Free readings using the Quareia Deck [Closed for new requests, backlog in progress]

Using the general reading again, for this as a spiritual situation.

A card popped out during shuffling: “Premonition”
always pay attention to cards that pop out like this, they are the cards saying *“yes, but, you should know this first”.

The Premonition card shows a Bean Sidhe, pronounced “BAN shee” and in Celtic lore, hearing her cry is a warning for families, usually of a death in the family. To quote the book:

Given the question is about your father starting a magickal working, and how this affects your family, the card is very exact… a more positive spin is in the highlighted paragraph. There’s something about this that could attract problems.

Let’s keep reading and see what else the cards have to say… focus is on how you could navigate this situation for your highest good.

Another card popped out: Creator/Keeper of Time. This is saying you’re at the start of something new. It has started already. Boundaries and a line of “fate” are forming now.

  1. Center: The Subject. “Inner Sanctum”
    This is the place inside you that holds your spark of divinity, a safe, sacred place of stillness. In this position it could be indicating a need to meditate, turn within and be still. But it could represent the temple being created, which already exists in the astral as an idea, and how that needs to be manifested as a still and sacred space.

  2. East: Initiation. Spring. “Baiif”
    A card of loss. The Bailif takes, it could be dues that are taken, but could be something stolen. This reinforces the warning in “Premonition”. This loss is necessary or unavoidable, and it’s early in the process.

  3. South. Future, Work, Summer. “Home & Hearth”
    Literally your home and family. It’s not saying much other than the reading is relevant to the question.

(Boring I know: The cards feel reluctant having given the important drop, and I’m pushing them for more. They’re being a bit “What, I just told you?” but in a nice way. :slight_smile:

  1. West. Home, Ageing, Autumn, Legacy. “Limiter”
    It looks like a sword, but it’s talking about limiting power. Like you regulate gas to an engine so it doesn’t get flooded and stall, too much magickal power flowing through a person not used to it can cause imbalance and ill health. It could work in a couple of ways… Your father may need to work within his limits, contain the power he calls with voodoo, in order to stay in control, but it could also mean another mage or an entity is trying to bind him and limit his success, or another limiting dynamic is in play. We need more information to judge if this is helpful or an necessary block. It is again associated with the home and family in this position.

  2. North. Ancestors, Death, The Past. Winter. “Spirit Guide”
    This is a spirit that has been with you for some time acting as a guide or guardian. It is linked to the land, and could be a spirit or a family member (ancestor) that passed on… pay attention to your dreams and intuition for messages, as this can also represent your subconscious/higher self guiding you.

  3. Union. Biggest Influence on the subject, Relationships, Input. “Inspiration”
    Represented by a waterfall, life giving, cool, sacred water, and a very good card. You create through inspiration. There is a deeper source of creativity than just the mind, I would say this is the heart. You have heart, or you must cultivate heart, and channel your creative forces to navigate this situation.

Overall, my feeling is your father will be more successful than expected: he could be biting off more than he can chew. All will be well if he exercises some caution, walks before he runs, and controls the amount of energy he allows through at any one time.
A setback and some loss is expected, a fee has been asked for, but the family will recover.

Ensuring the help of “The Limiter” in the form of Papa Legba seems advisable to prevent interference or overload, he is the intermediary.
For yourself you can also help balance the energies flowing through your home, family and the temple, lend your weight magically for a healthful outcome, using your creativity and heart. Pay attention to energetic imbalances and do what you can to pour oil on troubled waters.

  1. Center: The Subject. “Female Warrior”
    Described as the light that shines out of the darkness, destructive regeneration but it is chaos being defended against, power from the deepest darkness, and the wielder of the sword called The Limiter we just saw in the last reading.
    There is a feminine, guardian and yin quality to the work tat needs to be allowed to manifest, or an aspect of yourself that needs to come out of the darkness and fight.

  2. East: Initiation. Spring. “Mother Earth”
    This is an “everything is ok” card, and an indicator of success and completion.
    It can also be an invitation, in this contacts to work with the dragon lines, or ley lines also called the Earth grid, a network of energy lines like meridians over the Earth as an extension of dragon magick. A “don’t forget me” thing.

