Free readings using the Quareia Deck [Closed for new requests, backlog in progress]

You’re definitely on this list, I’m about 8 in and there’s 10 more people in line before you. I’m trying to get at least 3 done a day, so I should get there this week. :slight_smile: :+1:


Anytime, my Lady, I’ll be waiting… patiently.
You’ll need that during your readings. :tropical_drink:

Thank you.


@anon97554939, lucky people, great magician/practitioner, if you allow I can also call you out loud with some high notes too, respectfully indeed.

Be Blessed!


I can relate the reading to my struggles of laziness, lack of motivation and thought process. I see the river as a metaphore for “fgjrijefijosf” aka the thoughts that need untangling. There’s so many roads to take and I don’t really know where to start. I was being hard on myself as I refused to swim to the shore or, in other words, just do one productive thing as if it were all there was.

I began a made-up 7 chakra challenge this past week and I created a magickal shield last night. :slight_smile: :sunny: After I send this reply, I’m going to do some yoga :slight_smile:.

Peace out!


A health reading it is then…

  1. Center: The Subject. “Oracle”
    Someone with strong intuitive psychic ability, but could imply leaning too much on intuition when more discipline is needed. This could be suggesting more divination work on your end to investigate the energies in your life. It says, “ask different questions”. Which implies learning new things.
    I’m reading this as a message rather than a person.

  2. East: Initiation. Spring. “Place of Healing”
    You’re in a “healing place”, that brings regeneration. As this is in the East, it’s happening now, and your energy levels are probably low as the calorie deficit means you’re not producing as much ATP, but you’re rejuvenating and healing as well as changing your composition.

It’s worth mentioning, being in a chronic calorie deficit is shown is studies to prolong life and quality of life, reducing cancers and degeneration from old age. Part of this is the healing it brings to the DNA.

  1. South. Future, Work, Summer. “Scapegoat”
    This card says that in the near future someone you know will try to shift or obscure the consequences of their actions on to you. It could also indicate load sharing, in which you’re supporting someone. A smore of te cards in this reading seem positive, I would read that this will have a positive outcome thanks to how you handle it.

  2. West. Home, Ageing, Autumn, Legacy. “Guardians of the Inner Desert”
    This card talks about entities that are the gatekeepers of an inner space in yourself on the way to the Underworld. It means a limit has been reached.

I think this is basically stating the obvious: You will break your cut, or at east, take care of your nutrition and at some point make sure electrolytes, vitamins and aminos are sufficient, if not the calories, so that you don’t become malnourished and start to starve.
Getting your levels checked with bloodwork so you can adjust your diet might be helpful if you don’t want to stop the cut by the Autumn.

Otherwise, this card indicates a limit that you cannot cross without sustaining damage. But as this is in the future you have a bit of time yet.

  1. North. Ancestors, Death, The Past. Winter. “Destruction”
    The power of destruction has been moving in your past, or a difficult event brought an ending to something, that is relevant to your health today. Destruction isn’t bad when clears away the old to allow in the new. It occurs to me that destroying fat cells and flushing out toxins while building more muscle fits that description.

But you don’t want to overdo it and it could be talking about injury, so your caution is well placed. You have initiated a process that uses natural destructive forces and here is a risk to your energy that affects performance.

  1. Union. Biggest Influence on the subject, Relationships, Input. “Unraveller”
    The Unraveller is power and substance unchecked. So this is a power that speaks to loss of control of a process. I can be through lack of discipline or self indulgence, and causes decay and dissolution of the situation.

If your regimen is too strict, loosening it invokes the power of the Unraveller to unbind you, if you’re about to lose control, the Unraveller is warning you. It could mean be cautious not to sustain a sports injury from pushing too much power through underfed muscles while you finish your cut, but if your ATP and ketones are low this seems unlikely.

It looks like sofar the cut has been very healing, but now you’re nearing the end or a block to continuing this cut without a change in diet to sustain it better or hurting yourself. There isn’t an issue with lack of energy so much as the destruction leading into an unraveling. You want to keep the wanted parts of the destruction, and avoid it going too far.

Perhaps your inner nutrition stores are depleted? You’re not hitting the guradians just yet, so you have time to research, and bringing in new ideas is advised, ideally by the end of summer you should have the answers. (You might also get good info if you get your blood vitamin and electrolyte levels checked and compare to what they were before, if you know. )

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A post was merged into an existing topic: That Moment When 8: Strange days stranger nights

thank you very much😃!!!

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I’ll take a reading if you’re not full up. :smiley:

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Hey can you give me a reading about my situation with what’s causing me pain and drainage please

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My bad, I always assumed she was a guy lol.

Aha I see :rofl::rofl:
Your reading was deep, Guy!!


Friendly reminder to keep posts on topic please, particularly as this is a “working thread”.

Don’t forget we do have an off topic chat thread here :smiley:
Feel free to pile in, it will lock at 10,000 posts and we’ll make another one.


Here is the current list, I’m getting through it slowly but surely. This is basically my daily magick practice for the foreseeable. :smiley:

[Removed list as it’s out of date]

A thread like this can get confusing and I’m trying to keep up with maintaining it. If you update your question, I’m updating your original post and removing the 2nd, to make sure I don’t forget and read the wrong thing when I get there.

Hey! No nagging any Mulberrys, I’m going as fast as I can :joy:


Hey @Mulberry

If you have a reading left :slight_smile:

I feel that first where I live needed to change, now I get the same feeling with work. Will that come and has it to do with my spiritual path?

Thank you

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Yep, I’m going to just keep it open and keep reading until the list peters out. It means there’s a long wait for some people as I’m doing 1 to 3 a day on average, but I’ve got a careful eye on this list and I’m not leaving anyone out. :slight_smile:


All the time of the world, no hurry :slight_smile:

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Why am I not in the list?

Hey now, be nice, I just missed it. Got it now.


I was upset by it too! Some people make you feel your getting paid for it.

:smiley: :smiley:

Besides that; I really appreciate the time and effort you are putting into this, and reading the comments of those who got their readings makes me cannot wait for mine. Looking forward to it and thank you for your offer. Be blessed


Heya, super cool concept and deck! Please add me to the list, seems like it’ll make for an interesting read

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Hello. Can I get a reading for healing? Dealing with a spirit. Thank you.