Fine, have clairaudience (clairaudience bootcamp thread)

@TheUmbra This is a good place to start. I also want to pass on a nugget of wisdom from one of the courses of Robert Bruce, specifically the Raising Kundalini and Energy work course; is to hold a finger just underneath your earlobe, it feels like a small pit there according to me, if you feel something vibrating underneath your skin in that area when you are hearing a ringing sound then it’s likely a spirit is trying to talk with you. However, keep in mind that the ringing can just be caused by the sound of silence or really volumes excluding the former regarding volume or deafning silence will help distinguish between spiritual phenomenon versus concidences or triggers that causes similar effects to occur.

Another spiritual thing those could indicate esepcially when coupled with a strobe or several strobes in a chakra, like that of your third eye, it comes in waves and strobes faster and faster until it reaches a pinachle and produces a flash similar to that of a camera, the flash can produce various flashing lights or a big bright flash from behind your closed eye lids. The colors can vary between various shades of purple or blue (indigo), I have experienced more colors than these though (don’t take my word for it though). The former can mean, depending on the color that appears, that some latent abillities are about to-or is activating in that moment. Keep in mind that every chakra can strobe in this way, and it produce a contracting sensation and/or an energization of f.e. the area of our root chakra. The information comes from the former source; Robert Bruce from th same video course, the above is more or less paraphrased from that material. I highly recommend that you check out his stuff because they are great, based on personal experiece the material seem to hold true indeed.

All the best


I hear otherworldy music. From my left ear, the deaf one.

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so many different tones, what do they mean?

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Ive never thought of that before. I will take this nugget of wisdom with BBQ sauce and savor it thank you.


I’m genuinely sorry I haven’t been posting as much. I haven’t been doing this as much as I want to but surprisingly enough I’ve gotten really good results. So far I’m hearing the various pitches throughout the day and consistently around my bed there’s a very very high pitch, so consistency is definitely a factor.usually it comes in while I’m listening to something on YouTube with my earbuds in. I hear the ringing and it’s very faint but it’s very noticeable as well.

I take out my earbuds in and they’re still there, and if I sort of focus on it in a relaxed manner for a few minutes it grows louder and louder. This has happened at least four times today


Awesome, I do get ringing in my ears, it’s rare, but I can feel as if it’s in the back of my throat

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Speech-to-text to text lol

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Will you get the same consistency without listening to yt without earbuds?

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Well if it’s a frequency as long as you can hear it. If it’s subliminal, it honestly depends. I would really really really highly suggest listening to subliminals with earbuds. They aren’t expensive. If you ask for one from your parents if you’re still home bound they will probably get some when they’re out.but if it’s a meditation or a frequency you should be just fine.


Update, big big update. I went out on a walk and I stopped at a bench. It was a long walk, so I was just talking to myself. Suddenly I heard ringing in my left ear. And I sat there for maybe 20 minutes listening to it, playing with it. It was only in my left ear, or at least it mainly. I could sort of hear it in my right ear but it was harder. I soon figured out why.

Your brain literally tunes it out it goes to show you how unreliable your perception can be. You are literally hearing it right now and you don’t even know it. It’s there. I learned how to tune into it, or sort of developed that ability. It doesn’t have to be random anymore. I feel like I’ve developed myself further.


it will be very faint at first. When it feels like it’s dwindling down into nothing. It might feel like it disappears entirely. I assure you, it didn’t. You hear it. Very very softly. You feel as a ringing so that should be a dead giveaway. It gets so soft it’s like you’re listening to silence. But you’re already tuned in. Just pay attention to it for a few minutes and you will grow in skill exponentially


I sense new and bigger results tomorrow.


Im curious if you will ever hear the spirits soon. Keep it up we are with you on the way!


I’ve been working on my clairvoyance and clairaudience a bit here and there for the last couple weeks. I was on LSD the other night (mostly for recreational purposes) and at some point around 2 or 3 AM I had the sudden urge to bring myself to silence in the darkness. I turned off anything I thought could stimulate my physical senses and got into a slight meditative state.

What followed was interesting. I’ve taken acid countless times at this point so I’m aware of what the sound of silence sounds like, and what auditory hallucinations sound like too. What I experienced here was something more, it was a particular frequency or ringing that stayed consistent the more I tuned in. Auditory hallucinations often fluctuate a lot and the sound of silence is a pretty particular pitch, but this was neither of those things, it had a higher frequency it seemed.

The more I focused and tuned in on it the stronger it became and eventually it began transitioning into what sounded like very light whispers. I stayed with it for a few minutes but I couldn’t make out what they were saying at all. Was an interesting experience I thought I’d share.


It’s only a matter of days. =)


YES! This is it, everyone! This is exactly what I was talking about, this is what it sounded like on the full moon, too!!

Good work! =))


I will try tuning in to the random ringing i hear when i do kundalini cultivations to try and see if it relates


Update: I listened to the frequency a lot yesterday.Some big results should be coming in soon, and I can definetely hear a lot of ringing naturally. It’s faint but I don’t even have to try to “tune in”/ It’s already there.

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Its about the same for me. I hear a constant low volume ring when there is no other sound. Other times it’s more pronounced and sharper.


I guess we gotta keep up the good work?