Welcome @Amber_Ford It is a rule of this forum for all new members to properly introduce themselves, so please click the link below and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick ie what you practice, how long you have practiced, areas of interest, etc:


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Uhoh, you made a cursed claim, now all the pitchforks will rise from the gentle masses.


Or maybe he was just being heavily sarcastic to you because such a busy entity has no time to deal with evangalists. Lucifer as well as the other kings are almost always honest and truthful. I have only ever known them to blow people off when they’re being channelled for shits n’ giggles or for reasons that are less than serious. I.e. wasting their time.

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Total BS. Complete, total and utterly ignorant BS. Very reminiscent of your first post, btw: Incubus Made Contact - I'm Excited! - #2 by Amber_Ford and also - you need to make an intro here. Preaching damnation and claiming some unproven expertise on “evil demons” won’t suffice.

The honesty of an entity like Lucifer depends 100% on how you approach them, your own integrity and what you’re made of. They don’t lie unless you’re not being genuine. They will mess with you if your attitude and behavior warrants it in order to set you straight. From what you’ve described in your first post, you have made contact with parasites. Lying? That’s a low-level thing for low-level entities (who btw sometimes will pretend to be Lucifer if they find someone who is gullible enough or brainwashed enough by religious propaganda) and low-level humans, and Lucifer’s position lightyears above this level seems to be beyond your comprehension. I don’t think you have the faintest clue about who and what Lucifer is. If you did, you wouldn’t spew such nonsense.


I think you have to compare “Trust me I’m someone on the internet” to the experiences some people have working with him and getting useful advice etc… anyway please do an intro as requested, and then maybe share some of your experiences so people have more to go on? :+1:



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I don’t mean to be rude , but you didn’t just randomly reply to a thread made 7 months ago just to belittle an entity who has been really helpful and understanding towards me, did you? Instead of marching in here calling Lucifer a liar , you could just have said that based off your experience, supposing you have any, you don’t know if he can be completely trusted. The discussion would have ended there. But excuse me, I feel the need to call you out for this.


Think they’re trolling tbh pay no mind to it

To much of that lately tbh…


Yeah have noticed

LOL she couldn’t belittle anyone from where she stands. She “knows” Lucifer, yeah sure. I’m all for the different strokes for different folks mindset, and if something doesn’t work for you, fine, then move on. But this is sanctimonious babble from either a troll or someone whose brain has been exposed to too much religious dogma. And the “experience” she presumably has comes from dabbling in spheres she has no understanding of and contacting either parasites who fcked with her, or her own thoughtforms who gave her exactly what she expected.

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I know and although I have grown a thick skin towards people who come from reddit just to troll and waste our time, similar claims are insulting to people who actually have experiences and have created powerful bonds with entities like Lucifer.
I don’t think these experiences she’s babbling about are even real, or rather - to avoid being falsely presumed as a nihilist and forever suspicious - I believe they are kind of exaggerated. Because even brainwashed religious sheep can find their way and the truth if they only dive into the path of enlightenment. She seems like she hasn’t even taken a step into the abyssal knowledge of the craft and still relies on films like the exorcist to found her criticism…


Couldn’t agree more! I have read some people’s disrespectful or plain idiotic comments about King Paimon who I have a close bond with, and they’re annoying - and pointless. Or the people who come here proclaiming their “special” relationship with Him (this goes for any other entity, of course) after having chanted His enn once, or they’re saying they were chosen by Him as a child or something equally ludacris, and I’m like, no way this ever happened. I don’t even go on reddit. To me, that’s the land of armchair occultists and clueless trolls. It’s a shame people feel the need to insult entities they know nothing about, and thus indirectly insult the people who actually work with them. But on the other hand, they’re blocking their own path to spiritual evolution and remain stuck in a narrow, poisonous mindset of their own making. No human could insult Lucifer…they can only insult themselves, which is exactly what these people are doing in the end.

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You see folks claiming to be some kind of demonic hybrid ,chosen by powerful demonic kings while they can’t even pronounce their name properly and have demons at their bed site while giving the most moronic and stereotypical answers when in an arguement in the forum. Like come on. People been tripping…


So someone’s a troll because they experienced Lucifer differently from you? going off the quick draw assumption that this person isn’t a troll, that’s besides the point. Lucifer doesn’t need a bunch of white knights getting upset in his steed. This person might of experienced Lucifer differently from others.

So it’s better to ease up on the white knight preaching because it’s sad. Lucifer isn’t going to be nice frilly to everyone, he’s not going to be mean to others. It’s not always the magician’s fault either. Lucifer is his own person and simply can do what he pleases lol so chill out kiddies.

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This isn’t about “someone hates my favorite band so I hate them”. That’s childish. It’s about someone coming here and spewing religious nonsense without providing any real basis for a conversation (like giving an example of their experiences, for instance). Despite having different experiences and ideas, we can all learn and benefit from someone else’s point of view even if it differs from our own. Especially if it differs, I dare say, because otherwise it’s going to be an echo chamber for lovey-dovey agreeableness and zero challenge to maybe think outside of one’s mental box. People have only called out a person who a) made derisive posts and claimed expertise without backing them up in any way, shape or form, and b) hasn’t even bothered making an introduction or replying to the comments. A forum’s function isn’t to provide safe spaces for people who all share the same opinion. But it’s also not supposed to let anyone’s claims unchallenged when they basically come at everybody with stuff that is, technically, against the rules (religious dogmatic preaching). We as users of this forum (well, some of us, anyway) who have actually bothered following the rules only made use of our right to voice our opinions.

It’s healthy to ease up and not take anyone’s opinion so damn seriously, but nobody here plays the white knight for an entity that couldn’t care less about someone’s opinion on some forum somewhere on the internet.

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Quote where they mentioned any religious nonsense? they simply said Lucifer lies which could be THEIR EXPERIENCE, that’s why you ask instead of white knighting for Lucifer.

White knight is you attacking people because they stated an experience of belief on something or someone that you don’t like so you feel the need to stand up for the individual.

if it’s a known fact the person is a troll than that’s a different story but literally this entire time was just people getting triggered because they stated something that could of been a legitimate experience. But no apparently it’s belittling instead of common sense to you know ask, but I mean that’s common now a days :+1:

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This is from another topic where this person referred to having talked with demons, but offered nothing else to go by. I can say I talked to this and that entity, but if I make any claims pertaining to the honesty or dishonesty of said entity, I should offer a tad more than just a vague “trust me, I know what I’m talking about”.

I haven’t attacked her for the reason you stated, but for the things she said in her other post I have quoted above. This plus her recent statement is what “triggered” me, because it clearly doesn’t come from a place of wanting to have a meaningful exchange of ideas.

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