  3. South. Future, Work, Summer. “Magical Attack”
    This represents a hostile energy. In this context it’s possible you have contacted a nature spirit that is not interested, in which case find out what the problem is and resolve that. If you are attacking or engaged in battle, now is not a good time, especially if the opponent is magickal, best to simply remove unwanted energy and disregard it.

  4. West. Home, Ageing, Autumn, Legacy. “Elder”
    Someone with wisdom and experience, and can represent your own deep inner knowledge. It can literally mean an old person or tat you will live a long life. In this position it’s reinforced, and in context of the question the work with dragons will be a life’s work bringing wisdom as you age into it.

  5. North. Ancestors, Death, The Past. Winter. “Imprisoner”
    Hmn, there’s a lot here. The Imprisoner is the opposite of the Light Bearer, it shuts things down instead of releasing them to freedom, so it’s a control structure. It could indicate bindings on the practitioner that can now be removed. It holds back life and time, which is sometimes helpful at the right time. It could be saying there’s something that was put on ice, as this is the past, but maybe no longer needs to be held back.

  6. Union. Biggest Influence on the subject, Relationships, Input. “Archon & Aion”
    These are keepers of a threshold that it’s unwise to cross at this time, as the energy the other side is overwhelming. This speaks to the Imprisoner card being there as a helpful thing. The advice is only to pause and wait, not give up or go back.

Overall positive but there’s a feeling of pushing against a barrier to the full power for a long time, which needs to be there for now, and will take a lifetime to master. All is well, and the work is successful, keep working on yourself and gain the strength to handle the forces in the next stage of the work. The invitation to work with dragon lines of the Earth seems connected to this development.

Re the Magical Attack, and given we know all is well, and the Parasite card has not appeared, I’m not sure you are the one under attack exactly, maybe there’s something going on in your environment that is upsetting the dragons and/or natural flow of Earth energy and you can help. I’m wondering if you have been testing his barrier presented by the Imprisoner and received a knockback because of it. In this case it’s ideal to stop testing it for now and do something else to keep learning before trying again.

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Hi I’d like to have a general reading too :slight_smile:

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I heard her kind of scream in my lucid dream months ago but okay…:slightly_smiling_face:

On point…

Properly acknowledged…

It’s most likely our ancestral spirit, ‘Bondye’ I suppose.

Thank you for taking some time, your reading has been more than accurate…

Most definitely

Thanks man, this is accurate and helpful, makes a lot of sense but the death part scares me.

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I would like one if its cool as well😌 how should I overcome my apprehension regarding working with spirits and my ability to hear them?


@Mulberry If it’s not too much to ask could I add a bit to my original question? After reading mei’s response it reminded me that I would also like to get better at manifesting the things that I desire. I understand if you would rather me stick to the original question though. :+1:

No problem! Updated and removing the 2nd post for readability.


Hi @Mulberry !!

Would it be possible for me to have one too, please? Whenever you have time.

It has been extremely difficult for me (for at least the last half a year) to get myself to work on any rituals. Why is this happening and how can I overcome it? Any type of Magick or spirit that would be better for me to focus on right now to get over this situation?

Thanks a lot for any help!

  1. Center: The Subject. “Resources”
    Refers to limited resources including health, qi, money, food, time etc. Resources are a focus for some reason, this may be saying you have the resources you need, as nothing in this position means lack.

  2. East: Initiation. Spring. “Shamaness”
    A female mage connected to the Earth, or a normally yang and/or male mage in a state of receiving. This is a stage of magickal development that invites the practitioner to work with the “old ways” and the land, to get help form Nature and Earth.

Side note:
Is it me, or is this “work with Earth” message coming up as almost a theme so far? I wonder if my own Earthy energy is coloring the cards a bit, or whether its a sign of the times, and the Earth reaching out through me and the cards. :thinking: … Let me know what you think below?

  1. South. Future, Work, Summer. “Faerie King”
    Bit of a trickster in the future here, possible an invite to work with the Fae, the spirits in the land but could be a warning of interference and naughtiness. It could also point to a human who will be unreliable or unstable in the near future,possibly even yourself. It’s a bit all over the place this one, but I’d say, in all cases, be extra careful this month and protect your energy from waste… Maybe keep a weather eye out for parasites, you might be on someone’s radar.

