God protected me from Satan

some people would argue that the god and the satan of the christian bible do not exist. That there are many entities out there, but those two are just myths

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Like seriously now I think All The LHP and RHP need to call forth their spirits ,demons etc…let’s them have a real fight type Avengers Endgame and let’s all humans watch…Cause this is tiring. We are busy debating about them while they might be having orgies, or taking some astral Drugs and stuff.

Most practitioners don’t want to fight. It’s meaningless, unless the bible is accurate.

Out of all the spirits that could have communicated with me, only one has taken me out-of-body for a quick test, while in USAF boot camp June 1985 at 4:55 am, it was Jesus (So I can not deny him). Saw him plus I had a 2-way conversation (only 10 seconds long though). That day though I flunked the test with the military training instructor - OUCH.

  • Only Jesus that I know of that exists in another dimension of time and space( I haven’t yet seen or heard another spirit or demon as of now, but I am willing to speak to other beings beyond our Earthly Veil.

God can be a good framework for the occult if you manipulate the framework of it’s origins.

But making people bend to it? Disgusting.


Orgies xDxDxDxDxDxD
That or probably watching us debate placing bets :black_heart::black_heart::black_heart:

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I’ve been a very devout Christian since 2013.

Since 2009 I have a great depression, even until now.

By the end of 2014, I felt euphoria. I believed the Holy Spirit released me from depression. But it only lasted for like a month. After that, the depression starting to grow again.

Since 2009 I’ve been on medication to fight for the depression I have. And two weeks ago, I stopped taking drugs and my depression is still the same.

The only thing keeping me a Christian is because John chapter one and of course, hell.

Maybe I’m depressed because I fap to nudes while being a Christian knowing that 99% of Christians said it is a sin.

I’ve tried begging Jesus everything: to release my depression, kill my libido, show me the way, etc. None works so far.

If only I could travel back in time before I was born, I would definitely kill my dad so I would never be born to this world.

I’m very envious to those who claimed that their prayers are answered. I wish mine is answered too.

yeah…murder is worse than sex imo

just let yourself go, and you should stop with this if its not getting you results

And do what? I’ve tried chanting Alash tad Al Ash tal Ashtu while gazing at inverted pentagram. Did that for 2 weeks, nothing happens.

Maybe that’s just draining your energy, and nothing to do with the whole Jesus thing? :thinking:


Tried no fap for like 2 weeks. Nothing happens.

Takes longer than 2 weeks to drain energy, and longer to recharge it… :thinking:

Anyway that’s your problem to sort out, if you know something’s harming you, pinning it on some external figure then rebelling against them is dumb, but if you know it’s not harming you, then discard the advice other Christians etc give. :woman_shrugging:

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i dont know that chant, but maybe try a book from the Gallery of Magick?

And everyone here claims to be libertarian huh? they drowned the man :joy:
You can insult Yhwh/Allah easily but this man cannot share a experience against satan ?

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There are topics about Yhwh describe as Troll God
Now can anybody say troll demon about satan in this forum ? This man didn’t even say so

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I am righting this to get you to THINK about why this is happening to YOU! Yes THINK and … “OH poor me them NASTY Heathens are picking on me with unfair rules” that is NOT THINKING that is crying and being a victim"

No I don’t really want you to post your answers as I believe you will only post that which you feel make you… not your core truth. Not yet that shit is painful to face once you take back your power. I believe you will get there one day if you want to get there quicker ask some question to get real answers not arguments. Things like I was bought up to believe that “God made all the red rose red because he/she/it ran out of blue paint [obviously it would be some kind of real core belief or conflict within]” I would like some alt perceptive vies on this please!

Or maybe you were starting to question your current dogma, and as tiny little cracks in your minds cage started to let in the forbidden light of knowledge and you started to panic. Not everyone is capable of taking FULL RESPONSIBILITY for themselves, their life and everything in it.

So many people will just run and hide or give their power away in exchange for numb submissiveness and the false safety it may give “Oh great God of what ever forgive my sins of questioning your absolute power over all! take this away and stop me ever feeling like this again I wish to be safe as your loving servant [i.e crush that which questions to learn and understand] stop this evil monster save me!”

Did you fear you may wish to raise yourself above your assigned station in your religious life and fear the reprisals of God?

Knowing that YOU ARE the fuck head that caused that “fuck up” is not always a fun fact! But it is nice to know you are the kind soul the is responsible for this “wonderful bit of shit that happened” is always a welcome fact. But with standing on your own it does involve a lot more fear of the “What if’s” as you choose what and how to move forward, but the rewards are FAR MORE PERSONALLY SATISFYING.

Yes you are right everyone else is a dick as they just cannot see that you are a man of God! You are NOT your own MAN so they really should with ALL of their knowledge know that it is indeed GOD’S fault NOT YOURS at all. As it is Gods will you go forth and find dem’heathens to tell them all about it…

I totally understand I used to speak in tongues go to church without fail even if I had to walk 3 kms with a knee I could not stand on. Just to be faithful but I found out the hard way like many many others FAITHFUL is a religious term for CANNON FODDER! Keep them stupid and reliant on you for knowledge moral validation and they will be easy to control.

------- While I am NO expert on you ------ not even one on myself yet! ---------

I cannot help but wonder if you are here seeking, bathing in all the GLORY of the sins of person power, forbidden knowledge [to God puppets - no not believers, puppets] , understanding the absolute hollow inside you as your life is not in your control, what is it that is attracting you to this site, what info is it you really need to see!

I mean to say there are a million fuckwitts you can pick a fight with and argue all day with in real life and even have some kind of chance to convince why come here? A place you KNOW people are NOT going to be interested in giving away their power to become a SHEEP!

Are you, or is your subconsciousness mind that is bringing you here to try to get through to you, to show you what you are blind to, to show different answers to the things you are searching for, what it is you are searching for?

Surely you understand “Treat thy Neighbor as thy wish thy Neighbor to you” or some such crap. Do you what us to all turn up to your place of spiritual meeting i.e. you church and do the to you and yours with our TRUTHS?

No one here HAS EVER, EVER not been honest and very helpful with a truthful honest concern to be of service [sharing their knowledge and wisdom] to your growth! Unlike many I encountered that helped at church and spat on your or talk badly about you outside of church.

Anyway the point is Church is the place to PREACH about God! This is the place to be a seeker of knowledge and a sharer of it, not a ENFORCER OF FAIRY TALES!

Always question everything a group has a invested benefit from if you believe, and do as you are told to do.


I know about Christian Guilt, and also Christian Hypocrisy. It is an issue with any moral system. I have stayed off discussing moral systems here because I don’t want it to turn into a banned thread.
Here is an image that may help you understand how this works.

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Abso-fucking-lutely! :smiley:



Depression is really hard to break no matter what path you are on. I view it almost like an entity on it’s own, that doesn’t help me.

It tends to keep me in rut and it feels like it wants me to do things that I know will not help me and only make it worse.

What helped me was therapy, medication until I balanced, and doing the opposite of what it wanted. If the only thing I wanted to do was stay in my room, I knew I had to leave. If it didn’t want me to eat or sleep, I knew I needed to eat and sleep more. I also had to go through the actions of having a healthy routine until it manifested.

(This what helped me, it won’t work for everyone as Depression isn’t a one size fits all)

None of this happened overnight and took time and I have to catch myself early because it is easy to go back.

But I hope you find the peace you are looking for.

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This. Defiantly not a one size fits all. Things that seemed to really help other people made it worse for me.

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