  2. West. Home, Ageing, Autumn, Legacy. “Holder of Light”
    I read this as a variation on the Higher Self or HGA of Crowley’s lore. It’s the spirit we remember as our core self in between incarnations. This card’s description though is more about completion and sanctuary, and is saying something will be completed in a divine and magickal sense: it is done, and so it is, and it is good. Perhaps a long running working reaches it’s final success? So mote it be.

  3. North. Ancestors, Death, The Past. Winter. “Pure Balance”
    This energy is personified as an angelic being representing perfect balance between the Ahrimanic Imprisoner energies, and the Luciferian Light Bearer energies. It implies the cards around it, (I’m looking at you, trickster) are about balance and don’t need to be feared as a problem. Things have already come into balance, and they may be working through you so you can help maintain balance, in yourself and others, in he magickal and the mundane.

  4. Union. Biggest Influence on the subject, Relationships, Input. “River of Dreams”
    Dreamwork: either you’re doing a lot of it very well already, and/or are encouraged to do more as it’ll be a successful technique for you. A dream diary if you don’t have one is a good idea, and maybe read back over old dreams as it’s time, and they may yield thier messages now.

I get the impression of energy that is quite compartmentalised in general, but in dreaming they come together and are all nevertheless in perfect balance. There is plenty of success forthcoming, maybe a little challenge at the same time where if you get into the shamanic Earth currents, and where some energies can be tricky at first you’ll master it. Resources are a question but with the higher self and balance cards in play you will be provided for: follow your inner guidance to gather what you need.

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thank you so much ! right on spot about the earth energies , I felt a pull trough the old ways , also started to study runes and plan to work some more with faes and beings of the forest :slight_smile:

very true !

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Hello! Id love to have one if possible, any messages from my spirit guides or a general read please thank you!

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I asked the cards position to highlight something missing or that you should know.

  1. Center: The Subject. “Underworld Forest”
    Interesting concept here, it’s a transitional place in the astral where the underworld for the dead/ancestors, the past and Faery border each other, with rivers sources here flowing away into these other realms. It’s implying this working has deep roots in the past and the land, and some energy is passing out of the manifest world now and sinking into the past and the land. It acknowledges you are working with something painful in a very spiritual and magickal way.

  2. East: Initiation. Spring. “Healer”
    This could be re[presenting you in the role of healer, which fits, and/or the power of healing flowing into your life like water. “The card appears when the person has started or is about to step into a healing process”… which we know, so I take this as a simple verification the reading is on target :slight_smile:
    (I totally promise I didn’t fudge this! these cards are a lil spooky even for me lol)

  3. South. Future, Work, Summer. “Home & Hearth”
    This card makes a big deal of telling you how simple it is, it’s just about the home and family, a period of rest and relaxation. There’s a feeling of it saying, home and family are important, to you and to the working, so take all the time you need. Maybe this period of rest is part of the healing. It seems to be saying you want not stress yourself right now, as much as that’s possible. The path of the seeker will call again soon enough.

  4. West. Home, Ageing, Autumn, Legacy. “Ghost”
    This card is confirming your sense that there is something, but specifically in the sense that you are “not seeing someone or some being for how they truly are”. It may be alerting you to there being either a ghost or some level of impostor inserting itself into the working to take advantage of the energy. However, there is another card for “Parasite”, so it’s not that, more like an opportunist, or maybe a lost soul that needs help, a firm instruction to move along should remove the influence.

  5. North. Ancestors, Death, The Past. Winter. “Star Father”
    Interesting: as this card means a new and as yet unformed potential of power is coming into expression, and the position indicates this already happened. It’s an energy that wants to give out, unfold and create. It’s the Seed of Life or the Vesica Pisces in sacred geometry. You can do anything you want to do building from this as it’s the starting point for all expression in the universe.

    I feel like this is talking about your art, knowing you’re an artist, and I wonder if there’s a healing effect in your artistic life that is going untapped. I also recall a mystic called Steve Rother posits the idea based on his healing work, that artists must create, that if they don’t create enough, their creative force can close in on them, kind of, get wound up in front of them, and cause depression and illness through that stagnant energy, that it needs an outlet and to be allowed to flow.

  6. Union. Biggest Influence on the subject, Relationships, Input. “Female Warrior”
    The light that shines out of intense darkness, a powerful sorceress who holds her sword, The Limiter which acts to hold the bloodlust in check, but she can go where others fear to tread. She’s a defender, as strong as a Tiger defending her cubs. This card says “fight!”. I think this card is representing you in this situation, and basically says “you’re the Warrior; you’re doing it”.

I’m reading “Ghost” as the “missing” info, that you have a stowaway, but it’s not a big change of focus, more like a hump in the road. There’s a lot of encouragement, and a feeling of independence, all the energy is your own and under your full command, and it’s very strong. There’s an idea that you might like to try using more art than usual, maybe to help process but more as an outlet for your creative energy as not expressing it could be causing energy buildup that’s unhelpful. We also see a big emphasis on taking care of yourself, destressing and getting enough time resting and relaxing at home and/or with the family. :slight_smile:

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It makes sense, but I need to sleep and I’ll process this when I have a minute. Thank you it seems to be on point ass far as my sight will see atm, but I’m inebriated atm and would prefer to address it from a straight pov and ensure I comprehended what I read. Thank you, I’m certain this fits- most likely in ways I can’t even see yet.

I’ve seen some unreal shit via cards the last ten days or so for sure, don’t throw it because it sounds crazy or too on point. I’m sure it’s something that will help me :slight_smile:

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  1. Center: The Subject. “Regenerator”
    This is a cup, a vessel, that brings the energy of regeneration, renewal, growth and rebirth, I want to say, the water of life. It’s talking about the end of a period of struggle, and the beginning of growth and renewal, like Spring after Winter. This is the sphere of influence around you as a questioner for this reading.

  2. East: Initiation. Spring. “Archon & Aion”
    These are gatekeepers to the abyss, and their appearance here says it’s not the best time to cross the threshold now. You might be pushing something a little bit too fast a bit too soon. The limit could be physical, mental, energetic, financial or space/time, and it’s temporary, but waiting and reevaluating is a good idea right now.

  3. South. Future, Work, Summer. “Elder”
    This indicates the presence of an old or wise person with great understanding and experience worth hearing. As it’s the future card, it could be saying you will live a long life. You have plenty of time to develop all the wisdom you want and need. There’s no rush, it will come in time.

  4. West. Home, Ageing, Autumn, Legacy. “Priestess Magician”
    This is a occultist expressing yin or feminine energy through a left brained or masculine current. It cold be either an aspect of your inner self in how you manifest your reality, or something worth developing. It’s talking about having an analytical and well controlled attitude, but while still being softer and allowing, which is a great combination. You may be working towards the leadership role of the Hierophant.

  5. North. Ancestors, Death, The Past. Winter. “Mystic”
    Similar to The Hermit in Tarot, the Mystic is expressing a more self reliant and solitary energy, thoughtful, and working deep and long with the inner realms. As this is in the past, it may indicate a period where you didn’t feel understood by those around you who were not studying the mysteries, or couldn’t sense them at all, but that has passed by.

  6. Union. Biggest Influence on the subject, Relationships, Input. “Inspiration”
    This card says a great flow of inspiration like a waterfall is coming. The creative impulse is coming from the unseen realms and it could manifest through art, poetry, stories or magickal workings. It’s coming through because of your own balance and harmony with the universe, and will bring evolution to your soul, which is the combination of mind, body and spirit.

Overall there’s a feeling of hitting a wall, you’ve come far on your journey and the current path has reached it’s natural end for now. In order to develop past the block a new period of unfolding is coming. You are no longer going to find it hard to be understood by anyone as inspiration will flow into your words and your works. That inspiration will also lead you to the next area of study that will be the key to the gate through to the abyss. Follow your heart, as that’s how inspiration flows through into the soul.

Can you describe an spiritual path that would be suitable for me in this moment?
Thanks in advanced

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Can I please read about my future and how my chosen spiritual path will develop? Thanks.

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Card popped out: “Unraveller”
The Unraveller represents abundance to the point that self indulgence becomes tempting and things are not maintained, entropy gets to them and they fade and die. It’s a self sabotaging energy if allowed to run unchecked. Something in your life is in the early stages of dissolution and you have plenty of leeway to let it rot: if you are aware of it it’s a good time to reign it in and get it back on track.

Funnily enough you have two cards in the same positions as alakir.

  1. Center: The Subject. “Regenerator”
    This is a cup, a vessel, that brings the energy of regeneration, renewal, growth and rebirth… It’s talking about the end of a period of struggle, and the beginning of growth and renewal, like Spring after Winter. This is the sphere of influence around you as a questioner for this reading. Given the volunteer card, this new energy wants to be understood and used to advantage not allowed to run amok.

  2. East: Initiation. Spring. “Elder”
    An old or wise person, maybe a mentor is around and has information that can help you if you listen to them, ask them about their experiences and hear how they worked through thier problems, might e useful to know for the future.

  3. South. Future, Work, Summer. “Hierophant”
    This is a mystical person who is able to help others as a bridge between the occulted and manifest worlds. This card, especially in this position, is saying you are about to undergo a period of major development in your magickal and spiritual understanding… whatever you’re doing keep doing it, that’s pretty awesome! :smiley:

  4. West. Home, Ageing, Autumn, Legacy. “Inner Librarian”
    This is an energy that helps you work with a concept called the Inner Library, which sounds to me to be akin to he Akashic records, and is described as more accessible but related to the Inner or Astral Temple.In this position I’m feeling his is a reminder/invitation to take advantage of the Library to find knowledge that is not accessible on bookshelves or popular sources of material today. An inner contact, helping spirit or guide is available to help you access this part of the human collective unconsious if you want to work with it,which you’ll develop the skills for based on the Hierophant card.

  5. North. Ancestors, Death, The Past. Winter. “Mystic”
    Similar to The Hermit in Tarot, the Mystic is expressing a more self reliant and solitary energy, thoughtful, and working deep and long with the inner realms. As this is in the past, it may indicate a period where you didn’t feel understood by those around you who were not studying the mysteries, or couldn’t sense them at all, but that has passed by.

  6. Union. Biggest Influence on the subject, Relationships, Input. “Priestess Magician”
    This is a occultist expressing yin or feminine energy through a left brained or masculine current. It could be either an aspect of your inner self in how you manifest your reality, or something worth developing. In this position this may be a woman in your life who is bringing this energy into the mix.

The Mystic/Hermit makes sense in light of the Hierophant, who is beyond the confines of religions and orders. But brings even more important to the warning to stay very self disciplined as given by the Unraveller. In balance to this there are the Elder and the Priestess Magician, and in the discarnate reals the Librarian, who are there to support you and bring new energy when it’s needed, but you will have to ask for it sometimes, and if they see you stagnating, they will allow you to choose that way.

If you choose to accept being on the path of the Hierophant, you entire development is very much on you, you may get no accidental mentors like you hear of, when someone goes into a bookshop and leaves having found a teacher for the next 10 years, it’s like you’re already past that, just keep going.

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I’d love a general reading, if you’re up for it!

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I would like a reading as well If convenient for you.

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While this isn’t a scan, lets see what that cards do with it. I’ll treat it as a “health reading”. If there’s a spiritual challenge that explains why you are looking for potential negative entity influence, it should come up.

Straight up, none of the cards talk about parasites, ghosts or other land connected critters being in the mix, so those are possibly there but incidental to the main issue, but are not really a factor.

  1. Center: The Subject. “Disease”
    Ok, we’ve got the cards’ attention. Obvious “on target” confirmation, but there’s more, a feeling that the cards want to be taken seriously on this, so, there’s more.
    This card is talking about deeper imbalances, not your regular cold you can get over with mundane self care. (And I use that word not to be insulting, that’s just the word this system uses to differentiate activity not intended as magickal.) Imbalances can manifest physical dis-ease, and/or magickal aka shamanic illness.
    I’m reading this as saying you feel kinda shitty, which makes sense if you’re asking about parasites.

I think you’d know if you had shamanic illness, as it’s extremely debilitating, makes it hard to function and comes with what the west diagnoses as severe mental disorder like schizophrenia as you can hear spirits, and you wouldn’t have to ask if a parasite is around, you’d be able to hear and maybe see it. We’ll keep reading and see what else the cards say.

So if you’re off kilter because of energy imbalance, working with you energy through yoga or qigong to balance it and learn how it flows so you can feel the blocks and resolve them would be helpful… “healthful” even. :slight_smile: Just staying grounded and running the microcosmic orbit evens out a lot of imbalance for you without you having to get technical about it. It could also be to too intense magickal work you haven’t fully recovered from, eating the wrong foods, being exposed to toxins and stress… remove the imbalance and health will be restored.

Note, some imbalances, particularly emotional ones or those that cause energy to leak, can attract astral entities commonly called “larvae”. They’re not technically parasites, they function to recycle abandoned energy in the astral, but they can mistakenly get attached to leaks and over emotional spillover. You can just pluck them off of you find them in your vision, or they’ll go away when you stop he leak and/ore regulate your emotions so you’re not giving off excesses of energy, positive or negative. Too much mirth is as bad as too much anger for creating imbalance, just rarer.

  1. East: Initiation. Spring. “Staff of the Gods”
    This is the ages staff or wand, a tool for directing energy and spiritual intention, and in this system also connect to potential and the future, but is used passively through the heart connection to the divine not actively by the conscious mind.
    This card is talking about the creative fire in the future and that deity level powers are active in your life, working to open a way forward, but power is coming through for your highest good.

  2. South. Future, Work, Summer. “Fate Holder”
    This is the energy of the Norns, which in my understanding is a metaphor for rivers of probability that kind of magnetically attract and pull you along in thier current. The subject of this reading is about to enter a period where it’s the perfect time to work with it from a perspective of manifesting your reality. A cycle of energy is in progress… swim sideways to get out of the current and make it to shore, not directly against it.

  3. West. Home, Ageing, Autumn, Legacy. “Glamour”
    Something in the direct sphere of influence around you is not what you think it is. It might be you, and an indication that you need to work on knowing yourself, in which case a shadow pathworking, therapy or other project that allows for deep introspection will be beneficial. It might be a magickal tool you put too much reliance on a if it was magick when none of these tools are, its always the practitioner tat makes them so. It might be someone you know is lying to you. In all cases you are distracted by a false premise that’s hindering you from placing your magickal intention where it needs to be.

  4. North. Ancestors, Death, The Past. Winter. “Death”
    Something ended in the past. it’s left a gap, and something else needs to happen to close the gap and allow new energy to enter. As this is in the reading for your current health and possible spiritual causes of ill health, whatever stopped left a space that could be what’s causing this imbalance in your energy referred to by the above cards. Like a wound that needs to heal. It could be a soul fragment driven off by trauma, a person or pet, an opportunity, a relationship, but it’s something significant to affect you this way.
    If it’s a soul fragment, this card appearing now indicates its ready to return, and you can do that using shamanic techniques. We have a “Core Shamanism Tutorial” that give a start on that.

  5. Union. Biggest Influence on the subject, Relationships, Input. “Star Father”
    When the biggest input is this outpouring energy of pure potential, the seed of life itself, it’s a very favourable indication that you have all the energy and support you need coming in to handle anything you want.

You have something quite profound going on, it’s not a simple parasite and you have the opportunity here to study your energy body and get to the root of what’s causing imbalances in that. There’s an energy of loss that has left a space that is asking to be healed, and this seems connected to a current of energy that you are riding. You are strongly supported and do not lack the energy to swim out of this flow of energy and go your own way, if you want to. Otherwise, it will feel better with time, you will stay imbalanced, that will distract you from living your life to your highest good, but it won’t kill you.

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Thanks, I didn’t believe there was a parastite but I had suspicion because I remember reading on Balg that a sensation in your bottom-left leg (like a Charlie horse, idk how else to explain it) meant that your root chakra had something going on such as a parasite attachment. I cannot find that thread anymore. I read it sometime during 2020-21.

I’d like to go deeper with this review but I have to eat lunch now. I might decide to tell you more very soon.